This message is being sent on behalf of City Manager Shasa Curl
Hon. Mayor and Members of the City Council:
This is the report for the week ending in May 13th, 2022.
The next Regular City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday May 17th, 2022. Closed Session begins at 4:00 PM, followed by the Special Meeting of the Richmond Housing Authority at 6:25 PM. The Regular Meeting of the Richmond City Council begins at 6:30 PM, and agenda can be found by clicking on this link.
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates
The following information is an ongoing list of resources and significant updates regarding COVID-19. Please click on the images or visit the hyperlinks below for further information.
Impact to City Services and Facilities
Health Information and Community Resources

Contra Costa County Coronavirus Updates

California Department of Public Health
Community Park Clean-Up Day
Join us on Saturday, May 14th, 2022 for our Community Clean-Up! Supplies and refreshments will be provided for volunteers. We recommend wearing closed-toe shoes and comfortable clothes.
Funded by the Love Your Block In-Kind Sponsorship Program from the City Manager’s Office, Economic Development, and Community Services Department.
Questions? Call (510) 620-6793 for more information.

Santa Fe Neighborhood Council and Bridge Storage Art Space and Café Present: An Afternoon of Sip and Paint
You are invited to join the Santa Fe Neighborhood Council and Bridge Storage Art Space and Café for the first Sip & Paint: The Love Bird Edition! The event will take place at Bridge Storage, 23 Maine Avenue, on Saturday, May 14th from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM. Tickets are $40, and all attendees will receive a canvas, paint brushes, paint and a charcuterie box. Visit the Bridge Storage website to reserve your tickets today!

6th Cycle Housing Element and Housing Equity Roadmap Pop-Up Events!
The City of Richmond is inviting members of the community to participate in the pop-up events being held this month. These pop-up events will be a great opportunity for members of the community to learn about the Housing Element process, and to share their lived experiences. The City is planning to hold a few pop-up events per month throughout the year to ensure all community voices are heard.
For the month of May, the pop-up events will be held on:
May 14, 2022 – Spring Family Day at Richmond Art Center at 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM
May 21, 2022 – Willie Mays Day at Nicholl Park at 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Los Eventos Pop-Up del Sexto Ciclo de la Actualización del Elemento de Vivienda y la Ruta a la Equidad de Vivienda!
La Ciudad de Richmond invita a los miembros de su comunidad a participar en los eventos pop-up que se llevarán a cabo durante este mes. Estos eventos serán una buena oportunidad para que los miembros de la comunidad aprendan acerca del proceso del Elemento de Vivienda, y para compartir sus experiencias vividas. La Ciudad planea llevar a cabo unos cuantos eventos pop-up durante el año para garantizar que se escuchen las voces de todos los miembros de la comunidad.
Para el mes de Mayo, los eventos pop-up serán en estos días:
Mayo 14, 2022 – Dia de las Familias en el Richmond Art Center @ 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Mayo 21, 2022 – Willie Mays Day en Nicholl Park at 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Martin Luther King, Jr. Turf Field Grand Opening
Join us to celebrate the grand reopening of the MLK Park turf field! The turf replacement project is finally complete, and the community is welcome to join us on Wednesday, May 18th from 5:00 PM-7:00 PM to celebrate. Light refreshments will be provided; please call 510-620-6793 for more information.

Travel Safe Richmond Community Open House - May 18th
The City of Richmond is inviting residents to attend a Community Open House on Wednesday, May 18th from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM. This open house will be a chance for Richmond’s community to learn more about the City’s two-pronged approach to improving roadway safety for all users: people walking, biking, rolling, and driving. Input from the community members is a critical component of this effort. Share your thoughts with us on roadway safety!
This outdoor community open house will be located outside of City Hall in the Civic Center Plaza at 450 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, CA 94804. Learn more about the project by visiting Travel Safe Richmond or by scanning the QR Code in the flyer. We also take community input on the website through our Interactive Map.
For more information, please visit the Travel Safe Richmond site and stay up to date by signing up to receive email updates on our webpage. Please reach out to Lydia Elias at with any questions.

Willie Mays Day
Please join us on Saturday, May 21st, 2022, as we rename our baseball diamond at Nicholl Park in honor of the Baseball Hall of Fame legend, Willie “The Say Hey Kid” Mays. Mr. Mays participated in Richmond’s Annual March of Dimes events in this park during the 1960s and 1970s to assist our youth in need. Sign up for the parade by May 11th, 2022 or find out more by visiting: or call (510) 620-6793 for more information.
The parade begins at 10:00 AM in front of the Richmond Library and ends at Nicholl Park. The event at Nicholl Park starts at 11:00 AM. We hope to see you all there!

LEAP is Cooking!
The months of May and June will include some exciting programming at the Literacy for Every Adult Program (LEAP). Families are invited to attend plant-based cooking classes that will start on May 21st , 2022, 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM and then continue every Saturday in May and June from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM. These online cooking classes are sure to be a big hit as the participants will have demonstrations of how to prepare tasty plant-based meals. Participants will get recipes, a shopping list, and more as a part of the sessions.
If you are interested in learning more about the many opportunities at LEAP, feel free to contact LEAP staff at (510) 307-8084.

