| Beginning on November 1, 2024, which is the date of my mother’s first letter from her Hawaii trip 84 years ago, I am serializing day by day, the book, Cecilia King’s Extraordinary Senior Trip, which you can obtain from Amazon in either Kindle or paperback.
I hope you enjoy the upcoming nine-months in Hawaii 1940-41. You can order the entire book from Amazon in either paperback or Kindle format, click here.

Honolulu, Sunday, March 16, 1941
Sunday –
I just got your letter Friday after I had written this & I haven’t had a chance since to finish it. About the rugs – there is a Persian rug shop here with those Chinese hooked rugs – then finally Chinese rug branch. The latter is A. Susan’s choice of rugs – but they will be as expensive (almost) here as on the mainland --- but I will investigate this week & let you know. Pices of the bowls I suggested are from $5.00 for small individual ones to $60.00 for the large ones – and they are beautiful. Lahala purses about $4.00 with wooden initials $5.00. I am going to bring home at least a dozen lahala luncheon mats & glass holders -- & we can settle ownership on them.
I’m going to shop around somewhat this week because I’m devoting the first four days to getting all my clothes shipshape – altered, mended & cleaned. And several items have come up that am going to have to use birthday funds for & pinch a little to break even. Jackie Hefflebower got married last night & there’s a shower for her Friday – my “patched” tennis racquet practically fell to pieces yesterday, the old strings left in it were so rotten – then there is waist altering on the new dresses & a general or the organdy – Whew! Things have certainly piled up for this week! And about three cleaning bills coming up.
I will call on the Hudsons as soon as I get a chance – don’t think A. Susan is interested in going, so I’ll trek over to the Pleasanton sometime this week. And I must call on Miss Wing, too.
The new goblets certainly must be lovely -- & the plates. What are the movies of the hooking for? I think that’s wonderful -- & an air cooled summer hooking place will be marvelous!
I have to wash my hair – unpack weekend clothes & jillions of other things this afternoon so had better make this a little hasty – but I had just thought of all those things I wanted to mention.
Friday night went out to the Field A. hop at Scho. With George – had a wonderful time – met millions of new people (he’s in the 8th & without a doubt they have some of the queerest looking bachelors in the Army – pock-marked Zorochsroy, & dopey Sea Cat & several others). Met a Mrs. (Johnson, I think) from Pine Bluff. Her husband heard someone teasing me about being from Ark. & told her -- & she came over & introduced herself. Very attractive little blond.
I had on my pink organdy & certainly did get lots of compliments on it – Max & Bob Hand were present & looking out for me -- & Rick -- & and Air Corps or two. Anyhoo I had no scarcity for dancing partners. You would think they had been on Midway or some such rock all their lives, the way bachelors flock around any half-way attractive girls here – al all the club tables, two or three girls and at least ten men.
Spent the night with Bobbie & Vince Elmore – got up about noon yesterday & had lunch at the club with George & two of his chums – then we played tennis, came back to Elmores about five with blistered hands & feet & a broken tennis racquet & thoroughly sick of George grasping my hand, gazing at me & saying Gee you’re wonderful.
Last night Max & I had a sizzling steak dinner at Kemoos – with Mary & Walt. Then we met Bob Hand & went to the post theater (rather, one of three movies there to see The Philadelphia Story – it was absolutely wonderful. After the movie, we went back to Kemoos to chat around, then over to the Schofield Club. They had a West Point Dinner there -- & between that & the after theater dance crowd – the place was packed & buzzing. Saw Jickey & her groom – to wish them a happy landing.
The smoke & crowd finally drove us out & we started Honolulu-ward. Max & Bob were both tired & blue & homesick last night so I played Little Sun Beam the entire evening & with the aid of the movie – finally got them jollied up a bit.
Had the loveliest lei last night – jasmine – so fragrant and dainty. Looked pretty with my chartreuse chiffon.
Max wanted me to stay out for a picnic today – but I had a date with Bob Dunlop for supper. Think we’re going out to Waialai. We finally settled for next Thurs. & Sat. & April 9 (his birthday – he’s having a table of “cousins” at the club party that night for the cabaret.
Whillikers! – it’s two o’clock & I haven’t even started on my “jobs” so had

Actually “lauhala” woven from dried palm leaves