Tom Butt
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  Next Rotary Meeting, Friday, May 17, 2024 | The Legal Basis for the U.S. to Defend Taiwan VISITORS WELCOME
May 13, 2024

Next Club Meeting

Our next meeting will take place at the Richmond Country Club (address below) on Friday, May 17, 12:30pm.

The Legal Basis for the U.S. to Defend Taiwan

The Indo-Pacific Region has been called by US global security strategy the “world’s center of gravity”, because this region encompasses half of the world’s total population, and two thirds of the global economy. As the tensions escalate along borders between China and many of its neighboring countries, and specifically in Taiwan Strait, it has become clear to the Western World that keeping the peace in Taiwan Strait is key for the stability of the Indo-Pacific Region.

Are there any legal bases for the United States and its allies to defend Taiwan, in the case that the island nation is attacked or invaded militarily by the Chinese regime?

Titled “The Legal Base for the U.S. to Defend Taiwan”, this presentation is the follow-up of the popular presentation, “China’s Global Expansion – past and future”. As the previous presentation provides the overview of global threat by the Chinese regime, this new presentation focuses on the historical facts, treaties, and US legislations that allow the United States to militarily defend Taiwan.

Read more at Taiwan Defense Issues for Congress:

Lunch is $25 or a $5 donation without lunch to Richmond Rotary Club is appreciated. Use the Lunch button in the upper right corner of the website ( to pay for lunch or to make a donation and fast-track the check-in process.

You can also join the meeting from your phone, tablet, or computer on Facebook. Click on this link to watch the meeting live on Facebook on The Richmond Rotary Facebook group on Friday or watch the recording later.

Meeting Location:
The Richmond Country Club
1 Markovich Lane
Richmond, CA  (Map)

Members are welcome to begin arriving at noon (or even a bit sooner), but many members also arrive around 12:15. The actual meeting starts around 12:30. 

Hope to see you at the Club!

Upcoming Events 

Wednesday, May 15th 5:00 p.m.
CC Youth Service Bureau | Sandwiches and Supplies

2200 Macdonald Avenue, Richmond
Food will be prepared and distributed by youth completing the CCYSB Job Readiness Program. Sandwiches, toiletries, and blankets to be distributed to unhoused Neighbors in need. For more information email

Saturday, May 18th, from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.
Free Family Day | Richmond Museum of History & Culture
400 Nevin Ave, Richmond 
Enjoy docent-led tours, creative art workshops for all ages, including artist talks featuring parents of artists, and light refreshments.  Immerse yourselves in a vibrant display of artwork created by our talented young artists at Children’s Art Studio Richmond / Taller de Arte Para Niños Richmond.