Tom Butt
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  Cecilia King's Extraordinary Senior Trip - March 10, 1941
March 10, 2025

Beginning on November 1, 2024, which is the date of my mother’s first letter from her Hawaii trip 84 years ago, I am serializing day by day, the book, Cecilia King’s Extraordinary Senior Trip, which you can obtain from Amazon in either Kindle or paperback.

I hope you enjoy the upcoming nine-months in Hawaii 1940-41. You can order the entire book from Amazon in either paperback or Kindle format, click here.

Honolulu, Monday, March 10, 1941

Monday –

I just got that glorious package – have never seen so many lovely clothes at once! I didn’t dream you were sending so much – and that green organdy is the daintiest, prettiest one imaginable – it absolutely looks good enough to eat. The red shoes are honeys and fit beautifully – and the three dresses – well – I just don’t see how you pick out such perfect things – and they-re all a perfect fit even. Except for a few inches largeness in the waist – I especially like the rose print crepe.

Honestly, I’m so thrilled over them. All that I’m “sorta doppy” on the subject. Can hardly wait to get the organdy fitted and on – and really & truly just can’t thank you enough for them all. I’m certainly enjoying the new navy blue pumps, too.

Mrs (Bobby) Elmore just called saying Bob Hand would be in for me tomorrow. We’re going out to the 13th Field camp for chop suey – then I’m spending the night with her at Schofield.

Had loads of fun yesterday – George & I played tennis at DeRussy – I was in good form & we banged the balls back & forth, hard and low. He enjoyed it too – so much in fact that we didn’t come home till six & then with a date for the movies -- & two hours later he remembered a 6:60 dinner party date at Schofield & was quite upset about it.

In between tennis sets we coked up at the Pavilion Club – then detoured by Southerlands for a chocolate ice cream cone. Started to the Waikiki to see Katherine Hepburn in the Phila. Story but couldn’t get seats & it was too late for another movie so we wasted the next few hours deciding not to go to Hawaiian Town, the Young & Trader Vic’s – a Kau Kau cheeseburger & so home.

I’m going out to the Schofield hop with him Friday nite & play tennis the next day – that night stay out for a date with max & home Sun.

Best Honolulu sign of the week: In a Japanese store downtown I started up the second floor to the silk department. Starting up the only escalator in the city – my way was barred by a huge sign “People with bare feet will please not use the escalator.”

But then, one gets used to strange things. I never thought I’d be walking down Waikiki Avenue in shorts – with bare feet & eating an ice cream cone – in company with a very handsome young man, barefooted, in shorts with a very loud Kelly green sport coat on. Or seeing at three o’clock in the afternoon a woman on the street bedraped in yards of peach chiffon with jeweled trimmings - covering her head & arms – to her feet.

Guess I’d better start financial statementing:

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By the way – guess what my latest interest is? Palmistry! Aunt Susan has this marvelous book on it – I picked it up casually one day for a peek and read solidly for five hours. It’s really quite extraordinary!

Speaking of my coming home – I suggested to Uncle Ed the other day that I come home on a Pres. Line boat – just to see the other line – this one will be coming from the Orient to the U.S. and he suggested that if you don’t meet me at the coast that it might be a good idea for me to catch a fruit boat from San F. through the canal & to New Orleans, which sounded very wonderful to me – so I thought I’d relay it over to Arkansas.

Running out of paper – so guess I’d better close -- & start cleaning out my closets (have to have a neat place for all those wonderful new clothes) and bring my washing in – then settle down for some more palistry study. Thanks again for the grand presents.

Lots of Love, Cecilia