Beginning on November 1, which is the date of my mother’s first letter from her Hawaii trip 84 years ago, I am serializing day by day, the book, Cecilia King’s Extraordinary Senior Trip, which you can obtain from Amazon in either Kindle or paperback.
I hope you enjoy the upcoming nine-months in Hawaii 1940-41.
Honolulu, Friday, January 3, 1941
Jan 3 – 1941
Dear Daddy and Mother –
Just got the most wonderful pack of mail today – 6 whole envelopes full. C. Jessie sent me a Xmas card & lovely red handkerchief – I’ve just written a letter to her. Thank you for the clipping about the house – I haven’t read it thoroughly yet but it ------ interestingly.
Hope your all’s Xmas was nice. We were still enjoying ours today when Dottie’s box came – they sent me a lovely pale blue stain gown. We’re certainly enjoying the fruit cake too.
Among my mail today was an Xmas card from Don Curruthers, & Petre – the Kinleys picture is precious!
By the way, Mrs. King – what impulses drive you to write letters at such ghastly hours?
That Cohn’s hooking sounds like a grand proposition – I was glad to hear you went to see nannie – because I hadn’t seen her before I left – and I am going to write to her.
Will you say Hello to the Pyles for me? Hope he is feeling better.
Not much news today on the Honolulu front. The Germans, under Jap colors, are bombing a little island (Australian) just across the date line from us. And, speaking of date lines, mine wasn’t very satisfactory this week-end – after all the confusion it boiled down to going dancing with Earl Worley tomorrow night.
Editor’s Note: Earl Wilson Worley (1916 – 1994). I believe this is Earl Wilson Worley (1916-1994), who retired from the U.S. Air Force as a colonel and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
Got 3 sq. in. done on my needle point this afternoon – tonite had – startling change –turkey dinner at Ruger. I’ve been digesting hamburger steaks for so long now that anything else tastes foreign.
