| In a press conference at City Hall today, Assemblymember Buffy Wick delivered a check for a $6 million grant from the California Violence Intervention and Prevention program (CalVIP) for the use of the Richmond Office of Neighborhood Safety,
Assemblymember Wicks is the state legislator responsible for the most significant gains and contributions to the California Violence Intervention and Prevention program (CalVIP) since its inception in 2017. In 2019, she pushed to codify CalVIP into statute with Assembly Bill 1603, along with a 3-year, $39 Million dollar budget ask to fund the program. Then, in the 2021-22 budget cycle, she secured $200 million in one-time funding across three years, plus an ongoing $9 million. In addition to her tireless work on gun violence prevention efforts, Assemblymember Wicks is also one of our state’s top housing champions, and this year became Chair of the Assembly Housing Committee. Her work also focuses on issues such as the expansion of the social safety net, privacy, and championing the rights of women and working families.
Sam Vaughn began working with the City of Richmond’s Office of Neighborhood Safety (ONS) in 2008, as a Peacekeeper. Eventually, he was hired/promoted to a Neighborhood Change Agent (NCA), Program Coordinator, and Program Manager and now serves as Deputy Director. During his time with the City, Sam managed the nationally recognized Operation Peacemaker Fellowship, presented at numerous conferences, strengthened partnerships with government and community-based organizations, and help ONS receive millions in grant funds. ONS continues to serve as a national model for effective violence prevention and intervention strategies.

Under the leadership of the Neighborhood Safety Director, the Office of Neighborhood Safety (ONS) is responsible for building partnerships and strategies that produce sustained reductions in firearm assaults and related retaliations and deaths in Richmond.
The ONS is responsible for directing gun violence prevention and intervention initiatives that foster greater community well-being and public safety. ONS Street Outreach staff reach out to those most likely to be involved in gun violence, those most resistant to change and chronically unresponsive to help. The Office of Neighborhood Safety helps to provide their stakeholders with credible, customized and responsive opportunities that represent a real alternative to street violence and criminal activity. |