Tom Butt
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  Cecilia King's Extraordinary Senior Trip - January 30, 1941
January 30, 2025

Beginning on November 1, which is the date of my mother’s first letter from her Hawaii trip 84 years ago, I am serializing day by day, the book, Cecilia King’s Extraordinary Senior Trip, which you can obtain from Amazon in either Kindle or paperback.

I hope you enjoy the upcoming nine-months in Hawaii 1940-41. You can order the entire book from Amazon in either paperback or Kindle format, click here.


Honolulu, Thursday, January 30, 1941

Didn’t do much yesterday – about 2:30 Joe & I started out to play tennis – stopped for a double chocolate ice cream cone at Sutherlands -- & decided to take a ride around the east end of the island instead of tennis. So we played tourist & stopped at all the Kamehameha tourist signs at points of interest – that is, all except the coral garden –drove five miles off highways & then found out they entailed a boat trip so, after visiting the curio shop & finding no jap sandals to fit me, continued on our way. Most of the population around there is Chinese.

We were going to the Hawaiian Sacre Falls but didn’t get near there until almost dark & so couldn’t walk the necessary two miles to see it. Stopped by the Mormon Temple – it’s a beautiful place, and the loveliest landscaping on the grounds!

From the high --- covered all protecting the temple proper are terraces and terraces of lovely pools and waterfalls, lines with flowers – on each side a straight avenue of royal palms. Out in front of the entrance is an oval pool of the bluest water imaginable, surrounded by a mat of lavender flowers. It was really lovely – but of course, we couldn’t even get inside the gates because it was so late.

It was almost dark when we started home – came back over the Pali, detoured for a Kau Kau sandwich – home to dress – then to a movie.

Yesterday aft. I got a note from Ens. Tom Wells
[1] (my escort last Sat. aft. To Toulous’) asking me out for dinner aboard USS Astoria[2] – so I quick wrote a yes answer while Joe waited – Uncle Ed sent it today. Then last night after we left a Lt. Adams (one of my Yacht Club “buddies”) called for a date but A. Susan said I was out.

Editor’s Note:
Tom Henderson Wells (1917 – 1971). Tom Henderson Wells was a member of the United States Naval Academy Class of 1940, a naval officer, and a university history professor. The Wells Letters were written by Wells to his family and friends, primarily while a plebe at the United States Naval Academy, with several additional documents regarding Wells' service during World War II. Full biography at
The second USS Astoria (CL/CA-34) was a New Orleans-class cruiser of the United States Navy that participated in both the Battle of the Coral Sea and the Battle of Midway, but was then sunk in August 1942, at the Battle of Savo Island. Astoria was the first New Orleans-class cruiser to be laid down but launched after and received a hull number higher than the lead ship New Orleans. (

It’s almost lunch time & I am going to try to get to town this afternoon so had better hustle --

… out of the air corps area. Tuesday night I have a dinner date with Charley Dole[3] (the youngest of the “pineapple” family) – he’s loads of fun & very much more attractive than rather simple big brother, Dick.

Editor’s Note: Charles Herbert Dole (1914 – 2012) graduated from Stanford in 1936 and Harvard Business School in1938, Charles Herbert Dole, 97, youngest son of James Drummond Dole and Belle Dickey Dole, great-grandson of missionary William Patterson Alexander ( M. Jean Elizabeth Dodge 1941 ( (

Just got a call from Barnwells Inc. for a dinner dance at Lau Yee Chais next Friday week – I’ll tell you about my latest tangle with them in the other letter. Honestly, if Max didn’t have the sense of humor he has – my play house would be kindling, though thanks to Mama & Lee B.

Next Sunday – six of us (I’m going with Max) go out to Bellows Field for a picnic.

So – even being rather exhausted from the last two days and nights – I can keep “perky” thinking about all the nice dates for next week. Probably will have a chance to rest today –unless I miss my guess Worley won’t be too anxious to keep his date for tennis this afternoon – after our little spat last week.

Saturday aft. About 4 Joe Greco & B. Wright (A.C.) came calling & I had to absolutely show them out of the house by sheer force – finally got them on their way TWO minutes before Tom Wells came. Uncle Ed thought Joe was my date for the cocktail party & entertained him royally – drinks & food – He almost fainted when I came rushing back to get dressed & found out he has wasted all the hospitality on those two goons. And, anyway, It’ll be a bad day for us all when the navy & Army Air Corps get within fighting distance of each other.

Finally we did get to Toulous, in the 1928 model trap car Tom had acquired – we met millions of ensigns – a few girls – then started home. But, neither of us knowing the way or even general direction – it took about an hour of winding & getting the wrong direction in one way streets. So I packed my week-end bag after we finally found Kahala – (continued in letter to be sent later)

Love, Cecilia

A ticket with writing on it    Description automatically generated

Figure 39 - From Cecilia's Scrapbook. 'Also night of Bob hand's promotion to 1st lieutenant. Casino dancing'

Figure 40 - From Cecilia's Scrapbook

[1] Tom Henderson Wells (1917 – 1971). Tom Henderson Wells was a member of the United States Naval Academy Class of 1940, a naval officer, and a university history professor. The Wells Letters were written by Wells to his family and friends, primarily while a plebe at the United States Naval Academy, with several additional documents regarding Wells' service during World War II. Full biography at

[2] The second USS Astoria (CL/CA-34) was a New Orleans-class cruiser of the United States Navy that participated in both the Battle of the Coral Sea and the Battle of Midway, but was then sunk in August 1942, at the Battle of Savo IslandAstoria was the first New Orleans-class cruiser to be laid down but launched after and received a hull number higher than the lead ship New Orleans. (

[3] Charles Herbert Dole (1914 – 2012) graduated from Stanford in 1936 and Harvard Business School in1938, Charles Herbert Dole, 97, youngest son of James Drummond Dole and Belle Dickey Dole, great-grandson of missionary William Patterson Alexander ( M. Jean Elizabeth Dodge 1941 ( (