| Sideshows continue in Richmond, the most recent resulting is a serious injury.
From the Grandview Independent, “Two years ago, the problem of sideshows went before the Richmond city council, which decided to deal with sideshows through public education programs that outline the ills of stunt driving, and by way of traffic calming measures such as speed humps, roundabouts, or Botts dots rather than issuing citations or creating an ordinance.”
The decision to not enforce laws relating to sideshows was the RPA approach to changing behavior. They believe that the trauma of an arrest and subsequent penalty is worse than the illegal act. (“Sideshow”) Eduardo Martinez embraced sideshows as a legitimate expression of the “car culture” and suggested that we set up a sideshow arena in Richmond. One injured during weekend sideshow in RichmondLinda Hemmila
Jul 24, 20232 min

One person was injured Sunday during an early morning sideshow as police struggled to disburse a large group of cars at Central Avenue and Rydin Road.
According to Richmond Police Officer Ben Therriault, "A participant was hit and left for dead as the group departed. That person is still in critical condition at a local hospital. This is the result of failed policies and practices along with a lack of resources to deal with the problem," Therriault wrote on social media.
Richmond Police dispatch records show there was a report of a person on the ground "with road rash and blood coming from one ear."
Part of an earlier sideshow that had been broken up on San Pablo and Solano Avenues, the cars fled on I-80, exiting Central Avenue, and then continued the sideshow near Rydin Road.

"A larger group arrived at Central and Rydin and launched fireworks at your police officers. I'm not talking about bottle rockets; I am talking large, motar-type fireworks," Therriault said.
Therriault estimates the number of cars to have been more than one hundred and fifty.
Richmond Police Officers were able to stop several cars as they attempted to leave the sideshow, none of which were Richmond residents.
"Not a single Richmond resident. People from Sacramento and Los Angeles. The culture argument is garbage," Therriault said.Early morning Sideshow wakes neighbors as police work to disburse crowd
Linda Hemmila
Jul 23, 20232 min

Residents woke to squealing tires, sirens, and a helicopter overhead when a sideshow brought an estimated 200 cars to the intersection of San Pablo and Solano Avenues early Sunday morning.
Just before 2 am, police began clearing the sideshow, sending cars fleeing through the neighborhood north to Esmond and Mcbryde Avenues.
Cars also fled in the direction of El Cerrito, with reports of a large number of cars exiting I-80 at Central Avenue.
As police attempted to push the group westbound onto Interstate 580, officers reported fireworks being thrown at them and lasers pointed in their direction as they continued working to disburse the cars. Donuts and other sideshow evidence were visible Sunday morning along both San Pablo and Central Avenues.

Sideshows and donut doers continue to be problematic in Richmond, especially as many other bay area cities crack down on the activity.
Sideshows and donuts are both illegal in California.
Two years ago, the problem of sideshows went before the Richmond city council, which decided to deal with sideshows through public education programs that outline the ills of stunt driving, and by way of traffic calming measures such as speed humps, roundabouts, or Botts dots rather than issuing citations or creating an ordinance.
On Esmond Avenue, what's rumored to be DYI traffic control has appeared at key intersections after years of donut spinning and traffic accidents, including one recently that injured a family of four.