Tom Butt
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  Cecilia King's Extraordinary Senior Trip - March 6, 1941
March 6, 2025

Beginning on November 1, 2024, which is the date of my mother’s first letter from her Hawaii trip 84 years ago, I am serializing day by day, the book, Cecilia King’s Extraordinary Senior Trip, which you can obtain from Amazon in either Kindle or paperback.

I hope you enjoy the upcoming nine-months in Hawaii 1940-41. You can order the entire book from Amazon in either paperback or Kindle format, click here.

Honolulu, Wednesday, March 5, 1941

I just got both your letters and am so excited over all the news and birthday packages & everything! ----so I am quick finishing this letter so I can send it air mail as you wanted me to. It’s nice that I’m out of notebook paper so can send this “regular” on in clipper stefo.

Am so happy that your Dallas trip was so pleasant – and. Lady, you’re getting awfully spiffy – going to Hawaiian rooms and such. In all your tours, how about keeping an ear open for someone’s “nice, handsome, sonny” for me? I’ve set an entirely & new & unheard of precedent of being in Honolulu 5 months & not married – so you’re liable to have one of those animals called bachelor girls (nice way to say old maid, isn’t it?) on your hands. Seriously, as you’ve probably noted in my chatterings – I’ve met some awfully nice men, but am far from considering marrying any of them at this point. Even in the last two weeks Max has jumped to second place to make room for Dunlop – and in a few weeks it may be someone else entirely. Besides, I’m having too much fun playing around with everybody, to settle down to any one even though he should boast the blue ribbon of the day or week.

I haven’t spent the check before this yet or this one –but have a necessity list to cover almost all of them both –haven’t been to town for six weeks (except once) on account of strike, cold, etc. Am having a new top put on my striped chiffon skirt -- & a new tail on my white & red taffeta – the whole sailor fitted – buttons, razors, a new evening slip for gypsy chiffon – aloha leis – will send it itemized as soon as I get my bookkeeping arranged. Any-hoo – thanks for
the new check – I was about to break in on my Christmas $20.00. If I don’t spend it on something, it’ll just happen out in a moments necessity.

I am absolutely crazy about my blue shoes – they feel heavenly. And can hardly wait to see the birthday red slippers & dress – honestly, you’re wonderful to send me all these lovely, lovely things.

Guess this sheet is all the 20 cent limit allows – so will close – just got a letter from Carol with a Happy Birthday bill enclosed! And am going to write her & Pink right away.

Hope your cold weather has let up & you are both well.

With much love, Cecilia

A piece of paper with handwriting    Description automatically generated

A letter from a person    Description automatically generated

Figure 51 - Note from sister Carol (Cecilia’s Scrapbook)
A paper with writing on it    Description automatically generated

A close-up of a certificate    Description automatically generated

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Figure 53 - The Three Musketeers (From Cecilia's Scrapbook)

A birthday card with a cartoon planet    Description automatically generated

A cartoon dog with big glasses    Description automatically generated