Beginning on November 1, which is the date of my mother’s first letter from her Hawaii trip 84 years ago, I am serializing day by day, the book, Cecilia King’s Extraordinary Senior Trip, which you can obtain from Amazon in either Kindle or paperback.
I hope you enjoy the upcoming nine-months in Hawaii 1940-41.
Honolulu, Monday, January 20, 1941
Jan 20
Just began a letter to cover the past week-end but think I’d better go on & get this off because if you possibly have time, please send me a pair of slacks. I’ve been looking here and there -- & prices are all over 10.00. And I’m going out more where I need informal clothes but something a little more “covering” than shorts.
By the time I pay for new tennis racket strings – my money box will be almost yearning for a February allowance – but I’m still on a cash basis. But I would like to have the slacks just as soon as you have time to get them – be sure they’re big enough – guess Mrs. whatsit at Cohns knows my size & I liked the ones she picked out.
Certainly had a grand, if confused, this week-end & am dated every night this week – and four Saturdays ahead -- & thank goodness, dumping …
Will write on what my ½ oz. limit off then start on 3¢ size letters
Cecilia to parents from Honolulu, Monday, February 3, 1941
Seems like I’ll never get this letter off – but one second thought disregard the slacks – it’s dresses I need a little more dressy than my beige shirtwaist, something I can wear with my rust suede pumps, but not as fussy as the jersey suit or pink crepe, and as usual, I’m broke. Sad. Aunt Susan just called me in & offered another proposition so I’ll send it for comment in a letter to be mailed 3¢ style tomorrow.
Monday Jan 20
Dear Daddy and Mother,
Guess I’d better start in where I left off in the air mail letter – which was Saturday night. To the Dole party: Out about five miles from Schofield on an old volcano mountain – way back under huge old trees is the Dole summer home. It has about five wings rambling off in every direction, and furnished in vert ancient crude furniture. Even the victrola is one of those with a “base horn” speaker. When I arrived, met my “sub” date, and certainly a mixture of other people – Chinese girls – army officers – debs – yung business men -- & (most fascinating of all) was Yard Bird Thompson. New conscript, nephew of Pres. Of Matson Nav. Co., but just a “soljer” now. Well, I was getting along beautifully – when who should I see come in but Max and Lee together. Of all matches, that was least expected. Anyhoo – I trotted over & introduced them around. Heard Max keep saying queer things out of the corner of his mouth but didn’t find out until he took Lee home at 12 & came back, -- & then I heard! Lee had told him that she heard we were engaged & he was all in a dither about the whole thing. But, too, she had invited him to a party & changed the date twice so he could come. (found out today I’m invited too but heaven knows who I’ll be with).
But back to the party – had a grand Haw. Nat-grd orchestra – drinks of every description (including Dole pineapple juice) and hundreds of hamburgers and hot dogs.
Things began to get a little rough soon after midnight so I told Max I’d have to find my date and go home (rather to Heflebowers where I was staying) but the fine young man had left without a word so Max did take me after all. Honestly, he is wonderful – and the grandest company! Really hard to beat –
The next morning about ten Max called & wanted me to go to lunch at the Club with him – but we had promised to have breakfast out at the Doles so I had to ask for a rain check. Back to Waihiawa for breakfast – shunned a swim in their “swimmin” hole which is the volcano

crater filled with mountain spring water – & to the Yacht Club. I was with Charley Dole all yesterday we worked crossword puzzles until sailing time then found they couldn’t get the boat in because of low tide – so just sat around the club until dinner. Showered and dressed – then Charley & I came into town for a turkey dinner at the Green Lantern. Having heard so much about the internationally known vocalist singing “Ashes to Ashes” on Hawaiiain Town program Sunday night I lowered my resistance & we trotted over to hear that. There were two parties in the court – one of Honolulu debs with the expected stingy hair & sloppy clothes & their dates – the other a bunch of native seamen just back from a 9 month stay on Midway, no teeth, very bearded & shoulder length hair.

Figure 36 - Invitation from Tom Wells (Cecilia's Scrapbook)

Figure 37 - USS Astoria CA-34 (Source: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-e&sca_esv=563069957&q=uss+astoria+ca-34+pearl+harbor&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjs2O7ujpaBAxXSPEQIHVvbA9MQ0pQJegQIDhAB&biw=1920&bih=919#imgrc=97VIouteVxMCWM)
