This message is being sent on behalf of City Manager Shasa Curl
Hon. Mayor and Members of the City Council:
This is the report for the week ending July 15th, 2022.
The next Regular City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday July 19th, 2022. Closed Session begins at 4:30 PM, followed by the Regular Meeting of the Richmond City Council at 6:30 PM. The agenda may be found by clicking on the following link: July 19th City Council Agenda.
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates
The following information is an ongoing list of resources and significant updates regarding COVID-19. Please click on the images or visit the hyperlinks below for further information.
Impact to City Services and Facilities
Health Information and Community Resources

Contra Costa County Coronavirus Updates

California Department of Public Health
November 8th Election News
The nomination period opens July 18th through August 12th, 2022.
Seats up for election: Mayor, Council Districts 2, 3, and 4.
Contact the City Clerk’s Office to make an appointment to pull nomination papers at or call (510) 620-6513, Ext. 9
New Public Records Request Portal
The Clerk’s Office is happy to announce the launching of NextRequest for electronic processing of public records requests.
Link to the portal:

- City Manager’s Chronicles
Meetings and events of note in the past week include the following:
- Listened to the monthly Richmond Neighborhood Coordinating Council meeting
- Listened to the second American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Community Forum, led by Interim Director of Library and Community Services LaShonda White
- Conducted a site visit to Rydin Road
- Toured the city and documented several locations with blight and illegal dumping concerns
- Participated in an introductory meeting with Malkia Chionesu from Next Steps Marketing and Interim Director Library and Community Services LaShonda White
- Met with Council of Industries representative Katrinka Ruk
- Met with Interim Director of Human Resources Director Sharrone Taylor and Patty Francisco of Municipal Resources Group (MRG)
- Met with Director of Finance Delmy Cuellar, Director of Community Development Lina Velasco, Accounting Manager Antonio Banuelos and Senior Accountant Rita Martinez to discuss the Ford Building
Continued one-on-one weekly meetings with members of the City Council, community members, the Management Leadership Team, Department Heads in our one-on-one check-ins, City Attorney’s Office, and various City staff members.
Application is open for Economic Development Commission
The City Manager’s Economic Development Department has an exciting opportunity for Richmond residents interested in guiding the City’s long-term economic development goals and initiatives. Currently the Economic Development Commission (EDC) has four vacancies. If you are interested in supporting the City’s economic Development initiatives, please APPLY HERE Commissioners will recommend long-term economic development goals to the City Council and City officials. Each member serves a three year term. The EDC meets every second Wednesday at 11:30 AM. For more information visit the EDC page.
California Clean Air Day Microgrant Applications NOW OPEN
The City Manager’s Office, Economic Development, is excited to announce that the California Clean Air Day Microgrant Applications are now open. The Coalition for Clean Air is offering microgrants of up to $1000 to host an event to drive action towards clean air during California Clean Air Day on October 5th, 2022.
Examples of events funded include art projects, electric vehicle test drives, transit parties, tree plantings, community bike rides, no idling campaigns, open street events, transit appreciation giveaways, and more - there's no limit to what you can do!
For more information, eligibility requirements, and to apply, visit CCAir Microgrant Application. Applications are due by August 10, 2022, at 5:00 PM. To sign up for Clean Air Day and sign the Organizational Pledge, visit CCAir Pledge.

Free Capoeira Community Basics Classes at Rich City Rides!
Every Thursday from 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM RICH CITY Gallery is hosting free classes of the Afro-Brazilian art of capoeira. Come learn movement, music, and culture in community. Axé
Classes are free, and Rich City Rides welcomes donations from participants.
Rich City Gallery
1500 Macdonald Ave Unit C, Richmond, CA 94801.
Ph: (510) 288-0944

