| In September of last year, I filed a complaint with the FPPC regarding the following violations by Najari Smith (http://www.tombutt.com/pdf/Najari Smith Complaint - Narrative, Evidence and Witnesses 9-14-2024.pdf):
- Improper use of campaign funds, including personal use
- False, inadequate and inaccurate reporting on campaign statements and reports.
- Non-filing or late filing of statements and reports.
The FPPC continues to investigate all but the residency requirement violation, on which they demurred because it is Municipal Code violation. Based on substantial evidence, in 2020, Najari Smith filed to run as a candidate for Richmond City Council in District 5, listing his address as 801 Marina Way South, which is in District 5. However, Najari Smith did not live in District 5; he lived in District 3.
2.16.060 - Residency; vacancies.(a)
City Council.(1)
Commencing with the City's regular election in 2020, any candidate for the City Council must reside in, and be a registered voter of, the district which he or she seeks to represent and shall maintain status as a registered voter there during his or her service on the Council. Unless applicable law otherwise requires, to be eligible for office, a candidate must be such a resident and registered voter of the district at the time nomination papers are issued to the candidate as provided in Elections Code section 10227.
I have once again asked the city attorney to investigate the residency violation. We’ll see what happens, but I am not optimistic.