| Beginning on November 1, which is the date of my mother’s first letter from her Hawaii trip 84 years ago, I am serializing day by day, the book, Cecilia King’s Extraordinary Senior Trip, which you can obtain from Amazon in either Kindle or paperback.
I hope you enjoy the upcoming nine-months in Hawaii 1940-41. You can order the entire book from Amazon in either paperback or Kindle format, click here.

Honolulu, Monday, January 13, 1941
Monday Morning
The old lady of the sea reporting today! Had the most wonderful time yesterday – Dick Dole & Helen came by about noon & we went out to the Pearl H. Yacht Club. It’s a lovely big white frame building – a lanai on one side with big white pillars – then a huge lobby (the windows have fish net – real fish net – curtains with wooden floats on them) – one side opens to the bar & lunch room, and the other to a large tile patio surrounded with vanilla vines. Upstairs is a big, lovely dressing room, showers etc.
I was supposed to go with the Pan Am Airways chap but there is a storm at sea and since he is the only one with material & training for it – he had to guide all the planes to land by radio. So Jerry Haven (quartermaster corps) subbed for him.
When we got there we had a sandwich & milk lunch – then went out to get the boat ready. I was quite a green sailor – but properly initiated because we had (they said) the strongest wind they’d had in months. It was wonderfully exciting – with the sails leaning over almost to the water – then wind change & we quick shifted to the other side & changed the sails. The salt air & water splashing up was quite chill in spite of the “overall” jacket I had borrowed. We sailed in & out among all the big navy ships at P.H. and wanted to go on out of the bay into the ocean but they were a little afraid on account of the high wind but promised to take us clear out next Sunday. I escaped with only two big bruises when I did a tumble weed act on the bottom of the boat as we were changing the sails. Got back to the dock about sunset – and dressed for dinner. Still unknowingly had on my pink silk dress and white shoes – but the shoes didn’t last long because I found out when I went down to dinner that they were apparently the only pair in the club.
We had dinner at a long table on the patio – we two couples, & Charley Dole (little brother -- & very attractive) & the Pan Am and Capt. Of the navy ship Alton.
Editor’ Note: Richard Alexander (Dick) Dole (1907 -1991) and Charles Herbert (Charlie) Dole ( 1914-2012 ) were sons of James Drummond Dole (1877-1958) the “Pineapple King” who developed the pineapple industry in Hawaii.
Had a big rare steak about the size of half the table & Charley Dole sat at the head of the table & carved – was a delicious meal. After dinner we joined a few other couples in the lobby and danced to the “beetle organ” & listened to some of Capt. Hutchinson’s tales. He’s very amusing, & quite nice – has invited us out to raid the Altair’s ice box anytime the white flag with a blue cross is up on the ship (meaning the Capt. Is aboard). Jerry is taking rumba lessons at the Royal H. – so he gave me a few lessons. He’s a grand dancer – waltzes, polkas, tango, rumba & (off the record) a little hula.
Dick Dole is having a party at one of his family’s eight houses – Sat. night & I’m supposed to go with Pan Am & spend night with Helen – then they pick us up on Sanday noon to go out to the Yacht Club. By the way, all of the most prominent civilians in Honolulu belong to this club – the Dillinghams, Cromwells, etc. I’ve accepted the Sunday date but don’t think I’ll go to the Sat. night one because I’m going to the Toulous’ cocktail party, & may find something better to do afterwards.
Mary Jane Thomas called today to invite me to an Aloha party for Louise Herron (the General’s dau. – they’re leaving soon.) Feb 1 at DeRussy. I think I’m going with Westy but not sure yet.
Just got your letter, & I am sorry you haven’t heard yet that I had gotten all the packages. Don’t feel at all badly about their being a little tardy because I really didn’t need them until New Years – and I’m certainly enjoying them now.
I’m certainly glad for Carol and Pink – their apartment must be a honey.
John Bishop just called and said he would be in for me about 4:30 – guess we’re still having dinner on the Oklahoma, he didn’t say. Sort of a blind date – hope he’s nice. It’ll be nice to see someone from Arkansas. Well – guess I’d better sew the button on my white jacket so I cab wear it & my navy sheer tonight. Wish I had another outfit exactly like that one because I’ve certainly worn & enjoyed it.
I’m so happy – and meeting the grandest people -- & doing so many interesting things – it just seems like one marvelous dream. And, of course, A. Susan and I have our little ups & downs but she’s really a peach – She seems pleased over the way my affairs are turning out – We have a daily report & consultation t breakfast every morning.
That button still isn’t sewn on – so had better stop right here.