Beginning on November 1, which is the date of my mother’s first letter from her Hawaii trip 84 years ago, I am serializing day by day, the book, Cecilia King’s Extraordinary Senior Trip, which you can obtain from Amazon in either Kindle or paperback.
I hope you enjoy the upcoming nine-months in Hawaii 1940-41.
Honolulu, Friday, January 10, 1941
Yesterday morning I got a permanent – and it looks much better than it did streaming down my back straight. Yesterday afternoon A. Susan brought me a dozen little white carnations (wired) & maiden hair fern – I fixed them in a long sort of wreath to wear just above my back curls. They looked so pretty with my white dress. The I gave Mrs. Roberts several for her “curls.”
The most exciting, wonderful thing (Thurs night) has just happened – Westy called & wanted me to go to a party at the Royal Hawaiian Saturday night! The most perfect of Oahu’s bachelor officers and the most elite of Honolulu entertainment – couldn’t improve on it if I wanted to – BUT – as usual, there’s a black cat in paradise because Max had already called for Saturday. And Max is nice and a lot of fun.
I got my Christmas package from Cousin jack & Judy today – it’s a lovely tea rose stain gown – with the top sheered. Please be sure to send me their address as soon as you get it –
Today was the Boss’s birthday & I didn’t know it till flowers came from Dottie & Wes so I’m going to town in the morning to do a little snooping on the subject.
Mrs. McCarly (wife of U. Ed’s assistant) called today & wanted me to come to donner after a girl from N.Y. comes the 22nd of Jan. She’s coming to see an ensign -- & Mrs. M. wants me to meet both of them & the ens’ friend (another ens.). The latter is a friend of theirs – rather his family is. Very complicated explanation etc. And the Caldwells guest at Schofield I have to call on. So I’m beginning to have to assume some responsibilities of an “old gal of the Islands.”
January 10 – continued
2.70 net dress + white jacket cleaned
2.50 alterations on green dress
.15 bus
.50 garters & roller comb
1.35 one pair of sheer nylon hose for afternoon
.15 bus
1.15 carton cigarettes[1]
.60 Revlon nail polish (red punch)
9.10 all paid for
10. Marcel
1.00 jasmine tea (Boss’ birthday present – will send flowers after these are all gone
.30 bus
.50 alterations on white chiffon
.60 white panties
21.50 paid for
I can’t figure it all out from the beginning but I still have about $15 – so unless an emergency comes (in which case I can use my 20.00 Xmas checks) I’m still O.K.