Primary Election
Primary election date is Tuesday, June 7th, 2022. Polls are open from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM on election day! Vote-by-Mail Drop Boxes Open May 10th.
Every registered voter in California will receive a vote-by-mail ballot in the Primary Election. County elections officials will begin mailing vote-by-mail ballots on or before May 9th.
The City of Richmond's permanent Vote-by-Mail box is located at 450 Civic Center Plaza under the overpass just off the Council parking lot on 27th Street.
Please see the following link to read how vote-by-mail works
In-person voting options will be available in all counties.
Get Registered to Vote
Register to vote online or update your current registration. Register to vote by May 23rd, 2022.
Voting Eligibility
You are eligible to register to vote if you are:
- A United States citizen,
- 18 years of age or older on Election Day,
- Not currently serving a state or federal prison term for the conviction of a felony, and
- Not currently found to be mentally incompetent by a court of law.
You need to update your registration if you:
- Move to a new residence,
- Change your name, or
- Want to change your political party affiliation.
You may have a voter registration form mailed to you by calling the Secretary of State’s toll-free Voter Hotline at (800) 345-VOTE (8683). You may also pick up a voter registration form at Contra Costa County Elections Office – 555 Escobar Street, Martinez, California 94553 or Richmond City Hall – 450 Civic Center Plaza lobby.
For more information visit:
Join Us for the Richmond Promise Fun Run 5k
Richmond Promise is throwing a 5k race, and all are invited! Join us on Saturday, June 11th for a little friendly competition and a whole lot of fun. Celebrate the community that raises our Scholars and invite friends new and old to meet the heart behind our Promise!
Post-race food, music, and entertainment will take place at our Craneway Pavilion start/finish line in partnership with our friends at Assemble Marketplace and the Richmond Ferry Festival. Snag your early bird ticket today through May 6th at
Save the Date for Juneteenth 2022!
Call (510) 620-6546 for more information.
Save the Date for the 3rd of July
It’s back! Join us in person this year for the return of the annual 3rd of July fireworks celebration! The community will be enjoying music, food, and the stunning view of the bay at Marina Bay Park while enjoying fireworks. Please see the flyer for more details or call (510) 620-6793.
*Please note that the event may be cancelled due to COVID-19 developments.
- City Manager’s Chronicles
Meetings and events of note in the past week include the following:
- Reviewed staff reports for the May 17th City Council meeting agenda packet;
- Attended the monthly Richmond Neighborhood Coordinating Council meeting;
- Received an update on Richmond’s sales tax revenue for the fourth quarter of 2021;
- Met with Public Works Director Joe Leach, Deputy Director of Community Services Tamara Walker;
- Reviewed financial and budget updates with Finance and City Manager’s Office staff, including the upcoming FY 2022-23 department budget hearings that will be presented at City Council;
- Conducted site visits to City facilities and the Golden Gate Bistro Food Truck, a new local business on 23rd Street;
- Met with Lizeht Zepeda, Senior Business Assistance Officer regarding Port and Economic Development activities;
- Met with Human Resources staff to review the draft Class and Compensation Study;
Continued one-on-one weekly meetings with members of the City Council, community members, the Management Leadership Team, Department Heads in our one-on-one check-ins, City Attorney’s Office, and various City staff members.
- City Manager’s Office, Economic Development
Micro Business Grant $2,500 Application Website Live
The California Office of the Small Business Advocate has awarded funding for the creation of the Microbusiness COVID-19 Relief Grant Program. Grants will be for businesses in the counties of Alameda, Amador, Contra Costa, and El Dorado. This program will provide grants of $2,500 to microbusiness. Eligible businesses who have fewer than 5 employees and earn less than $50,000 per year can apply, see the new website for more requirements & FAQs. Application opens May 17th, 2022, at 9:00 am!
For more information CLICK HERE
Grants will be given on a first come first serve basis with priority given to minority, women, or Veteran businesses.
Housing Authority of the County of Contra Costa Announces the Opening of the Project-Based Voucher (PBV) Waiting List
Project-Based Voucher Wait List open from Monday, June 13, 2022, at 10:00 AM through Thursday, June 30, 2022, at 4:00 PM. Pre-applications will only be accepted for the properties listed below and can only be submitted online at
Note: There will not be any on-site applications and HACCC office locations will not be distributing pre-applications.
Please be advised, this is not for the housing voucher waiting list.
Access the Flyer Announcing the Opening of the PBV Waiting List- ENGLISH
Acceda al Folleto que Anuncia la Disponibilidad de la Lista de Espera del PBV - ESPAÑOL
Eligible families will be referred to units subsidized with Section 8 Project-Based Vouchers from the Housing Authority of the County of Contra Costa in partnership with non-profit housing owners. The housing assistance is only available at the designated properties for families meeting the property restrictions as indicated below in the last column of the chart. After twelve months of residency, families will be eligible for a Housing Choice Voucher, subject to availability.
All requests for Reasonable Accommodation will be considered. Pre-Applications are available in foreign languages. If you need technical assistance with the online pre-application portal, please email or leave a voicemail at (925) 957-7085. Include your name, phone number and a description of the issue in your message.