¡Clases básicas de Capoeira gratis en Rich City Rides!
Todos los jueves de 6:00 PM a 7:00 PM RICH CITY Gallery ofrece clases gratuitas del arte afro-brasilero capoeira. Ven a aprender movimientos, música, y cultura en comunidad. Axé
Las clases son gratuitas, y Rich City Rides aceptará cualquier donación de los participantes.
Rich City Gallery
1500 Macdonald Ave Unit C, Richmond, CA 94801.
Ph: (510) 288-0944
DEADLINE EXTENDED: Housing Authority of the County of Contra Costa (HACCC) Announces the Opening of the Project-Based Voucher (PBV) Waiting List
EXTENDED DEADLINE - Project-Based Voucher Wait List open from Monday, June 13, 2022, at 10:00 AM through Thursday, July 21st, 2022, at 4:00 PM. Pre-applications will only be accepted for the properties listed below and can only be submitted online at . Please note that after July 21st, the waiting lists will be closed except for the Terraces Senior Apartments in Richmond.
Note: There will not be any on-site applications and HACCC office locations will not be distributing pre-applications.
Please be advised, this is not for the housing voucher waiting list.
Access the Flyer Announcing the Opening of the PBV Waiting List- ENGLISH
Acceda al Folleto que Anuncia la Disponibilidad de la Lista de Espera del PBV - ESPAÑOL
Eligible families will be referred to units subsidized with Section 8 Project-Based Vouchers from the Housing Authority of the County of Contra Costa in partnership with non-profit housing owners. The housing assistance is only available at the designated properties for families meeting the property restrictions as indicated below in the last column of the chart. After twelve months of residency, families will be eligible for a Housing Choice Voucher, subject to availability.
All requests for Reasonable Accommodation will be considered. Pre-Applications are available in foreign languages. If you need technical assistance with the online pre-application portal, please email or leave a voicemail at (925) 957-7085. Include your name, phone number, and a description of the issue in your message.

Micro Business Grant $2,500 – Application is OPEN
The California Office of the Small Business Advocate has awarded funding for a Microbusiness COVID-19 Relief Grant Program. Grants are available for businesses located Alameda, Amador, Contra Costa, and El Dorado counties. This program will provide grants of up to $2,500 per microbusiness. To be an eligible business, your business must have fewer than five (5) employees and earn less than $50,000 per year. The website includes additional information and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). Applications are OPEN.
For more information visit:
Grants will be given on a first come first serve basis with priority given to minority, women, or Veteran businesses.
Summer Youth Bus Pass
The Summer Youth Pass offers kids a great way to get around town, all summer long. For just $30, passholders ages 6-18 can take unlimited bus rides on County Connection, Tri Delta Transit, and WestCAT from June through August. On sale now at

These programs encourage the use of sustainable transportation options and are funded by the Contra Costa Transportation Authority and BAAQMD’s Transportation Fund for Clean Air.
Richmond Summer Bike Challenge 2022
The City Manager’s Office, Economic Development Department is excited to announce the launch of Richmond’s 2022 Summer Bike Challenge! Looking for FREE summertime fun? Explore Richmond on two wheels with 511 Contra Costa’s Summer Bike Challenge. Simply bike to each destination on Richmond’s gameboard (see flyer below), and cross off the squares as you go. Pick up free prizes on select dates, take weekly Bonus Challenges, and enter the iPad Grand Prize drawing just by signing up. All ages are welcome to play! Ready to roll? Visit to get started.

West Contra Costa School District (WCCUSD) Summer Meal for Kids 2022
The WCCUSD Summer Food Service Program provides FREE HEALTHY meals to children and teens 18 years of age and younger when school is out. Meals are available at parks, libraries, community centers and other locations throughout West Contra Costa. All children and teens 18 years and younger eat free. NO SIGN-UP OR PAPER REQUIRED!
Link to WCCUSD Food Services and locations:

Marty’s Grill
Marty’s Grill had a soft opening the week! Located at 1000 Nevin Avenue (formerly Hacienda Grill) will be a local favorite downtown! Hours of operation are 10:00 AM to 10 PM daily, and they have a drive-thru window. The food is a variety of American burgers, French fries & crispy chicken with more to come. Check out their Yelp for more menu option and food photos: YELP
4th of July Service Summary
During the 4th of July weekend, Richmond Firefighters conducted public education events, added additional staffing to patrol high-risk wildland areas of the City during the day and responded to all vegetation fires or fireworks-related incidents.
The fire department responded to approximately 60 calls during the 24-hour July 4th shift, 10 of which were fire incidents and two notable medical incidents. A few of the significant incidents are listed below:
- 100 block of Ohio Ave. – 40’ outside storage container fully involved in a large commercial yard mixed with vegetation and construction debris with multiple spot fires, near a commercial structure. Fire contained to one shipping container.
- Chesley Avenue at Kelsey Street – While on patrol, Engine 62 came across a vegetation fire in empty lot, threatening a structure (as stated above).
- 303 Garrity Way – ¼ acre vegetation fire on the hillside behind the old Chevy’s Restaurant. The forward progress of the fire was stopped before getting into the rest of the Hilltop bowl.
- 2862 Del Camino Drive –1 acre vegetation fire with a moderate rate of spread up a steep slope, threatening an apartment complex and parked vehicles. A fire truck response from a Contra Costa County Fire Protection district worked to keep the fire in check, as the four closest Richmond engine companies were committed to other emergencies. Soon after, Richmond Squad 67 and Engine 66 responded and were able to extinguish the fire before any damage to the apartments or vehicles.
- 2400 block of Aberdeen Way – One shooting victim inside apartment. Moderate injuries.
- 3rd Street at Pennsylvania Ave.– A fireworks incident caused major hand and arm trauma to a patient with multiple digits lost.
Information Technology
Website Statistics

