| Beginning on November 1, 2024, which is the date of my mother’s first letter from her Hawaii trip 84 years ago, I am serializing day by day, the book, Cecilia King’s Extraordinary Senior Trip, which you can obtain from Amazon in either Kindle or paperback.
I hope you enjoy the upcoming nine-months in Hawaii 1940-41. You can order the entire book from Amazon in either paperback or Kindle format, click here.

Honolulu, Wednesday, February 12, 1941
What a wonderful surprise I got today! All unexpected and unannounced I found the package on the front porch – so I tore it open & practically fell into that precious dress. Honestly – it is grand looking! I’ve already decided on its “initial wearing” – when I go down to met the transport the 28th, I’m going down with Max to meet a friend of his –but there will be loads of new people & excitement & fun all day -- & the hop that night. And – if my navy friends show up soon – won’t it be nice for ship dinners?
The hem & hip seams have to be loosened a wee bit but the large seams will allow it – I’ve just gained several new pounds – which makes 120 lbs. of me. And almost on the chubby side.