Environmental Justice Element Community Outreach Begins this Month!
A new General Plan Element is being prepared to address Environmental Justice and lay out a new roadmap for achieving it. As a first step in preparing the Environmental Justice Element, we need to hear from you about what the priorities for it should be. Please take this brief survey to share your thoughts. Note, this survey is the first of several opportunities for people who live or work in Richmond to provide feedback and share ideas about Environmental Justice and how our community should address it. This survey’s deadline has been extended until May 16.
English Survey
Spanish Survey
Alcance Comunitario para el Elemento de Justicia Ambiental Empieza este Mes!
Un nuevo elemento del Plan General se está preparando para abordar la Justicia Ambiental y para delinear una nueva trayectoria para conseguirla. Como primer paso en la preparación del Elemento de Justicia Ambiental, necesitamos que usted nos diga cuáles deben ser las prioridades para este elemento. Por favor, complete esta breve encuesta para compartir sus ideas. Recuerde que esta encuesta es la primera de varias oportunidades para que las personas que viven o trabajan en Richmond compartan sus opiniones e ideas acerca de la Justicia Ambiental y cómo debería ser implementada en nuestra comunidad. Esta encuesta permanecerá abierta hasta el 16 de Mayo.
Encuesta en Ingles
Encuesta en Español
HOME-American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP)
Contra Costa County needs your input on homelessness needs within your community.
The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 appropriated $5 billion to assist individuals or households who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, and other vulnerable populations, by providing rental housing, rental assistance, supportive services, and non-congregate shelter, to reduce homelessness and increase housing stability. In September 2021, HUD awarded the Contra Costa County HOME Consortium (which consists of Contra Costa County and the Cities of Antioch, Concord, Pittsburg, and Walnut Creek) $12,090,215 in HOME-ARP funds.
We invite you to share your thoughts by taking a survey.
The HOME-ARP survey is designed to gather information from stakeholders, affordable housing developers, and community members about homelessness needs in Contra Costa County and HOME-ARP projects being planned. The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete and will be available until June 1st, 2022.
English Survey
La encuesta del programa HOME-ARP (en sus siglas en inglés) está diseñada para recopilar información de personas u organizaciones interesadas, los desarrolladores de viviendas asequibles y los miembros de la comunidad sobre las necesidades de las personas sin hogar en el Condado de Contra Costa y los proyectos de HOME-ARP que se están planificando. La encuesta tardará aproximadamente 10 minutos en completarse y estará disponible hasta el 1 de junio de 2022.
Encuesta en Español
For more information, please visit our webpage at

Rydin Road Ambassador Announcement
Collaborising is looking for a few good men (and women) to serve as Rydin Road Ambassadors. Rydin Road is currently home to 25 plus individuals living in RV’s or cars along the .25 mile stretch of Rydin Road on the way to Point Isabel. Our Clean Rydin Road Program seeks to match unhoused Rydin Road Residents with Ambassadors from the community to breach the gap between the housed and unhoused communities in Richmond. Our goal is to build relationships and to create understanding among groups that have been pitted against one another to demonstrate that we all belong in Richmond.
Please reach out to Lea Murray, Executive Director of Collaborising at (954) 736-8343 or for more information on how you can be the answer to a problem that has divided our community. A small stipend is provided for your participation.

Sound Off Program
Part of a new national pilot program, The Richmond Fire Marshal Along with Station 64, which includes Engine Company & Truck Company 64, participated in the Sound Off event on Friday May 6th at Martin Luther King Elementary School. All three third grade classes (60 students) received the presentation and were treated to a show and tell of both Engine and Truck apparatus. More than 3,000 people die in home fires each year in the United States. Most of these victims were in homes without working smoke alarms. Simply put, working smoke alarms save lives. The Sound Off Program includes three standards-based classroom activities that get students and families involved in testing their home smoke alarms, checking for potential fire dangers in the home, and planning how to escape in the event of a home fire.


Sound The Alarm Program
Firefighters from the Richmond Fire Department and members of the American Red Cross visited residents within the Pullman & Park Plaza Area on, May 7th, 2022, to perform free smoke alarm inspections and installations as needed. This campaign is part of a community-wide fire prevention effort to reach out to residents, including older adults, young people, and residents of neighborhoods, who are vulnerable to fire deaths. Installing smoke alarms in the homes of Richmond residents who do not have them will increase their odds of surviving a home fire. Overall, there were 41 homes, 145 smoke alarms installed and 149 residents were given an educational safety lesson on fire home safety. There was also one resident who requested a bed shaker alarm, which the American Red Cross will provide.
Human Resources
To view our most current job listings please visit our Current Job Opportunities

Information Technology
KCRT Spotlight Video Of The Week

Featuring Unity Park
Website Statistics

KCRT Datanet For The Week
KCRT TV Channel 28 - New Episodes Of Current Programming
- New Segments: NewsBytes: Juneteenth Underpass Mural
New Segment / Series Episode:
- New episodes of “Classic Movies” and “Creature Features”
- Multiple new episodes of “Sidewalks Entertainment” during the week
Recent Segments:
- “NewsBytes” Segments: National Drive Electric and RichmondMOVES, Easter Egg Hunt, City Manager Swearing In Ceremony, Highlights of the Richmond Poetry event (piece provided by and edited by Doug Harris), Tibetan Flag Raising, Women’s Day segments, Mayor’s State of the City, Police / Fire Toy Drive, Coffee with the Chief, Transgender Flag Raising, Fire Chief Swearing-In Ceremony, Clean Air Day, National Night Out 2021, Ookwe Park Celebration, Yellow Brick Road, Transit Re-Grand Opening and BOLT Bike Sharing
- ”Your Future, Your Choice: Life after High School,” six short presentations that cover options and resources for four-year colleges, community colleges, and the building trades (video courtesy of Library and Doug Harris).
- Revised edition of GRIP Alternatives No-Cost Solar Workshop
You may find the full schedule at
- Library and Community Services
Community Services (Recreation)
Advanced Spanish at the Annex Senior Center
Come join our advanced Spanish class on Fridays at 10:00 AM at the Annex Senior Center (5801 Huntington Avenue, 94804). They were so happy to meet in person again for the first time since the pandemic. They learned new Spanish songs and danced to celebrate. For more information please call (510) 620-6812