KCRT Newsbyte of the Week

KCRT Spotlight Video of The Week
You can see the 3rd of July Fireworks Celebration recap by clicking on the following link:

KCRT TV Channel 28 - New Episodes of Current Programming
New NewsBytes segment:
Regular Series Episode:
- New episode of “Creature Features”.
- Multiple new episodes of “Sidewalks Entertainment” during the week.
Recent Segments:
- “NewsBytes” Segments: RFD Fire Alarm installation, CoBiz spotlight on Downtown Richmond, Juneteenth Underpass Mural, National Drive Electric and RichmondMOVES, Easter Egg Hunt, City Manager Swearing In Ceremony, Highlights of the Richmond Poetry event (piece provided by and edited by Doug Harris), Tibetan Flag Raising, Mayor’s State of the City, Police / Fire Toy Drive, Coffee with the Chief, Transgender Flag Raising, Fire Chief Swearing-In Ceremony, Clean Air Day, National Night Out 2021, Ookwe Park Celebration, Yellow Brick Road, Transit Re-Grand Opening and BOLT Bike Sharing.
- ”Your Future, Your Choice: Life after High School,” six short presentations that cover options and resources for four-year colleges, community colleges, and the building trades (video courtesy of Library and Doug Harris).
- Revised edition of GRIP Alternatives No-Cost Solar Workshop.
You may find the full schedule at
- 8. Library and Community Services
Community Services
Become a Lifeguard!
Join our Aquatics Team! Lifeguards are still needed for year-round shifts. Certified Lifeguards or strong swimmers of all ages with flexible schedules are encouraged to apply. Apple here! We can train those who are qualified and available when we need it.

Qigong at the Senior Center
Qigong is an ancient practice developed centuries ago that now is a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is a gentle practice that anyone can do, even from a seated position if necessary. Our class starts with some warmup exercises and then a combination of three forms of Qigong (pronounced Chee Gong). Some self-massage is presented, and quiet meditation is introduced.

Love Your Block In-Kind Sponsorship Program: Supplies for Volunteer Events
The Love Your Block In-Kind Sponsorship Program is now accepting requests for sponsorship! The sponsorship program aims to make supplies for volunteer clean-up and beautification projects available to residents and groups that want to make a difference in Richmond. There is a total of $15,000 available for FY2022-2023. Sponsorships are limited to $1,000 of supplies only.
Examples of supplies that can be sponsored include trash bags, gardening and landscaping supplies, painting supplies, personal protective equipment, and drinks, snacks, and refreshments for volunteers.
Check out the program guidelines, application, and more at, and contact Love Your Block staff at (510) 620-6563 or if you have any questions!
The Love Your Block In-Kind Sponsorship Program is funded by a partnership between Community Services and City Manager’s Office, Economic Development.

USA Swimming Foundation's Make a Splash Tour presented by Phillips 66
You see in the photo below the future of American swimming on display at Richmond Plunge. It is a future of diversity, equity, and inclusion, embodied by Olympic medalist Cullen Jones giving swim lessons as part of the USA Swimming Foundation's Make a Splash Tour presented by Phillips 66. The Plunge hosted the event on May 23, just a few weeks after Richmond Sailfish won the 2022 Pacific Swimming Disability, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Team Award, chosen from more than 100 teams in the Pacific Swimming's region.
Make a Splash featured Jones and his fellow Olympic medal-winning swimmers, Nathan Adrian and Elizabeth Beisel, who provided instruction to about 40 youth participants in Richmond Swims programs. In the following video, Beisel- who swam in the 2008, 2012, and 2016 Olympics, medaling twice- summed up the mission and impact of the event and the youth that the organization serves.

