This message is being sent on behalf of City Manager Shasa Curl

Hon. Mayor and Members of the City Council:
This is the report for the week ending April 15th, 2022.
- Meeting Notes
The next Regular City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday April 19th, 2022. Closed Session begins at 4:00 PM followed by the Regular Meeting of the Richmond City Council at 6:30 PM. The agenda can be found by clicking on this link.
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates
The following information is an ongoing list of resources and significant updates regarding COVID-19. Please click on the images or visit the hyperlinks below for further information.
Impact to City Services and Facilities
Health Information and Community Resources

Contra Costa County Coronavirus Updates

California Department of Public Health
- Upcoming Events
Drive Electric Earth Day Event and Richmond MOVES E-Shuttle Launch
The Richmond Transportation Department is hosting a Drive Electric Day Event next week that will highlight all the electric mobility services and programs that Richmond has to offer.
Attendees will have an opportunity to learn about regional and state rebate programs to purchase electric vehicles (EVs) and bikes.
Reasons to Consider Owning an Electric Vehicle (EV)
- It’s a performance vehicle that will save you money.
- Instant torque allowing you to quickly speed up and merge onto the freeway
- $1.24 per eGallon (U.S. Average)
- Latest technology such as driver assist lane tracking, emergency braking, and over-the-air updates
- Less maintenance
- Safer. EVs are ten times less likely to catch fire than conventional cars
- And, of course, they’re better for the environment, even when accounting for their manufacturing carbon emissions and when using electricity from coal plants.
If you are an EV owner, bring your vehicle to show and share your experience with others. Register to attend on the link provided in the flyer below.

BayREN Earth Day Home Energy Efficiency Webinar
The City Manager’s Office, Economic Development Department, Environmental and Health Initiatives Division encourages Richmond residents to attend the Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BayREN) Earth Day home energy efficiency webinar on Thursday, April 21st, 2022, from 5:30PM to 6:30 PM.
Residents will learn about how to reduce their utility bills and what energy-saving programs and resources are available through a conversation with representatives from PG&E, local electricity providers, and energy rebate programs. The session will start with an overview of common energy questions including:
- What is a Time of Use rate and what is the best option for me?
- What are the most cost-effective home improvements?
- How clean is our electricity?
- Why are cities banning natural gas?
Register at or call (866) 878-6008
Date: Thursday, April 21st, 2022
Time: 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM PDT
The workshop will be recorded and available on BayREN’s YouTube Channel. For any direct questions, please contact BayREN Home+ Program Lead at

6th Cycle Housing Element and Housing Equity Roadmap Pop-Up Events Begin this Month!
The City of Richmond is inviting members of the community to participate in the pop-up events being held this month. These pop-up events will be a great opportunity for members of the community to learn about the Housing Element process, and to share their lived experiences. The City is planning to hold a few pop-up events per month throughout the year to ensure all community voices are heard.
For the month of April, the pop-up events will be held on:
April 22nd, 2022 – Earth Day at Contra Costa College at 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
April 23rd, 2022 – Earth Day Cleanup at Unity Park at 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
April 30th, 2022 – Park Rx at Nicholl Park at 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM

¡Los Eventos Pop-Up del Sexto Ciclo de la Actualización del Elemento de Vivienda y la Ruta a la Equidad de Vivienda Empiezan este Mes!
La Ciudad de Richmond invita a los miembros de su comunidad a participar en los eventos pop-up que se llevarán a cabo durante este mes. Estos eventos serán una buena oportunidad para que los miembros de la comunidad aprendan acerca del proceso del Elemento de Vivienda, y para compartir sus experiencias vividas. La Ciudad planea llevar a cabo unos cuantos eventos pop-up durante el año para garantizar que se escuchen las voces de todos los miembros de la comunidad.
Para el mes de Abril, los eventos pop-up serán en estos días:
Abril 22nd, 2022 – Earth Day en Contra Costa College at 11:00AM – 1:00 PM
Abril 23rd, 2022 – Earth Day Cleanup en Unity Park at 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Abril 30th, 2022 – Park Rx en Nicholl Park at 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM

North Richmond Mobile Tool Library Soft Launch at North Richmond Earth Day
The North Richmond Mobile Tool Library is excited to announce our soft launch for North Richmond Earth Day! We will be loaning tools for Verde School Safe Route to School's Earth Day Community Clean-Up event scheduled for April 22nd, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM. Join us for an exciting afternoon and help keep our home clean!
Subscribe to our e-newsletter here to stay up to date with everything Mobile Tool Library! The North Richmond Mobile Tool Library is jointly funded by City of Richmond & Contra Costa County.

Earth Day in North Richmond
Join us for the North Richmond Earth Day Event on Saturday, April 23rd, 2022 for morning of service and fun!
Call Victor Jimenez, CHDC’s Community Services Coordinator at (510) 221-2557 for more information.
Celebrate Earth Day on the Richmond Greenway with Urban Tilth!
The City Manager’s Office, Economic Development, Environmental and Health Initiatives encourages Richmond residents to attend the Richmond Greenway Earth Day Celebration on April 23rd, 2022 at 10:00 AM with Urban Tilth. This event is in partnership with the City of Richmond, Groundwork Richmond, Moving Forward, Contra Costa Resource Conservation District, and more.
Date: Saturday, April 23rd
Time: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Location: Unity Park on Richmond Greenway
Address: 16th & Ohio St., Richmond, CA 94804
Earth Day activities include mural painting, planting a flower garden, beautifying a playground, building a free fruit tree stand for the edible forest, and watershed swale planting and weeding. Please wear a mask and maintain social distance.
To learn more about the event, visit or call (510) 232-0911. To register for this event please click here! Visit to find other exciting Earth Day events!

