| CORRECTION & APOLOGIES: The free show is tomorrow, Wednesday Monday 24, 2023, at 7:00pm and NOT Wednesday, May 31, 2023 at 7:00pm. Please see the updated information below. My sincere apologies for the mix up in dates.
The City of Richmond has a limited number of free tickets for the UniverSoul Circus at Hilltop Mall being held tomorrow, Wednesday, May 24, 2023, at 7:00pm. This is a special performance that is not listed on their website: https://www.universoulcircus.com/. To redeem them, call us at 510.620.6512 if you are able to attend tomorrow’s show and would like free tickets. Once your free tickets are reserved, you must pick those tickets up by 4:30pm on Wednesday, May, 24 at 450 Civic Center Plaza in the City Manager’s Office (3rd Floor).
We also have 25% off coupons if you would like to attend the UniverSoul Circus on any other days listed on their website at https://www.universoulcircus.com/. The 25% off coupons are available at 450 Civic Center Plaza (lobby), 440 Civic Center Plaza (lobby), Richmond Recreation Complex (3230 Macdonald Avenue), and the Richmond Main Library (325 Civic Center Plaza).
- Free Show: Tomorrow, Wednesday, May 24, 2023, at 7:00pm at Hilltop Mall
- For a Free Ticket: (1) Please call 510.620.6512 to confirm we still have free tickets available, and (2) if tickets are available, pick them up at 450 Civic Center by 4:30pm on May 24
- There are 25% off coupons available for other shows at various locations in Richmond (see above)

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