In his brief interview below, Adrian- an eight-time Olympic medalist, including five golds- emphasized the need for ALL children to have access to swimming and the importance of Richmond Swims' scholarship program.
Cullen Jones- who has won four Olympic medals, two of which are gold- was the first African American to hold a swimming world record (4×100-meter freestyle relay), and Richmond Swims' approach to diversity is especially dear to him. Jones recalls his own experience nearly drowning as a child, fueling his intent to correct the disproportionate number of drownings in communities of color.
Interviews complete, the Olympians moved to activities in and around the pool, including presentation of a $4,000 check to support Richmond Swims.

Adrian, Beisel, and Jones, in the clip below, held a question-and-answer session with the students, showed them their medals, and hopped into the pool to give swimming instruction geared to the ability levels of all students.

The obvious expertise and enthusiasm shown here can only serve to inspire Richmond Swims youth participants. Don't be surprised to see at least one of them competing in a future Olympics!
Nevin Achieve Summer Camp Week 5 Recap
This week, Nevin Achieve Summer Camp is wrapping up the History theme and starting the Gizmos and Gadgets theme.
On Monday, the campers learned two new games: Hotspot and Mississippi. Hotspot is a version of Capture the Flag and Banana Tag at the same time. Mississippi is like Red Light, Green Light but with spelling. The Read-Aloud Program was back to read to our little ones, and they were able to take a book home! On Tuesday, the campers enjoyed playing Hotspot and Banana Tag. Campers also enjoyed visits from the East Bay Chess Alliance, the East Bay Center for Performing Arts, and the Practice Space! On Wednesday, we did a walking trip to our fellow community center at Shields-Reid. The campers had the opportunity to make new friends from different parts of Richmond. The campers played basketball, soccer, and played on the play structure with Shields-Reid and Parchester campers. On Friday, the Richmond Librarians came to the center and made NASA kits and activities with the campers.
Some of the activities they did was Jump to Jupiter and made crafts such as making a person with pipe cleaners and UV beads. Lastly, since the Richmond Plunge was closed, we brought the water fun to Nevin with a water slide jumper! That’s all for this week!

Employment and Training
WCCUSD Summer Job Fair
WCCUSD is looking for the most qualified candidates to meet the need of their students. If you are interested in applying for the available positions or know of someone who is ready for a rewarding career in education, visit

Free Career Services
Free career services for the homeless at RichmondWORKS every 2nd & 4th Thursday at 10:00 A.M. Please visit 330 25th Street, Richmond, or contact (510) 307-8014.

Summer Outreach in the Community!
As part of the summer Lunch at the Library grant from the California State Library, the Richmond Public Library was able to bring Coventry and Kaluza — acrobats who promote literacy — to the Freedom School at King Elementary. Students were so excited to watch the duo interact with perfect timing as they juggled rings and bottles while keeping up a constant patter. Kaluza held handstands and did hula hoop tricks while Coventry played harmonica. One child requested their autographs, soon followed by students lining up to receive an autograph. It was great to see how much of an impact the performers had on the children.
Note: Coventry & Kaluza encouraged the kids at King Elementary to attend the free Circus in the Parks where they perform with Circus Bella . The inspiring Prescott Circus—a group of middle school students trained in the Oakland Public Schools—also performs at these events. The next Circus in Richmond is at Point San Pablo Harbor, 1900 Stenmark Drive, on Sunday July 17th at 3:00 PM.
The Library will return to King Elementary Freedom School to distribute books during their Harambee. We will also distribute books at several Recreation Department summer camp sites in the next few weeks. If you have any questions about the book distributions, you can email
Coventry & Kaluza at King Elementary Freedom School
Branch Libraries: Open for Business!
Bayview and West Side Branch Libraries are open 4 days a week now!
Expanded hours started on June 13th and more people are discovering what the branch libraries offer every day! A patron commented how thrilled she was to find the library open at 6:30 PM on her way home from work. The patron updated her library card, checked out a few magazines and Richmond Grows seed packets to plant in her garden, and received an adult craft kit.
At Bayview, there are many new books and other materials. All are welcome to visit and enjoy the refurbished seating areas.
Staff of the Richmond Public Library look forward to serving more of our community in the coming months. Please come visit us Monday through Thursday. To ask questions or to place holds, call the Bayview Branch Library (510) 620-6566 or the West Side Branch Library (510) 620-6567.

