E-Mail Forum |
Gone Fishin' August 12, 2008 |
The E-FORUM will most likely be on vacation for a couple of weeks while Shirley and I head down to Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park for some hiking, camping, fly fishing and just relaxing. We’ve never been there before and are looking forward to it. We’ll mostly be out of cell phone and wi-fi range.
Meanwhile, I have been advised by City Clerk Diane Holmes that “The County Elections Department has confirmed you as a qualified candidate for the Richmond City Council at the November 4, 2008, Municipal Election.”
Thanks to some scrambling by David Moore of Sincere Design, my website, www.tombutt.com, has received the first top to bottom revamping in four years. Take a look at it. You can click on “Endorsements” to see who is supporting our campaign; click on “Accomplishments” to find out what we have been doing the last four years; click on “Platform” to find out what is left to be done; click on “E-Forum” to see what has been happening and, last but not least, click on “Contribute” to help fund the campaign or offer volunteer services.
If you need to contact me for campaign purposes, email Shawn Masten at smasten25@yahoo.com or call her at (510) 387-2320. In case of emergency, call my office at 510/236-7435.
See you in September. |