| Beginning on November 1, 2024, which is the date of my mother’s first letter from her Hawaii trip 84 years ago, I am serializing day by day, the book, Cecilia King’s Extraordinary Senior Trip, which you can obtain from Amazon in either Kindle or paperback.
I hope you enjoy the upcoming nine-months in Hawaii 1940-41. You can order the entire book from Amazon in either paperback or Kindle format, click here.

Honolulu, Wednesday, February 19, 1941
Wednesday aft –
Have spent the day cleaning my room & pressing clothes – George called me at 7:30 this AM saying he had to be in the field all day so the tennis was off – so here sit with nothing to do until tonight – these lovely people who make dates weeks ahead then break them at the last minute after I’ve refused two or three others – pooey!
Last night Lt. Barnes & I went out to Schofield to the boxing matches – It was very exciting – the huge boxing bowl with 10,000 people – the officers & ladies in full evening regalia seated around the arena, and the thousands of soldiers behind, rooting for their entry in the matches. Had ten fights, different regiments of various branches –
Before the fights we had steak at Kemoos – then stopped in town on the way home for the hamburger & milk finale.
He asked me for a date every aft. & night for the next two weeks but I just couldn’t quite digest his “he hadn’t came” for another evening. None of the men particularly like him anyhoo -- & I’ll never hear the last of it from Dunlop & Holland (they were tracking me at the fights --).
Got a nice bunch of mail today – John Ownes, Mary Claire & a 40-cent airmail from the Mr. George Gray of Batesville –
It’s four -- so guess I’d better dress & pack, still not knowing exactly how I’ll get to Sch. Or when I have a date. Am spending time with Mary McDonald & coming in tomorrow with Worley & Potts as they come home from work at Wheeler Field.
Have run out of notebook paper so will continue on this.
Monday A.M. Uncle Ed went to work in an official car & left his here for me. So I loaded up all my dressmaker worries & headed for Mrs. Armida Smiths (she’s an invisible mender, etc.). Spanish Catholic -- & has practically magic fingers.
Then I started to town & walked the mile length of Fort St. again & again trying to match materials & get trimmings (there are two that are impossible so I may get measurements & get you to send them). Had a hasty lunch in Hollisters then went back to Madam Smiths – then out to get Uncle Ed – got in the Generals loop going the wrong way but finally found Dept. Surgeon – then he wasn’t ready so sent me on another trail in alien territory to get the cook. Aside from a “walking” heel blister I had no accidents. Stopped on the way home at a curb flower mart & got some lovely asters (they sell them roots & all).
George called yesterday & is O.D. today so we postponed our tennis date again until Sat. --& when I got out of the aspirin dopiness, realized that I couldn’t stay out at Sch. Sat. night without making Max peeved so will have to postpone it.
It is certainly a beautiful day out – the best weather of the year & tourists delight. Maybe I will feel better & some one will be inspired to take me to DeRussy sunshine this A.M. – that is, if they are back yet – I feel like I’ve been cooped up for years & lost track of all life –
Mickey Rooney is among the weeks tourists here – but I haven’t had a chance to see or hear anything about him since my only “outings” have been out at Schofield.
Well – guess I’d better envelope this & drop it in the mail box – Thanks millions for all the things you’re sending – I can hardly wait to see them –
Just got a letter from Sarah Low & she said that she & her mother were going out to Los Angeles in May to get sister Margie & if I should happen to get in then why not drive back with them? It might be a thought –Love, Cecilia