Have You Considered Owning an E-bike? Rebates are available for Richmond Residents!
E-bikes are fun, fast, and easy to ride. The electric motor makes going up hills a breeze. Using an e-bike will also help you save money on gas and avoid wear and tear on your car. Richmond residents with limited income may qualify for $500 E-Bike Rebates, for those with higher incomes, $150 rebates. Visit to learn more and apply for your rebate.

Testimonials about E-Bikes from Richmond residents
- “With gas prices going up, and Bart being expensive, budget was a large consideration on buying an e-bike.” – Shifra, Richmond resident
- “As a 74-year-old senior it has got me cycling again! Love it! Love it Love it!” -James, Richmond resident
- “I love it! It has changed the game for me, and I really enjoy cycling” -Phillip, Richmond resident
Richmond Carshare and E-Bike Rebate cross promotion
Buy an e-bike and share an EV: the perfect modern lifestyle combo for affordable, reliable, and clean transportation that gets you where you need to go. Charge Up Contra Costa makes it easy and inexpensive. Learn more at
Building Maintenance
Stationary Engineers performed daily pool maintenance and Civic Center Plaza boiler inspections, repaired urinals at the Auditorium, adjusted the drinking fountain at the Swim Center, replaced the wax ring of a toilet at the Main Library, replaced the fan belt on exhaust fan #2 at 450 Civic Center Plaza, repaired the sink drain at the Arts Center and replaced the ice maker in the refrigerator in the Streets division breakroom.

Sink Drain Repair
Utility workers assisted the Housing Authority with maintenance, removed debris from parking lots, cleaned the front of the Recreation Complex, power washed the Children’s Library quad and cleaned the Richmond Transit Center, replaced tissue dispensers at the Main Library, cleaned and sanitized the Port offices, provided services for 27 City owned buildings and disinfected common areas daily.

Port Office Cleaning
Last week Ghilotti Bros, Inc. (GBI) completed the remaining concrete sidewalk sections along 8th Street from Barrett to Pennsylvania Avenues. They also completed the concrete curb ramps at 5th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue.
The landscape contractor completed the placement of mulch in the planters and medians and completed the bio-retention area at 8th Street and Barrett Avenue. The electrical subcontractor continued to work on the traffic signal modifications at 5th Street and 7th Street along Pennsylvania Avenue and the streetlights along 8th Street.
Traffic striping layout began last week and will continue into this week as well as the permanent traffic striping will begin. Striping will begin along Pennsylvania Avenue and then move to the south end of the project. The electrical subcontractor is continuing to work on the traffic signal modifications at 5th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, and at 7th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue.

Bio-Retention Area

Striping Layout
Parks and Landscaping
General fund crews removed debris from Point Molate and Point Richmond, mowed turf at Booker T. Anderson Park, abated weeds along Carlson Boulevard and Macdonald Avenue medians, performed maintenance at the Fire Training Center, grinded tree stumps at John F. Kennedy Park, performed maintenance at six additional parks and at the bus stop on Amend Avenue, and repaired irrigation at various locations and fencing along the Greenway.

Carlson Boulevard Maintenance

Point Richmond Maintenance
Tree crews trimmed trees on South 16th Street, 20th Street, 21st Street, 24th Street, Florida Avenue, Stege Avenue and San Pablo Avenue. Capable tree remnants were chipped and turned into mulch.

Trimming at Burg Park
Marina Districtcrews removed debris from parks and parking lots, replaced dog waste bags, removed graffiti from various locations, manually abated weeds along the medians of the Moody Underpass, Marina Way and Regatta Boulevard as well as Sand Beach planters, covered pest holes at multiple parks, performed maintenance on Esplanade, watered shrubs on Marina Way medians and on Regatta Boulevard from the Police Department to Marina Way South, and mowed lawns throughout the district.

Regatta Boulevard Median Maintenance
Hilltop District crews started weed abatement on the Richmond Parkway right of ways, repaired irrigation on the Richmond Parkway, abated weeds at Hilltop Lake and at Country Club Vista Park.