Aquatics Update
Registration will begin soon for Swim Lessons at the Richmond pools this summer. Classes will be available for children (ages 3-12), teens and adults. Saturday sessions will be at the Richmond Swim Center and weeknight sessions will be at the Richmond Plunge. See flyers for details or 510-620-6793 for more information.
Love Your Block In-Kind Sponsorship Program: Supplies for Volunteer Events
The Love Your Block In-Kind Sponsorship Program is now accepting requests for sponsorship! The sponsorship program aims to make supplies for volunteer clean-up and beautification projects available to residents and groups that want to make a difference in Richmond. There is a total of $15,000 available for FY2021-2022. Sponsorships are limited to $1,000 of supplies only.
Examples of supplies that can be sponsored include trash bags, gardening and landscaping supplies, painting supplies, personal protective equipment, and drinks, snacks, and refreshments for volunteers.
Check out the program guidelines, application, and more at, and contact Love Your Block staff at 510-620-6563 or if you have any questions!
The Love Your Block In-Kind Sponsorship Program is funded by a partnership between Community Services and City Manager’s Office, Economic Development.

Mother’s Day
The Richmond Senior Center and Richmond Annex Senior Center celebrated all the Moms this Mother’s Day by giving them all a small token of our appreciation. Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful Moms!

North Richmond Mobile Tool Library
After the fun and success of our Earth Day soft launch, the North Richmond Mobile Tool Library is now ready to take on other beautification events happening in North Richmond!
Sign ups for non-profits and public agencies that serve North Richmond are open. Email us at for more information! Our city webpage and inventory are now also available for viewing.
We are not yet open for individual members and loans. We hope we will be able to open our service to North Richmond residents in the summertime.
Tiny Heroes Training Camps
Begin your training at our Tiny Heroes Training Center! This program is for ages beginning as infant through 5 years and is going on now! Sign up today at or call 510-620-6793 for more information.

9th Annual McKinley Williams - John Easterling Community Chess Tournament
On Saturday May 7, 2022, the Shields-Reid Community Center hosted the 9th Annual McKinley Williams - John Easterling Community Chess Tournament. Close to 50 adult and youth chess players and close to 100 family supporters showed up for a day of chess at Shields-Reid. Ages 7 years old to 75 years old had a great day of competition and fun. Many folks left with trophies, awards, and great memories. Beginners and rated chess players enjoyed the North Richmond facilities and expressed an interest in returning next year. A couple of local Shields Reid youth participants won trophies in their divisions.
Employment and Training
Paid Internship Opportunity
Learn More about your local government. YouthWORKS offers an administrative aide position for Richmond residents ages 18-24 and a Paid Internship with the City of Richmond department.
To apply, click on the link
For more information, contact Cinthia Hernandez (510) 307-8019 or
Or Visit our City of Richmond Website:

Are you interested in a career in construction? Now accepting applications for the Charge Up Contra Costa – Electric Vehicle Equipment Installation and Maintenance Training Program.
Please see the East Bay Express article- Rosie’s Redux: Union trades revive as suitable jobs for women for the expanding opportunities for women.
For more information, contact Fred Lucero, Program Manager, at, or call (510) 621-1780; visit the RichmondBUILD website
Are you a youth between ages 16 and 24 and need to complete your High School Diploma? Are you interested in a college or a Career in Construction? Learn and earn $$ while participating in their intensive, hands-on training community projects, and earn valuable industry-recognized certifications. If so, YouthBUILD continues to accept applications.
For more information, contact Fred Lucero, Program Manager, at, or call (510) 621-1780; visit the RichmondBUILD website

The RichmondWORKS, America's Job Center of California (AJCC), is located at 330 – 25th Street, Richmond, Ca. 94804 is open for various career and job search services by appointment; walk-ins are also welcomed. In addition, career Planners are available to provide weekly One-on-One Career Counseling sessions every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday by appointment. Call RichmondWORKS now at (510) 307-8014 to make your appointment for job search and career counseling assistance.

RichmondWORKS, English Language Learner Program
The RichmondWORKS English Language Learner (ELL) Program offers Richmond and West Contra Costa County residents who speak English as a second language the chance to work to receive training and support required to prepare for quality jobs with sustainable wages. For more information regarding the ELL program, please contact a Program Navigator at (510) 307-8045 or Email:

We provide work experience and training opportunities for Richmond residents
Richmond YouthWORKS has several programs to provide Richmond youth, ages 16- 24, with job search, work experience, and training assistance. For more information, visit the YouthWORKS Homepage, Facebook, Instagram, or call (510) 412-2044.

