Beginning on November 1, which is the date of my mother’s first letter from her Hawaii trip 84 years ago, I am serializing day by day, the book, Cecilia King’s Extraordinary Senior Trip, which you can obtain from Amazon in either Kindle or paperback.
I hope you enjoy the upcoming nine-months in Hawaii 1940-41. You can order the entire book from Amazon in either paperback or Kindle format, click here.
Honolulu, Tuesday, January 28, 1941
Tuesday night,
Didn’t write last night because has sort of a floppish day – played tennis with Worley threw a muscle in my shoulder out --so stopped – then last night just messed around with Worley – looked at his family picture album (terribly boring) & so home early to drop in bed exhausted. Tonight had very nice time – dinner dancing at Lau Yee Chai[1] with Charley Dole. It’s loads of fun to go anywhere with him because he knows everybody, from Honolulu super society to all the headwaiters. L. Yee Chais is certainly an exotic place – all the fountains, Chinese carved walls, etc. On the outdoor dance floor by the orchestra is a built up mountain side & water trickles down among ferns and lavender poinsettias to a pool below – across the terrace is a garden of bamboo trees, silver in the light -- & beyond that another Chinese court.
Editor’s Note: Lau Yee Chai (that translates to ‘House of Abundance’) was built in 1929 by Chong Pang Yat, and its elaborate, classical Chinese architecture stood out in the Waikiki landscape, effectively attracting mainland tourists to its door. Lau Yee Chai was the first Chinese restaurant in Honolulu to use elaborate Chinese architecture and decorations to attract customers. Tourists viewed it as a scenic landmark, while local Chinese found its spacious and luxuriant interior suitable for large parties and celebrations. Lau Yee Chai was a place for locals to dine at on special occasions.
Richest joke of the evening: The orchestra announces a medley of Viennese waltzes dedicated to old so-and-s. Charley & I both beam & start out for a marvelous waltz – after two measures the tempo changes to Dark Eyes – by an Hawaiian number & so back to the Blue Danube. They ought to consult a dictionary on W-A-L-T-Z.
Have a “repeat” date next Tues. with him -- & two weeks from Friday. Then in about six weeks he’s considering seriously – letting me christen his new sailboat now in the making – he’s planning to win the elimination races here in July with it and, if so, go to Los Angeles in August for the internationals. ---------- if he doesn’t change his “christening mind.”
We’re starting winter Kona weather now – so back in my closet goes my stand-by blue wool suit & I’m going to have to get some low heeled spectator shoes to wear dancing with summer dresses.

Barnwells called today & offered me Westy for their party – but I was afraid he might “smell a mouse” with three party dates so I decided on Billy Herron (the Gen’s son) – they didn’t even give me a chance for Max – things are really going to pop when he finds out I’m going to the party & (a third time) he’s put up with another Wahine.
Well – anyhoo – it’s late, I’m tired & have a tennis game tomorrow so had better hush & say Good Night –

[1] Lau Yee Chai (that translates to ‘House of Abundance’) was built in 1929 by Chong Pang Yat, and its elaborate, classical Chinese architecture stood out in the Waikiki landscape, effectively attracting mainland tourists to its door. Lau Yee Chai was the first Chinese restaurant in Honolulu to use elaborate Chinese architecture and decorations to attract customers. Tourists viewed it as a scenic landmark, while local Chinese found its spacious and luxuriant interior suitable for large parties and celebrations. Lau Yee Chai was a place for locals to dine at on special occasions.