Tom Butt
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  Cecilia King's Extraordinary Senior Trip - March 1, 1941
March 1, 2025

Beginning on November 1, 2024, which is the date of my mother’s first letter from her Hawaii trip 84 years ago, I am serializing day by day, the book, Cecilia King’s Extraordinary Senior Trip, which you can obtain from Amazon in either Kindle or paperback.

I hope you enjoy the upcoming nine-months in Hawaii 1940-41. You can order the entire book from Amazon in either paperback or Kindle format, click here.

Wednesday aft –

Editor’s Note: It appears that Cecilia has been sick with the flu for about a week or more, hence no letters since February 19.

Honolulu, Saturday, March 1, 1941

Feb 29, 1941

Realize it must be the first of March

Dear Daddy & Mother –

My nerves & paper supply are both approaching this tattered stage – my last sheet of paper this is – and if I lie in bed another day my roots will be so strong around the mattress that this little Q.M. job will never lose its burden. I’ve been in bed since Tues. – feeling like a fairy queen the last two days & ready to dance tonight away at the Schofield General’s Aloha party, BUT the cockroached thermometer said 100o & I settle my neck down for another stiff 24 hours of reading and waiting to hear the verdict tomorrow “you’d better stay in bed.” Can’t even wear my new white dress down to meet the transport tomorrow.

Whoa Cecilia! Stop grumbling – after that beautiful excitement in the mail today (temperature soared to 101 but it was worth it) when the marvelous pink dress and perfect blue shoes arrived – honestly, I feel as if I could race with anyone in the Waikiki Easter parade! Thanks millions. They’re beautiful!

We all seem to be having our troubles & excitement today – much to the “family’s” elation, Dottie called for about a thirty minute chat from Greenwich & a blizzard. Two transports are just off port with 300 sick crew & enlisted men – fun for the medicos! But nothing unusual.

Please overlook any inane rambling – but depending on one’s self for amusement for six days isn’t much fun if, as is the case, one doesn’t prove to be very exciting company – the next stage is discussing the problems of my dusty floor and ant friends, the glare of the sun on the garage just out my forward window –with myself as all three conversationalists! In cooler climates known as mild insanity. Here, it is a plain & simple tropical buginess. Not even a call from one of Uncle Sam’s chosen warriors on Oahu, to suggest to my sinking ego that my presence has been mournfully missed in the whir of Honolulu society during this confinement. On the last three aspirin & fever I could rave on for volumes (hereby resolving never to be a hermit – couldn’t afford paper enough to release pent-up vocal energy) so maybe better stick my nose back in page 40 “It All Begins Again” & find out why gramps won’t live with his in-laws.

Saturday –

“Same song, second verse, second verse same as first.” In bed all day –but below normal temp. & high hopes of having a quiet dinner & evening out with Max & Beaver. But no – at 3:30 she starts soaring upward & my spirits down. Heigh-di-oho, flu bed, looks like I’ll be seeing a lot of you! Two very bright insets, though, to my secluded Saturday. A beautiful flower gift from max – three dozen lovely red rose buds mixed with maiden hair fern & white larkspur, a Valentine nosegay nested in satiny green ti leaves. The loveliest, daintiest bouquet you can imagine!

Then friend Bob Dunlop called – just in from the field & out again tomorrow at five – made a date for nine AM on, tomorrow. That is, IF my fever isn’t flying loose. Another call – I’m to be a temporary member of Army Daughters -- & participate in an April fashion show.

Whoa! Out of paper again – but guess I’ve exhausted the news anyway. Max & Beaver are dropping in to chat awhile after dinner. Quite a thrill! I shall have to take a shower & dress & pretend I’m human for a while.

A piece of paper with writing on it    Description automatically generatedA piece of paper with writing on it    Description automatically generated

A piece of paper with writing on it    Description automatically generated