Employment Impacted by COVID-19
Were you impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic and lost your job? Are you receiving or exhausted your unemployment? If your answer is YES, RichmondWORKS/YouthWORKS is here to help! RichmondWORKS offers career counseling, on-job training, occupational training, work readiness, & community resources to job seekers. We have FUNDS to assist in upgrading your current skills to help you get the job, career, and wages you desire! We will pay for your State of California-approved industry training up to $5000. Support services funding is available for up to $800.
For more information, please contact: Cinthia Hernandez, (510) 307-8019 or or Shi Carter, Phone: (510) 412-2041/ Email:

Business Solutions
Business Solutions RichmondWORKS coordinates and delivers resources and assistance to local businesses. Partners include the City of Richmond Office of Economic Development, Employment & Training Department, and local educational and business organizations. RichmondWORKS is an extension of your human resources department. We can help you save time and money. For more information, please contact a Business Services Representative at (510) 307-8014.
Hiring a New Employee?
At RichmondWORKS, we can help your business save time and money while preparing new hires for your vital jobs! Call us at 510-307-8029 to see how we can help with cost savings, hiring a skilled workforce, and saving time on recruitments. See flyer below for more details.

Employment and Training Opportunities
Administrative Career Training
Looking for a career in an office, need to learn computer skills. Opportunity Junction is offering free training and job placement assistance. The last orientation date is May 18th! Call Employment and Training at 510-307-8014 for more information.

Electrical (Inside wireman) Apprenticeship Program - The Alameda County Electrical Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee is recruiting for their electrician apprenticeship program (inside wireman). This is a rare opportunity to access a union career in the electrical trades. Starting wage: $25.32. For additional details on the application, visit the following link Minimum requirements to apply: Be at least 18 years of age; high school diploma or GED; successfully completed one full year of high school algebra with a passing grade of "C" or better; must submit an official high school transcript. you must apply in-person at Alameda County Electrical JATC; 14600 Catalina St., San Leandro, CA 94577. There are two application deadlines: 7/29, and 10/28. (Applications are only accepted between 1:00 PM-5:00 PM). If you need assistance completing the application, don't hesitate to contact Cinthia Hernandez at RichmondWORKS (510) 307-8019 or

- West Contra Costa Adult Education offers a variety of classes and FREE Career Training Opportunities. For a list of the courses provided at WCC Adult Ed, please visit:
- The state of California offers a wide variety of careers and jobs. For a list of job opportunities, visit CalCareers
Library Awarded Grant for New Bookmobile
The Richmond Public Library has been awarded a $250,000 grant by the California State Library for designing and procuring a new Bookmobile. The current Bookmobile has been providing service since 1993 and is due for retirement. Thanks to the California State Library for providing this opportunity and Library staff for writing and pursuing this grant, we’ll be able to continue and expand Bookmobile service over the coming years.

Children’s Department
May is a month to celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander heritage. There are so many wonderful boks – see them on display and ask a librarian for more suggestions.
Call or visit us! We love to help kids and adults find just the right books for your curiosity, for enhanced learning, and for school assignments.
Call the Children’s Room (510) 620-6557
Visit our Facebook page or our web page

Expanded Library Hours
The Richmond Main Library is now open Monday through Wednesday from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM, and Thursday and Friday from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
In addition to Main’s expanded hours, we have expanded the number of public desktop computers available. We offer access to the AllData car repair database! The Library also offers Wi-Fi hotspots, Chromebooks and laptops for patrons to borrow for one-week periods. The California State Parks Pass is now available, as well as Community Science kits that can help you contribute to scientific research while exploring a park!
The Bayview and West Side Branch Libraries are open on Tuesday and Thursday from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
For more information on Library Services, visit us at

Transportation Services
Happy Bike Week!
Riding electric pedal assist bikes are fun! Now is a great time to experience Richmond’s bikeshare program while exploring the city, running errands, or going to work. We have just added 3 new bike hubs at San Pablo and Clinton, Burg Park, and near the Richmond Bridge (see flyer). There is still time to take advantage of promo code 511CC to receive 5 free bike unlocks to start your adventure.
The bikeshare program is provided as an environmentally friendly travel option for Richmond residents, businesses, and visitors. Please help us maintain this beneficial service by reporting any in progress vandalism or theft of these community bikes to the Richmond Police Department (510) 233 -1214 or 911.
For more information go to: Bike Share | Richmond, CA - Official Website or call (510) 621-1718

Celebrate Bike Week on an Electric Bike!
Richmond MOVES is here, have you taken your free ride this month?
Last year the Richmond Transportation Division posted a survey to help name the new electric on demand shuttle service. Many thanks to everyone who participated in the survey. Various name suggestions were received for consideration before reaching the final selection of Richmond MOVES.
More information will be provided in the coming weeks. If you are interested in hosting an informational table or showcasing an electric vehicle or an electric bike, please contact Denée Evans at: or call (510) 621-1718.
Richmond Moves is part of California Climate Investments (CCI), a statewide initiative that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health and the environment —particularly in disadvantaged communities. Website:

Abatement Division
Abatement crews abated weeds from public right of ways and alleyways, removed debris around encampments, illegally dumped debris and graffiti from various locations throughout the City.
Weed Abatement
Encampment Debris Removal
Illegal Dumping & Graffiti Removal
Building Maintenance
Stationary Engineers performed daily pool maintenance and Civic Center Plaza boiler inspections, changed the backup batteries on the lobby doors at 440 and 450 Civic Center Plaza, replaced the flame sensor on a boiler, fixed an apparatus door at Fire Station #61, repaired a vandalized door and panels at Lucretia Edwards Park and replaced a storm drainpipe at the Senior Annex Center.

