Beginning on November 1, which is the date of my mother’s first letter from her Hawaii trip 84 years ago, I am serializing day by day, the book, Cecilia King’s Extraordinary Senior Trip, which you can obtain from Amazon in either Kindle or paperback.
I hope you enjoy the upcoming nine-months in Hawaii 1940-41.
Honolulu, Saturday, January 11, 1941
Jan 11
Dear Daddy and Mother –
Have had a grand time tonight! Max came by about 8 -- & when I finally dragged him away from my Sat. cross-word puzzle, we met Mary McDonald & Walt Barker at the Waikiki theatre for the movie. After that we went to the famous Honolulu “joynt” – Trader Vic’s – a grass shack lighted by huge Japanese fish net floats (those big blue glass balls, suspended from the ceiling by fish net) – everything South Sea atmosphere. The dumb waiter brought us this list of gorgeous food – then announced they could serve us only an egg sandwich, or ham, or ham and egg.
Outside Trader Vic’s is a huge anchor (about ten times a tall as I) – a propeller, coral & stuff. Quite THE place. So since everything in Honolulu closes at 12 – we rode & chatted for a while & then home. Max is loads of fun, sorta crazy. I’m going to the Pres. Ball with him the 30th.
While I was waiting for my date tonight – John Bishop[1] (ens.) called up. He’s the Sigma Chi friend of Frances Ellen’s and Dicks. He asked me for a date tonight & tomorrow & we finally settled on Monday night. I’m to go out to his ship – USS Oklahoma – for dinner.
Editor’s Note: John Loy Bishop (1917-1957) Retired Navy commander, attended University of Arkansas and US Naval Academy, injured in the attack on Pearl Harbor, served aboard USS Chicago, USS Indianapolis and USS South Dakota and was present at the signing of the Japanese surrender. (Source: Blytheville Courier News, Obituary, October 14, 1957

From Cecilia's scrapbook

[1] John Loy Bishop (1917-1957) Retired Navy commander, attended University of Arkansas and US Naval Academy, injured in the attack on Pearl Harbor, served aboard USS Chicago, USS Indianapolis and USS South Dakota and was present at the signing of the Japanese surrender. (Source: Blytheville Courier News, Obituary, October 14, 1957,