Figure 1 - Shawn Dunning

Figure 2 – Dr. Jeff Ritterman
Former city council and RPA member Jeff Ritterman endorsed Shawn Dunning for mayor of Richmond, penning the following:
Hello, my name is Jeff Ritterman. Some of you might know me from my work as a cardiologist at Kaiser Richmond. I also sat on the Richmond City Council and proposed the first Soda Tax. I was one of the first members of the RPA but left the group because I differed in approach. I believe we should strive for unity and to find common ground, and the RPA believes it should advocate for an ideological position even when it does not serve the needs of the city, in my opinion. The block voting which the RPA supports does not allow for creativity or for RPA council members to vote their conscience if it does not support the "party" line.
By contrast Shawn Dunning is an expert in building consensus. He has spent his adult life working with groups to bring them together, from corporate board rooms to Israeli-Palestinian groups, to civil rights efforts with John Lewis.
I see our city suffering a crisis in unity and in democracy and I believe Shawn is the best candidate to help restore unity and democracy. How can you have democracy if the city council is controlled by the RPA which votes as a block with their votes determined in their closed-door meetings by a few not the many.
Shawn is committed to bringing everyone to the table with no one owning the table.
I think Shawn is the best candidate. Let's not split the vote
The RPA candidate for mayor is Eduardo Martinez. He terminated street sweeping, condones fireworks and sideshows, defunded police and sold Point Molate for $400.

Figure 3 - Eduardo Martinez