Storm Drain Replacement
Utility Workers assisted the Housing Authority with maintenance, installed a lock box in the Main Library, washed windows at City Hall, pressure washed the front of the Recreation Complex, sanitized and disinfected various locations including common areas and maintain 27 city owned buildings.

Window Washing
Yellow Brick Road Pedestrian & Bicycle Improvement Project - Ghilotti Bros, Inc. (GBI) continued to grind existing pavement and place new Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) pavement at Turpin Court, 4th Street, 7th Street at Pennsylvania, and 7th Street from Ripley to Acacia Avenues. GBI also began preparing the subgrade at 7th Street for new pavement. In addition, crosswalk stamping continued at Hawthorne and Maple Avenues along 8th Street.
The electrical subcontractor installed streetlight conduit at the east side of 8th Street from Macdonald to Barrett Avenues.
This week GBI is finalizing the subgrade preparation at 7th Street. They will also begin removing existing pavement and subgrade at the Acacia Avenue and 7th Street intersection. The electrical subcontractor is continuing to install streetlight conduit along the east side of 8th Street from Macdonald to Barrett Avenues and across 8th Street just north of Macdonald Avenue.
The crosswalk stamping and coloring is continuing along Pennsylvania Avenue from 4th Street to 9th Street.

Conduit Installation 7th Street
Crosswalk Coloring
Parks and Landscaping
General fund crews removed debris at all Southside parks and right of ways, mowed lawns at the smaller parks on the Southside, performed weed abatement and litter removal on Carlson Boulevard medians, installed mulch at John F. Kennedy Park, removed dirt and mowed lawns at Booker T, Anderson Park, abated weeds on Ells Pathway and around tennis court areas, edged turf at State Court Park, removed graffiti at the Richmond Police Activities League parking lot, repaired bleachers at Nicholl Park, remove debris from Point Molate and Point Richmond areas, performed baseball field maintenance at Martin Luther King, Jr. Park and performed maintenance on Point Richmond overlooks.
Median Maintenance
Tree crews cut or trimmed trees on: 20th Street, South 2nd Street, Carlson Boulevard, Madison Avenue, Nevin Avenue and Wiswall Avenue. Branches were also cleared along the Fire Access Road #12.

Branch Removal
Marina Districtcrews removed debris from parks and parking lots, replaced dog waste bags, manually removed weeds from Regatta Boulevard, maintenance on the medians of Marina Bay, raised the tree canopy in various locations, weed abatement on tree wells and fence line on Esplanade, string trimmed weeds on the pathway of Meeker Slough, maintenance on Bayside Drive, tree well maintenance at Marina Bay Park, cleaned the tennis court area and manually removed weeds at the Moody Underpass.

Marina Way Median Maintenance
Hilltop District crews performed maintenance around the auto plaza, abated weeds on Hilltop Drive medians from I-80 to Hillview Drive, repaired irrigation systems on Klose Way and performed maintenance and debris removed around the district.

Auto Plaza Maintenance
Pavement Maintenance
Paving crews made repairs to the Cutting Boulevard bicycle lane, delivered and placed K-rails on Rydin Road and worked from the outstanding pothole list.
Bicycle Lane Repair

K-Rail Delivery
Street Sweeping crews swept in the following neighborhood council areas on the second Monday through Friday: May Valley, Vista View, Clinton Hill I-IV and Richmond Heights.
Signs and Lines crews fabricated nine new signs, installed or repaired 11 signs, painted 110’ of red curb and installed new bicycle markings.

Bicycle Marking Installation
Water Resource Recovery Division
Wastewater Treatment Plant – Fats, Oils, & Grease (FOG)
PLEASE! DO NOT PUT GREASE DOWN THE DRAIN! Heavy grease has been reported at Richmond's sewer treatment plant. Grease clogs pipes and can be detrimental to the function of the plant.
For more information about Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG), please call (510) 620-6594.

Planta de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales – Aceites y Grasas (FOG)
¡POR FAVOR! ¡NO PONGA GRASA POR EL DRENAJE! Se ha reportado grasa pesada en la planta de tratamiento de alcantarillado de Richmond. La grasa obstruye las tuberías y puede ser perjudicial para la función de la planta.
Para obtener más información sobre aceites y grasas (FOG), llame al (510) 620-6594.

Sewer Lateral Grant Program
The City of Richmond’s Water Resource Recovery Division administers the Sewer Lateral Grant Program. The program reimburses eligible homeowners in the Richmond Municipal Sewer District (RMSD No. 1) for some of the cost to replace their sewer lateral.
The program is open and accepting applications for the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 for sewer lateral work completed between 7/1/2021-6/30/2022.
For more information about the Sewer Lateral Grant Program, please visit or call (510) 620-6594.

