Beginning on November 1, which is the date of my mother’s first letter from her Hawaii trip 84 years ago, I am serializing day by day, the book, Cecilia King’s Extraordinary Senior Trip, which you can obtain from Amazon in either Kindle or paperback.
I hope you enjoy the upcoming nine-months in Hawaii 1940-41.
Honolulu, Saturday, January 18, 1941
Saturday morning
My plans are certainly in a mess at this point – Jon may be in any minute to get me or I may wait until 5 o’clock and he still won’t be here. Played tennis yesterday afternoon with Worley & while I was gone, John called saying they were having something “extra-special” in the J.O. mess & he wanted me to come on out and have dinner. But I didn’t get till 6 & he had already left the club -- & I had to leave again before he had a chance to come back to telephone. Check: he just called -- & its too late to go to the ball game but he may come into town later.
Well, back to last night – had a date with Worley & as usual we had a spat about where to go. I lost & they (Iggie & Percy) dragged me to Lau Ye Chais but it was so crowded we decided not to go in. Finally settled on “Hawaiian Town” which is the joynt of all joynts in Honolulu. It’s a little group of grass houses –the entrance “shack” is a cocktail lounge – from there through a sort of bamboo court into another larger enclosed tropical court in the center of which is the main building (if a grass hut can be called a building). Inside – the ceiling is dimly lighted by colored globes and completely draped in fish net. Clusters of blue glass fish floats hung in nets – over the bar are tropical fish (stuffed) hanging – a propeller, paddles, etc. The tables around the dance floor are all surf boards. A real native orchestra, and the Haw. Women had the loveliest voices I’ve nearly ever heard. About 11:30 came the amateur hour for vocalists and hula interpreters – rather good, too. The head waiter, who is as big around as he is short, bounced around all over the place encouraging zombies or refills – trying to get everyone intoxicated enough to appreciate the place. And the people! Our dates had the only two coats in the house I think, most of them had o “tail out” sports clothes & most of the women were definitely on the darkish side. It was quite a jaunt & everyone should go there once – but once was enough for me. After we left, went to Kau Kau for a sandwich, etc. & got rather entangled in the Civil & World wars – entertainment there was furnished by three men sitting on the topmost parts of a convertible -- with a guitar, & singing requests of some thirty cars around Kau Kau.
So I’m running out of this page & have to clean my room anyhoo – so will close this & drop it in the mail box –
Love, Cecilia