Richmond Parkway Maintenance
Water Resource Recovery Division
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the Richmond City Council, on behalf of the City of Richmond, will conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, July 26, 2022, at 6:30 PM or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, via Zoom video conference and by toll-free teleconference call to consider the adoption of the report, filed with the City Clerk’s Office, from the Public Works Director describing each premise connected with the sewer system and receiving sewer service from the City of Richmond as of the first Monday in March 2022.
This public hearing notice is given pursuant to provisions of Chapter 12.20 of the Municipal Code of the City of Richmond, which provide that sewer service charges may be collected in the same manner, at the same time and together with the general real property taxes of the City of Richmond, and that said charges shall be delinquent at the same time and thereafter subject to the same penalties as are provided for all general real property taxes or assessments of the City.
Any questions regarding this hearing may be directed to Mary Phelps at (510) 621-1269. Due to COVID-19, objections or protests shall be filed in writing (via U.S. mail) with the City Clerk at: Richmond City Hall, 450 Civic Center Plaza, Suite 300 or e-mailed to the City Clerk at:
All objections and/or protests must be received no later than Friday, July 22, 2021, at 4:00 PM
The protest or objection must contain the following information to be considered filed:
(1) Address of the property owned
(2) Parcel number (APN) of the property owned
(3) Name and mailing address of the owner of the property owned.
All interested persons are invited to give public comment by mail, eComment, email and/or Zoom video conference in the manner that follows, provided that no member of the public may submit more than one verbal comment per agenda item:
Via mail: received by 1:00 p.m. the day of the meeting, sent to 450 Civic Center Plaza, 3rd Floor, Office of the Clerk, Richmond, CA 94804.
Via eComments: eComments are available once an agenda is published. Locate the meeting in "upcoming meetings" and click the comment bubble icon. Click on the item you wish to comment on. Email your comment to should you have difficulty submitting an eComment during a meeting.
Via email: to by 1:00 p.m. the day of the meeting. Email MUSTcontain in the subject line 1) public comments – Agenda Item #. All such email with correctly labeled subject lines will be posted on-line and emailed to the City Council before the meeting is called to order. Email received after 1:00 p.m. will be posted on-line following the meeting as part of the supplemental materials attached to the meeting minutes.
Via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 99312205643
Passcode: ccmeeting
By Order of the Richmond City Council
Pamela Christian
City Clerk
AVISO: Para obtener ayuda interpretative con esta noticia, por favor llame a la oficina de la Secretaria Municipal, al (510) 620-6513.
Wastewater Treatment Plant – Fats, Oils, & Grease (FOG)
PLEASE! DO NOT PUT GREASE DOWN THE DRAIN! Heavy grease has been reported at Richmond's sewer treatment plant. Grease clogs pipes and can be detrimental to the function of the plant.
For more information about Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG), please call 510-620-6594.

Planta de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales – Aceites y Grasas (FOG)
¡POR FAVOR! ¡NO PONGA GRASA POR EL DRENAJE! Se ha reportado grasa pesada en la planta de tratamiento de alcantarillado de Richmond. La grasa obstruye las tuberías y puede ser perjudicial para la función de la planta.
Para obtener más información sobre aceites y grasas (FOG), llame al 510-620-6594.

Sewer Lateral Grant Program
The City of Richmond’s Water Resource Recovery Division administers the Sewer Lateral Grant Program. The program reimburses eligible homeowners in the Richmond Municipal Sewer District (RMSD No. 1) for some of the cost to replace their sewer lateral.
The program is open and accepting applications for the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 for sewer lateral work completed between 7/1/2021-6/30/2022.
For more information about the Sewer Lateral Grant Program, please visit or call 510-620-6594.

High Priority Critical Improvements Projects
The City of Richmond and Veolia Water (Veolia) are implementing High Priority Critical Improvements Projects at the City's Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), which is managed and operated by Veolia. The purpose of the projects is to replace aging and unreliable infrastructure, improve treatment operating efficiency, comply with future discharge regulations, and improve the functionality of the existing WWTP. The improvements were identified through previous planning efforts, including the 2010 WWTP Master Plan and the 2016 WWTP Facility Plan, to construct the following elements of the WWTP Critical Improvements Projects: (1) New screening and grit removal facilities; (2) Aeration upgrades; and (3) Demolition of existing facilities and site clearing in preparation for future WWTP Facilities. The projects are expected to take approximately 2 ½ years to complete.
Shimmick continued working on the biofilter with the concrete placement of the north slab. They also continued working in the fine screening facility placing the wall forms and rebar. In the blower building electrical room, they started the installation of the drywall, as well as the installation of doors and framing. Additionally, Shimmick continued their work in the new electrical switchgear building, placing the concrete foundation slab. Finally, in the aeration basins, the Contractor installed pipe supports for the new 3 water piping and worked on the core drilling while Shimmick’s cement masons worked on the concrete slab repairs.

