| Beginning on November 1, 2024, which is the date of my mother’s first letter from her Hawaii trip 84 years ago, I am serializing day by day, the book, Cecilia King’s Extraordinary Senior Trip, which you can obtain from Amazon in either Kindle or paperback.
I hope you enjoy the upcoming nine-months in Hawaii 1940-41. You can order the entire book from Amazon in either paperback or Kindle format, click here.

Honolulu, Tuesday, March 4, 1941
Tuesday –
Just came in from seeing the transport, “Republic” off/ It was quite thrilling! All the men and officers – M.Ps, all over the docks and streets. Lines of fat Hawaiian women holding out their goods of brilliant fragrant leis – a military orchestra pivoting around. God Bless America and Aloha Oe. A general was leaving, which greatly accentuated excitement and show. Max and I bought armloads of tube roses & carnation leis – to bid Aloha to Ike and Betsy --.
It's surely going to be a sad day when I climb on a little ship &, with a kiss and lei, am sent back across the Pacific. Even then, I’ll be with strong hope that I might return to Hawaii.
After getting one last wav and aloha from the docks, we went back down the street to get the car – hen by Kau Kau for a quick lunch & so home.
Got an airmail (dopey) letter from Max this AM just before he arrived in person –asking for a date tonight but the Major is giving a dinner for Beaver so the plans are all out. He goes out in the field tomorrow until the 15th probably at nearby Ruger for a day or two, & is asking me out for a picnic the officers are having while out.
After Bob D. got back to camp Sun night he called & made a date for Thurs. (Which promised me a very happy birthday celebration). Then last night I (having no fever) settled down in the living room to write letters etc., when in he walked, in field uniform. Said nothing doing at camp & he just wanted to see me – so we sat & chatted then went out or a sandwich. Honestly, he’s the most unpredictable human I’ve ever imagined & can irritate me no end – yet I’m always very glad to see him popping up ---- Thus. Night we’re having dinner & staying to dance guess where? The Royal Hawaiian no less! Their prices aren’t at all appealing to a Lt’s pay – so it’s really quite a favor!
I certainly did enjoy wearing my new rose dress down to the “ship sailing” this morning – it’s a perfect fit – and felt so cool and crisp.
Mandy Allison called for a tennis game this morning – but I didn’t feel quite strong enough to accept the challenge – especially after all the excitement and standing at the docks, when my knees felt quite “wobbly.”
Is there any chance if I came home in May of your all’s taking a little vacation trek out to Los Angeles to meet me? I don’t see why not – you’ve been wanting a trip west for some time and it’s be spring -- & would I love to see you!!
Think I’ll be coming about then – because A. Susan isn’t coming until November & Uncle Ed a year from August. But I don’t want to rush home on the spur of the moment’s inspiration because, after all, when I leave this wonderful place – I’ll be gone – an with no return ticket.
Well – having exhausted my news supply and mental ramblings, guess I’d better get up and dress for dinner.
That’s a good picture “women in the news” |