High Priority Critical Improvements Projects
The City of Richmond and Veolia Water (Veolia) are implementing High Priority Critical Improvements Projects at the City's Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), which is managed and operated by Veolia. The purpose of the projects is to replace aging and unreliable infrastructure, improve treatment operating efficiency, comply with future discharge regulations and improve the functionality of the existing WWTP. The improvements were identified through previous planning efforts, including the 2010 WWTP Master Plan and the 2016 WWTP Facility Plan, to construct the following elements of the WWTP Critical Improvements Projects: (1) New screening and grit removal facilities; (2) Aeration upgrades; and (3) Demolition of existing facilities and site clearing in preparation for future WWTP Facilities. The projects are expected to take approximately 2 ½ years to complete.
Shimmick continued working on the Pista Grit structure, pouring concrete for walls 1C, 1D and 1E and stripping forms of the previously poured walls. They also continued working on yard piping by installing the new 3W (service plant water). Shimmick continued working on the electrical system to power the future equipment by core drilling the new conduit path into the aeration basins. They also worked on the blower building by installing the CMU (concrete masonry unit) block and continued working on the Aeration Basins by doing concrete repairs.

Pista Grit: Beginning at dawn and continuing through the morning, Shimmick conducted a concrete pour of some of the walls of the new structure.

Pista Grit: Wall 1-C during early morning concrete pour.

Pista Grit: Shimmick during concrete placement of walls 1-D & 1-E.
Pista Grit: Shimmick stripping (removing) the forms of the walls that were previously poured.
Pista Grit: Shimmick’s carpenters installing the forms of wall 1-B.

Yard piping: Shimmick excavated, backfilled and compacted a thin layer of AB, and installed 3W (service plant water) piping that will provide water to the new building.

Blower building: Stoney Masonry (Shimmick’s CMU subcontractor) mobilized and started to lay block. Shimmick’s carpenters previously set the door frames on wall lines.

Blower building: CMU block continues to be placed by Stoney Masonry Crew. Shimmick’s electricians were setting boxes and conduits that run through the wall.

Blower building: Shimmick’s carpenter is installing the forms for the equipment pad inside the Blower Room.

Blower building: Internal and perimeter CMU installed and ready for the first grout pour. The block has been laid to a pour height of 13'4”. The holes above the windows (above) were drilled to install future pipe support anchors.

Aeration basins: Shimmick continued to drill, clean and patch, as directed by Carollo in the structural report to complete the concrete repairs.
Electrical: Shimmick drilling cores into the aeration basin channel for conduit runs, into aeration basins 3 & 4, to power the future equipment in the basins.

First Street Relief Sewer Project
The First Street Relief Sewer and Pipeline Rehabilitation Project is the final of four design projects from the comprehensive 2016 Collection System Design Project, which also included the construction of the Cutting/Carlson and Hoffman Project (originally two projects), and the Macdonald and Virginia Wet Weather Improvement Project. The Project consists of approximately 3,743 lineal feet of open cut replacement of existing 6-inch sewer, approximately 1,696 lineal feet of open cut replacement of existing 8-inch sewer, approximately 631 lineal feet of open cut replacement of existing 10-inch sewer, and approximately 125 lineal feet of open cut replacement of existing 18-in sewer. This project began in July 2021 and is expected to be completed well ahead of the Baykeeper due date of July 2023.
To date, D’Arcy & Harty Construction has completed replacement of the entire 6,195 total lineal feet of sewer main line piping included in the project scope. Pipe replacement work was completed in December 2021. Currently, the Contractor is completing filming of the last few segments of NASSCO compliant CCTV video documenting all newly replaced pipes prior to scheduling final street restoration. The first set of post CCTV videos was provided in January 2022. Review by V.W. Housen and Associates team started in February 2022. Currently, post CCTV video production and review continue.
High Priority Sewer Line Replacement Project
The High Priority Sewer Line Replacement Project replaces (8) pipelines with a combined length of around 2,700 lineal feet. Scope of work includes reconnection of existing laterals at mains, connection to existing manholes and hardscape and pavement restorations.
To date, D’Arcy & Harty Construction has completed sewer main replacement installations at Potrero and 41st, 12277 San Pablo Ave, 1903 Garvin Avenue, 311 - 341 E Richmond, Dimm Street (right of way in street) between Barrett & Humboldt and 1460 Rifle Range Road. On March 16, 2022, Right of Entry/Easement Access Authorization letters were finalized by the City Manager’s Office for the next (2) sewer mainline replacement segments located at 550 Key Blvd and 415 Dimm Street. Investigational pre-CCTV was conducted for 550 Key Blvd the week of April 25th. Sewer mainline replacement and addition of strategically placed manholes for future access and maintenance will be accomplished via the “Pipe Bursting” method is scheduled for May 16th - May 27th, 2022.
2021 Grade 5 RAA Line Replacement Project
The 2021 Grade 5 RAA (Risk Assessment Analysis) Replacement Project replaces seven sewer pipelines with an approximate combined length of 760 lineal feet. The work includes replacement of deteriorated sewer pipe segments within the collection system using pipe bursting or open cut methods.
W.R. Forde has completed installations at 21st Street and Potrero; Rheem and 23rd Street; 4925 Macdonald (“Planet Fitness”); Virginia and 22nd Streets, 1600 Chanslor; AC Transit / 21st Street between Bissell and Carlson and 403 McLaughlin. NASSCO level Post CCTV and As-Built Drawings for all replaced mainline segments were hand delivered to Housen Associates on 3/29/22. As of May 3, 2022, review of As-Built Drawings and Post CCTV are underway.
Marina Bay Parkway Force Main Extension Project
The Marina Bay Parkway Force Main Extension Project extends the existing Marina Bay Parkway forcemain to a new manhole at the intersection of Pierson Avenue and Marina Bay Parkway and installs a new gravity sewer pipeline from the Pierson/Jetty Drive intersection, across Marina Bay Parkway. This piping reconfiguration will eliminate sanitary sewer overflows that occur from depressed manholes located at the intersection of Marina Bay Parkway and Pierson Avenue. Richmond-based, local contractor W.R. Forde Associates, was the lowest, responsive bidder at $357,200.00.
The project work was initially completed in December 2021. The Contractor returned recently to install a bolt down manhole frame and cover on the new manhole at the termination of the Force Main. The material for the manhole frame and cover were a long-lead item and were installed in early March 2022. The TA for additional scope to alleviate future SSO’s by adding 991 LF of 8” gravity sewer main and three (3) new manholes with bolt down covers along 27th Street was submitted to the City on 3/14/22. This is targeted for inclusion on the Agenda for the 5/17/22 Regular City Council Meeting.
Sodium Bisulfite (SBS) Facility Improvements Project
The City of Richmond (COR) and West County Agency (WCA) entered into a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) on July 27, 2020, to share the design and construction costs associated with the new Sodium Bisulfite Facility construction and system upgrade. During the design of the new SBS Facility, WCA and the COR agreed to upgrade the SHS mechanical, electrical, plumbing, instrumentation and SCADA system, as well. Myers & Sons Construction, LLC is the Contractor. The SBS Facility Improvements Project includes the following major elements:
- New sodium bisulfite and sodium hypochlorite chemical metering and instrumentation systems to replace the existing chemical metering and instrumentation systems.
- Sodium bisulfite and sodium hypochlorite improvements include civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and SCADA system and facility improvements.
- Demolition of existing facilities for project improvements.
Myers & Sons installed the electrical duct bank from the new SBS building to the existing chlorine contact basins. Activity included digging the trench, installing the rebar and the electrical conduits; they finalized the activity by pouring red concrete to complete the conduit protection. Myers also started the installation of the reinforcing steel of the new building footings and sump.
Electrical duct banks: Myers & Sons excavated the trench, installed rebar, conduits and then finished with encasing the duct banks in red concrete.