Biofilter: Shimmick during the concrete placement of the north slab of the new odor control structure.

Biofilter: Shimmick sandblasting the starter walls and waterstop.

Biofilter: Shimmick installing single side wall forms.

Screening facility: Conco (Shimmick’s rebar sub) continued installation of the rebar.

Screening facility: Conco (Shimmick’s rebar sub) continued installation of the rebar.

Screening facility: Shimmick’s carpenters starting to double up the wall forms.
Blower building: Shimmick during installation of the drywall at the blower’s building electrical room; process includes: layout and installation of hat channel furring, installation of rigid insulation material (pink) and hanging the drywall.
Blower building: Shimmick during installation of the doors and the corresponding frames. Note that the foreman (black hard hat) is explaining the process to the apprentice (blue hard hat)
Electrical building: Shimmick during the concrete placement of the foundation slab.

Electrical building: The foundation is set.

Aeration basins: panoramic view of aeration basin 3 as Shimmick’s cement masons work on concrete slab repairs
Aeration basins: Shimmick installing pipe supports for the new 3 water piping in aeration basin 3A.

Aeration basins: Core drilling equipment (36”) being mobilized to the basins
Aeration basins: core drilling activities in the basins; on the left, for the sump can in 3A, on the right, for the scum collection system.
Aeration basins: Shimmick removing old unistrut in preparation for the blanking plate installation on the overflow openings of aeration basin 3.

Aeration basins: Shimmick removing old unistrut in preparation for the blanking plate installation on the overflow openings of aeration basin 3.
First Street Relief Sewer Project
The First Street Relief Sewer and Pipeline Rehabilitation Project is the final of four design projects from the comprehensive 2016 Collection System Design Project, which also included the construction of the Cutting/Carlson and Hoffman Project (originally two projects), and the Macdonald and Virginia Wet Weather Improvement Project. The Project consists of approximately 3,743 lineal feet of open cut replacement of existing 6-inch sewer, approximately 1,696 lineal feet of open cut replacement of existing 8-inch sewer, approximately 631 lineal feet of open cut replacement of existing 10-inch sewer, and approximately 125 lineal feet of open cut replacement of existing 18-in sewer.
To date, D’Arcy & Harty Construction has completed replacement of the entire 6,195 total lineal feet of sewer main line piping included in the project scope. Pipe replacement work was completed in December 2021. The Contractor has completed filming all segments of NASSCO compliant CCTV video.
High Priority Sewer Line Replacement Project
The High Priority Sewer Line Replacement Project replaces (8) pipelines with a combined length of around 2,700 lineal feet. Scope of work includes reconnection of existing laterals at mains, connection to existing manholes and hardscape and pavement restorations
To date, D’Arcy & Harty Construction has completed sewer main replacement installations at Potrero and 41st, 12277 San Pablo Ave, 1903 Garvin Avenue, 311 - 341 E Richmond, Dimm Street (right of way in street) between Barrett & Humboldt and 1460 Rifle Range Road.
2021 Grade 5 RAA Line Replacement Project
The 2021 Grade 5 RAA (Risk Assessment Analysis) Replacement Project replaces seven sewer pipelines with an approximate combined length of 760 lineal feet. The work includes replacement of deteriorated sewer pipe segments within the collection system using pipe bursting or open cut methods. This project was competitively bid to be performed on a "design-build" basis: the Contractor is responsible for engaging the services of an engineering firm to issue design drawings for lines with utility conflicts and other constructability issues and prepare final, as-built drawings.
W.R. Forde has completed installations at 21st Street and Potrero; Rheem and 23rd Street; 4925 Macdonald (“Planet Fitness”); Virginia and 22nd Streets, 1600 Chanslor; AC Transit / 21st Street between Bissell and Carlson and 403 McLaughlin.
Marina Bay Parkway Force Main Extension Project
The Marina Bay Parkway Force Main Extension Project extends the existing Marina Bay Parkway forcemain to a new manhole at the intersection of Pierson Avenue and Marina Bay Parkway and installs a new gravity sewer pipeline from the Pierson/Jetty Drive intersection, across Marina Bay Parkway. This piping reconfiguration will eliminate sanitary sewer overflows that occur from depressed manholes located at the intersection of Marina Bay Parkway and Pierson Avenue. Richmond-based, local contractor W.R. Forde Associates, was the lowest, responsive bidder at $357,200.00.
The project work was initially completed in December 2021. The Contractor returned recently to install a bolt down manhole frame and cover on the new manhole at the termination of the Force Main. The material for the manhole frame and cover were a long-lead item and were installed in early March 2022. The TA for additional scope to alleviate future SSO’s by adding 991 LF of 8” gravity sewer main and three (3) new manholes with bolt down covers along 27th Street was submitted to the City on 3/14/22. This critical scope is targeted for inclusion in a future agenda in a regular City Council meeting, potentially September 2022.
Sodium Bisulfite (SBS) Facility Improvements Project
The City of Richmond (COR) and West County Agency (WCA) entered into a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) on July 27, 2020, to share the design and construction costs associated with the new Sodium Bisulfite Facility construction and system upgrade. During the design of the new SBS Facility, WCA and the COR agreed to upgrade the SHS mechanical, electrical, plumbing, instrumentation, and SCADA system, as well. Myers & Sons Construction, LLC is the Contractor. The SBS Facility Improvements Project includes the following major elements:
- New sodium bisulfite and sodium hypochlorite chemical metering and instrumentation systems to replace the existing chemical metering and instrumentation systems.
- Sodium bisulfite and sodium hypochlorite improvements include civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and SCADA system and facility improvements.
- Demolition of existing facilities for project improvements.
Myers & Sons worked on the concrete placement of the tank pads and walls in the SBS Containment Area. They continued construction of the Concrete Masonry Unit (CMU) roofing system installation of the electrical and pump room, and they poured concrete for the equipment pads in the Disinfection Building.

