Tom Butt
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  Point Molate Special Meeting Posted
July 11, 2024

The agenda item has now been posted for 9:30 AM tomorrow. The entire staff report is available on the City website, but the action item is copied below. The primary action of the City Council is to agree to forego the City’s $20 million share of the sales price.

The RPA controlled City Council is very proud of what they have accomplished, which includes:

  • Depriving the General Fund of the City’s $20 million share of the sales price.
  • Point Molate remains off limits indefinitely to the public except for the beach park.
  • The City will not recover over $10 million in legal, maintenance and security cost, and future litigation exposed the City to over $100 million in claims.
  • No plan, schedule or funding for improvements required to open up Point Molate as a park.
  • No plan, funding or schedule for saving Winehaven.