Tom Butt
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  Cecilia King's Extraordinary Senior Trip - March 9, 1941
March 9, 2025

Beginning on November 1, 2024, which is the date of my mother’s first letter from her Hawaii trip 84 years ago, I am serializing day by day, the book, Cecilia King’s Extraordinary Senior Trip, which you can obtain from Amazon in either Kindle or paperback.

I hope you enjoy the upcoming nine-months in Hawaii 1940-41. You can order the entire book from Amazon in either paperback or Kindle format, click here.

Honolulu, Sunday, March 9, 1941

Sunday morning –

And a perfectly lovely day! It looks finally as if spring had arrived and we’ll be having more of those mild, sunny, breezy days. Last night down at the Pavilion Club it was wonderful – Moon, trade winds, and warm enough to dance outside. Had loads of fun – max & I had dinner there, then after dinner Bob hand, Walt & Mary “dropped” in – and poor, O.D., Holland (he is on guard nearly five days a week – there are only seven officers on the DeRussy for O.D.
[1] and Holland always has it) joined our table – then Gen. Cummins & Beverly Covell & another Schofield couple gathered around & we had quite a party. Of course, they would have to have the 64th Coast Orchestra playing -- & they’re positively the lousiest on the island. About eight pieces, always off key & out of tune & timing.

Yesterday afternoon I went down to the pavilion with Max, Beaver & some new 8th Field officer. Max felt awfully bad about leaving me alone while they went for a swim. But I joined Bob Dunlop, Holland, Randy & the usual DeRussy loafers round table & was having a delicious time when my “chums” reappeared & was in no hurry to rejoin them. So Max proceeded to get very jealous & unappreciative of my “frauds!

Anyhoo – Dunlop & I got rebeloved & he asked me for a date next Sat. night which I couldn’t give him. Max finally gave up & joined the party & we stayed down there till dark. Came home with fifteen minutes to dress for dinner. Speaking of dressing & dresses – the latest femme fad in “Army Honolulu” is evening clothes made form parachutes (flare ones) – they’re quite sheer white material with a lovely sheen to it. Maybe I can persuade Worley to get me a parachute. And – still in clothes – those fancy Napoleon buttons on my rose dress are causing more comment than anything I’ve worn in ages.

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George Cummings just called for a tennis game – so I guess I’d better dress & have some lunch. We probably won’t be able to get a court at Kapiolani park – but it’s a good idea to try/ Wish I had one of Rosie’s Ruger hamburgers –

[1] Officer of the Day