SBS Containment Area: Myers and Sons during the concrete placement of the tank pads and containment walls.
CMU building: Myers during the roofing system installation.

Disinfection building: concrete pour of the equipment pads.
SCADA Upgrade Project
The SCADA project (an acronym for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) will standardize, replace, and configure the existing SCADA Network communication, the majority of which is outdated, failing and has exceeded its useful life. An upgraded SCADA system is crucial to allow for Veolia Staff at the City of Richmond’s Wastewater Treatment Plant to monitor and control processes locally and at remote locations, including remote telemetry of the City’s lift stations.
The contractor is Calcon Systems, Inc. The project is 100% complete. Two conditions were discovered by Veolia and Calcon towards the end of Calcon's contract, for which Veolia has submitted a TA request for a change order to correct (repair). The first includes battery backup power systems to eliminate power failure conditions, which occurred recently and resulted in WWTP system outages. The second includes repairing blower communication faults. But these two items do not affect the programming, which is complete.
Trash Capture Project, Bayview (currently in design)
In 2017, Caltrans and the City of Richmond collaborated to implement the Trash Capture Project. The Contech Engineered Solutions CDS system is a below-ground, flow-through treatment device that uses multiple treatment processes including swirl concentration and continuous deflective separation (CDS) to screen, separate and trap trash, debris, sediment, hydrocarbons, and other pollutants from stormwater runoff. Veolia Water, in conjunction with the City of Richmond, successfully installed four such devices in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2021; another device is being installed in 2022 on Bayview.
Design Meetings continue to be held every other Tuesday at 2:30 pm. The “End of the Pipe” Location at the Bayview Outfall has been determined to be the most feasible location for the new Double Chambered CDS Units. The configuration will be similar to the Meeker Ditch Project of 2019. Final sizing is being confirmed from updated Flow and Drainage information. A meeting in the field was held on June 15th with the County’s CORE Outreach Team to assist with arrangements for unhoused residents living in the vicinity of the proposed installation. Coordination with CalTrans and Environmental Studies and permitting are underway. A kick-off meeting with NCE (Environmental) was held July 11, 2022. Field studies will be performed the week of August 8, 2022.
Thank you for keeping up with the activities in the City of Richmond. Feel free to contact the City Manager’s Office if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.
Thank You!
Shasa Curl
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512
You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting:
Irene Lozano
Executive Assistant to the City Manager
City Manager’s Office
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, CA 94804
Direct: 510-621-1264
Main: 510-620-6512 |