| Beginning on November 1, which is the date of my mother’s first letter from her Hawaii trip 84 years ago, I am serializing day by day, the book, Cecilia King’s Extraordinary Senior Trip, which you can obtain from Amazon in either Kindle or paperback.
I hope you enjoy the upcoming nine-months in Hawaii 1940-41.

El Paso, Saturday, November 2, 1940
Saturday nite
Dear Daddy & Mother—
It’s only 8 o’clock but I’m practically asleep already – we’re getting up at 5:30 in the morning to go to Carlsbad – only one tour a day so we have to get there by 10:30 for it.
Had a grand day today – Alamogordo (meaning fat cottonwoods) – went to see the White Sands – for miles & miles nothing but huge white dunes & drifts of the gypsum – its much finer than sand. And of course when we passed the sign (please do not drive over dunes) we drove over one & got stuck. And only after fifteen minutes of sand digging & pushing managed to get out. A Mrs. Simmons who lives here at the hotel went with us this afternoon the son of the people who own the jewelry shop where Uncle Arthur has his shop there) drove us up in the mountains to see one of the resort towns & apple orchards, etc.
I’m beginning to know the people here -- a little strange, though, -- all are at least 30 years older than I – but they were introduced & known only by “Cissie – Johnnie B – Shug – Jack the Shick & so on down the line.
This morning Mrs. Simmons & I just puttered around at “fat Cottonwoods” – bought a sack of peanuts – some wonderful apples from the mountains –and visited the deer and muddy fish pond in the park.
Last night we had fun in Juarez – but it was awfully cold – browsed around some of the curio shops (pure junk piles of picture post cards and souvenir canes and peanuts) The only thing I really wanted to buy was a big straw hat with a brim 5 feet wide each way – may get it yet instead of a bird cage to complete my luggage. Then we went into the “Lobby” (a night club there) to see the floor show which consisted of a very tinny orchestra -- all insipid, foul comedian – a 350 pound vocalist. One very good couple with a combination dance & aerobatic number. Gillians of little peanut, cigarette, flapjack stand every other step on the curbs with funny looking “feriners” chattering monkey talk trying to make a sale.
For some strange reason, everything here is very “shocking.” Every time I’ve touched a door handle, window handle, ash tray or any metal, I’ve been shocked. My hair crackles & slops cling & pap. They say it’s fully bad in winter when the atmosphere is still dryer than it is now.
Think that’s a full report of the day – Oh yes, forgot the skunk I saw (only aw, thank goodness) – first one I’ve seen here.
Can hear some political discussions & pitch games in the lobby – but neither that nor my coffee could keep me awake a minute longer – so I’ll say,
So, I’ll say,
With Love, Cecilia |