Electrical duct banks: Myers & Sons excavated the trench, installed rebar and the conduits and then finished with encasing the duct banks in red concrete.
New SBS building: Myers excavated for the new building’s foundation footing.

Myers & Sons started forming the slab for the containment area of the new SBS building.

Myers & Sons in the process of installing the reinforcing steel of the new building’s sump.

Myers & Sons in the process of installing the reinforcing steel of the new building’s footing.

Myers & Sons in the process of installing the reinforcing steel of the new building’s footing.
SCADA Upgrade Project
The SCADA project (an acronym for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) will standardize, replace and configure the existing SCADA Network communication, the majority of which is outdated, failing and has exceeded its useful life. An upgraded SCADA system is crucial to allow for Veolia Staff at the City of Richmond’s Wastewater Treatment Plant to monitor and control processes locally and at remote locations, including remote telemetry of the City’s lift stations.
The contractor is Calcon Systems, Inc. The project is approximately 98% complete, and the contractor is installing roughly 300+/- field instrumentation tags throughout the WWTP facilities which correspond to SCADA system program identification labels. Equipment tagging is 100% complete. One outstanding item is the headworks PLC upgrade.
The SCADA equipment tagging is 100% complete.

Trash Capture Project, Bayview (currently in design)
In 2017, Caltrans and the City of Richmond collaborated to implement the Trash Capture Project. The Contech Engineered Solutions CDS system is a below-ground, flow-through treatment device that uses multiple treatment processes including swirl concentration and continuous deflective separation (CDS) to screen, separate and trap trash, debris, sediment, hydrocarbons and other pollutants from stormwater runoff. Veolia Water, in conjunction with the City of Richmond, successfully installed four such devices in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2021; another device is being installed in 2022 on Bayview. Subtronics Corporation (under direction of Project Engineer, Harris & Associates) conducted an investigation of the 20’ deep junction box to confirm if creek and storm water flows co-mingle and verify conditions which could impact constructability.
Subtronics safely perform Confined Space Entry to confirm conditions 20’ below. Access was made via the manhole.

Now Open: Richmond Promise 2022-23 Mentor Initiative:
Calling all career enthusiasts and passionate life professionals! Are you looking for an amazing volunteer mentor opportunity? Interested in mentoring, guiding, and making an impact alongside young people in Richmond? Sign up for our 11-month Mentor Program today!
Starting July 2022 through May 2023, you can share knowledge, skills, best practice, and perspective with a Richmond Promise Scholar. Complete the follow interest form to receive the application via email:
Mentors and mentees will attend monthly, one-hour virtual meetings during the entirety of the program. Questions? Concerns? Contact Dariana Zermeño ( or Brenda Trujillo ( Application deadline is May 15th , and there are a limited amount of spaces available, so don’t wait too long!

Thank you for keeping up with the activities in the City of Richmond. Feel free to contact the City Manager’s Office if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.
Thank You!
Shasa Curl
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512
You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting:
Irene Lozano
Executive Assistant to the City Manager
City Manager’s Office
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, CA 94804
Direct: 510-621-1264
Main: 510-620-6512