| Beginning on November 1, 2024, which is the date of my mother’s first letter from her Hawaii trip 84 years ago, I am serializing day by day, the book, Cecilia King’s Extraordinary Senior Trip, which you can obtain from Amazon in either Kindle or paperback.
I hope you enjoy the upcoming nine-months in Hawaii 1940-41. You can order the entire book from Amazon in either paperback or Kindle format, click here.

Honolulu, Tuesday, February 11, 1941
Tuesday aft.
Am just recoverin form a siege of washing – head, clothes & so on down the line. And have no prospects for entertainment this aft. Or evening so have settled down to start writing the manyteen letters I need to get off.
Last night Bob and I started out to go to the movies but got waylaid at the Young – so decided against it. Then had the sudden inspiration of going down to the docks to see the Mariposa sail for the Orient -- & not finding much excitement there finally rushed back to Waikiki Yau Lee Chai & got indigestion trying to eat up the cover charge before closing time.
Max called yesterday aft. & made dates for Wed. & Sunday -- & the Sch. Hop the 28th & was bemoaning the fact that he hadn’t married me before income tax pay day.
It’s a perfectly wonderful day – warm air & the trades are back – good afternoon to spend at DeRussy.
Two clippers have come in without a letter for me –guess you’ve been terribly busy & out of town, but I miss the clipper letters terribly.
