From: Doss & Felix <>
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2024 5:09 PM
To: AURHP Group <>; Tom Butt <>;
Subject: Fw: What???????
This article today in The East Bay Times says that Richmond will spend $14.5 million for a 48 unit Motel 6 (425 24th Street ). That is $302,000 per room. The website of Motel 6 says that the rooms are 200 sq ft.. That is $1510/sq ft. Are you kidding me? Anyone anywhere who has owned, managed, built, or remodeled anything would know this is a crazy amount of money. Who is getting rich??? If you tell me that this is $14.5 million guarantees 20 years all-included, upkeep, repairs......Or maybe if this includes 10 years with an on-site medical clinic, mental health staff, nutritionist, guards, recreation directors, job training, drug testing, etc - maybe I could buy it. How many people can they stack in 200 sq feet? Will there be a kitchen in this studio? So $302K to house one person for how long???
I am gobsmacked.
Please, if anyone knows any reason that this is reasonable besides someone getting rich, please tell me.
Will someone give us 4.5 million (3000 sq feet x $1510 per foot) to house people in our 4 plex for a year???? Sign me up. I will buy our each of tenants a house for $500k and have 2.5 million left over.
Jerrilee Doss