| Beginning on November 1, which is the date of my mother’s first letter from her Hawaii trip 84 years ago, I am serializing day by day, the book, Cecilia King’s Extraordinary Senior Trip, which you can obtain from Amazon in either Kindle or paperback.
I hope you enjoy the upcoming nine-months in Hawaii 1940-41. You can order the entire book from Amazon in either paperback or Kindle format, click here.

Honolulu, Monday, January 27, 1941
Monday morning – (that’s as far as I got this A.M.)
Monday night –
Just came in from the movies with Worley – haven’t done much all day except get rested up from the weekend. And what a Saturday night! Everyone had a good time at our party but I was practically a nervous wreck – Helen was staying here & her date couldn’t find the house so they didn’t get there until after dinner. I was tired when I went – so you can imagine how easily I dropped into bed after beaming, greeting & bidding goodnight to people for five hours.
Joe & Worley both asked me to the Wheeler hop Saturday night -- & Joe is going to call me this week about their costume ball the last week in February. I’d like to go to the party but can think of more exciting material for Saturday night dates than someone who is even shorter than I to dance with.
Sunday morning my first look out confirmed the usual picnic weather. Pouring rain – Mary called & said it was raining at Bellows Field, too. But Max was determined to go, so we did. To make a long et day short – it didn’t stop raining until we got back to town last night. But we all went in swimming (set the food under the table to keep it out of the Kona weather) – then ate soggy potato chips, salad, sandwiches & fried chicken huddled under the protection of rain coats and army blankets. Silly, but we had fun. Then we six crowded into Walt’s car to listen to the radio & read the funnies & crossword puzzle until everyone went home about 4:30. Max & I came home & hanged to some dry clothes & we went out for supper.
Honestly, he is a grand person, -- hardly know how to describe him except, as I said before, he’s just like CE only more so – a few years older and more settled maybe. He’s having dinner with us Thurs. night before the Pres. Ball – and I have a date with him Sat. night the 8th & am staying out at Schofield so we can do something Sunday without having to drive 25 mile four times in one day – think we’re going to church Sun. Morning.
A Lt. Adams whom I met at the yacht Club called tonight & I’m going with him to a party Wed. night at DeRussy – hardly remember him at all – he’s Navy I think.
Aunt Susan has been worrying because my eyes don’t sparkle as she thinks they should so she’s been prescribing different colors of make-up & different combinations. So when I got it “just so” and my eyes started sparkling she sent me to town to get some of it & is dividing some of hers she won’t need with me. It’s really amazing what a difference a little time and attention will do for a simple face. Then, too, today she made me start practicing walking gracefully, bowing, etc. – ballet style – and thrashed me thoroughly for not hopping up quickly enough Sat. night for an introduction. Makes me feel like a gawky awkward sea elephant, but it’s much better to be told & corrected than have her silently disapproving.
Today out of the clear blue sky came a letter from Weldon Rainwater – (you forwarded it – I hadn’t written & he didn’t know where I was) but anyhoo, hold your hats again, it was a proposal. What do you think of that?
Editor’s Note: Probably Dr. Weldon Terry Rainwater (1917-2004), from Walnut Ridge, near Batesville, AR. In 1940, he was attending medical school in Little Rock.