| Beginning on November 1, 2024, which is the date of my mother’s first letter from her Hawaii trip 84 years ago, I am serializing day by day, the book, Cecilia King’s Extraordinary Senior Trip, which you can obtain from Amazon in either Kindle or paperback.
I hope you enjoy the upcoming nine-months in Hawaii 1940-41. You can order the entire book from Amazon in either paperback or Kindle format, click here.
Honolulu, Monday, February 10, 1941
Monday –
Had the most marvelous weekend! Max certainly put all his best feet forward to entertain me. He, Bob hand, Walt and the Elmores (a married couple) & I had cocktails at his quarters about six – then at eight went over to Kemoos’ for a sizzling steak dinner (& it’s really sizzling & butter popping when brought in) – then went over to the Schofield Officers Club for the “after theatre” hop – met several more couples of 13th Field A. to whom I was presented for approval – apparently accepted -- & we finally simmered down to one big happy 13th party. The Air Corps was well represented so I didn’t have any shortage of “outside” dances -- & Walt & Bob Hand were so busy looking out for me in Max’s interest that I got a beautiful rush. Then met a very attractive g-man from Nebraska – and Bob Dunlop there. And George Cummings, who asked me out to the hop Friday night (when the three musketeers were off guard). Among other things during the evening were a 13th Field Aloha party Mar. 3 & a poker-bridge session of the 13th a week from Sat. --

Figure 42 Kemoo Farm Wahiawa in the 1950s (https://www.flickr.com/photos/kamaaina56/28904903136)
Stayed at Heflebowers Sat. night – slept late -- & had lunch at the club with Max – then we started out driving all around the island, tourist fashion. Saw several interesting things – water buffalos in a taro field, the “dog tree” (a growth in the truck fork exactly like a police dog’s head), the Waianai beach. But most exciting of all are the north shore waves beating against the rocky shore and sending up a cloud of spray easily fifty ft. high. It was wonderful! On around, we went to Coopers Ranch where we stopped for a coke. It is one of the showplaces of the island – run by an old Englishmen famous for his hibiscus plants. He’s supposed to have every variety , color and kind – and they are beautifully displayed in the combination dining room, lounge & bar.

This room is nearly all glass, and set a little inland on a hill with a perfect view of the beach and outlying islands.
We got home about dark & I was so tired that I discouraged the movie suggestion so we had bacon and egg sandwiches at home & listened to Charley McCarthey then out for a malted milk & I was home & in bed by ten.
Got up at six thirty this morning to take Uncle Ed to work so I could get the car license plates & the cook (still no break in the bus strike) -- & feeling a little frayed anyhoo have spent all afternoon in bed –