Point Molate Earth Day Celebration!
Celebrate Earth Day at Point Molate Beach Park with BridgeMaker Art, Wholly H2O, Point Molate Alliance, Citizens for East Shore Parks, and the Sierra Club on Saturday, April 23rd at 11 AM. Come enjoy a fun-filled, family-friendly Earth Day celebration with art, a BioBlitz, hiking, poetry, music, plant walks, osprey viewings, and more.
Date: Saturday, April 23rd
Time: 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Location: Point Molate Beach Park
Address: 2092 Stenmark Drive, Richmond, CA 94801
Learn more about the event and register HERE. Visit to find other exciting Earth Day events!

Work Readiness Workshops
Work readiness workshops are being offered at RichmondWORKS in English and Spanish
- Work Etiquette: April 19th & April 26th from 3:00 PM-5:00 PM
- OSHA Work Safety: April 20th & April 27th from 4:00 PM-5:30 PM presented by UC Berkeley Staff (UC Berkeley will provide OSHA participation certificate)
- Money Management: April 21st & April 28th from 3:00 PM-5:00 PM
For more information and to register for the workshops, please email: Elisandro Garcia at, Ivis Andrade at, or Marisol Del Rio at

2022 Park Rx Day
Save the Date! We are hosting Park Rx Day again this year on Saturday, April 30th, 2022, from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM. Call (510) 620-6793 for more information.

Willie Mays Day – Saturday, May 21, 2022
SAVE THE DATE! Please join us on Saturday, May 21, 2022, as we rename our baseball diamond at Nicholl Park in honor of the Baseball Hall of Fame legend, Willie “The Say Hey Kid” Mays. Mr. Mays participated in Richmond’s Annual March of Dimes events in this park during the 1960s and 1970s to assist our youth in need. The event starts at 11:00 AM and we hope to see you all there! More information can be found at .

Save the Date for Juneteenth 2022!
Call (510) 620-6546 for more information.

Save the Date for the 3rd of July

- City Manager’s Chronicles
Meetings and events of note in the past week include the following:
- Along with Finance and City Manager’s Office staff, I attended the Richmond Neighborhood Coordinating Council (RNCC) to present on the FY 2022-23 Budget;
- Listened to the Reimagine Public Safety Task Force Special meeting;
- Along with Director of Community Development, Lina Velasco, we began final interviews with candidates for the housing manager position;
- Met with Mayor Butt, Pogo Park representative Toody Maher, and Manil Bajracharya from mack5 to discuss the scope of work from the upcoming construction for the Harbour 8 expansion;
- Reviewed and discussed financial and budget updates with Finance and City Manager’s Office staff, including the upcoming FY 2022-23 department budget hearings that will be presented at City Council
Continued one-on-one weekly meetings with members of the City Council, community members, the Management Leadership Team, Department Heads in our one-on-one check-ins, City Attorney’s Office, and various City staff members.
- City Manager’s Office Economic Development
Nystrom Village Neighborhood Spring Clean-Up: I Heart Richmond
On Saturday, April 9th, the City Manager’s Office (Environmental and Health Initiatives), Community Services Department (Love Your Block), Richmond Housing Authority, Public Works (Abatement), in partnership with Caltrans and Rosie’s Service Corps, hosted a volunteer clean-up event at Nystrom Village. 36 volunteers helped to pick up dozens of bags of trash, weeded and cleaned vacant properties, and helped with the concurrent Neighborhood Dumpster Day.
If you are interested in learning about more volunteer opportunities in Richmond:
A huge thank you to all who came out to help clean up and show that we love Richmond! A special thank you to the Richmond Housing Authority staff who helped coordinate and run the event, and to Golden Gate Bistro for catering the volunteer lunch.
- Community Development
Apply to be part of the Resident Advisory Council to Help Shape the 6th Cycle Housing Element and Housing Equity Roadmap!
The City of Richmond is inviting residents to apply to be part of the Richmond Resident Advisory Council (RAC), a group which will help shape the City’s 6th cycle Housing Element Update and Housing Equity Roadmap. This effort will help guide the City’s policies and actions to meet the current and future housing needs of Richmond residents.
A Richmond Resident Advisory Council member’s role is to identify major housing challenges in Richmond and advocate for solutions and policies to advance equitable housing. Members of the RAC will attend 6 meetings, from April to August 2022 which may occur during weekday evenings or on weekends. A stipend of $50 per meeting will be offered to each participant.
To be considered for the council, please fill out the online application at or send the paper application to Kelly via Applications are due May 8th, 2022.
The City of Richmond 6th Cycle Housing Element is Underway. For more information, please visit the Housing Element Update site and stay up to date by signing to our listserv.”

¡Aplique para ser parte del Consejo Asesor de Residentes para Ayudar a Formar el Sexto Ciclo de la Actualización del Elemento de Vivienda y la Ruta a la Equidad de Vivienda!
La Ciudad de Richmond esta invitando a sus residentes a unirse con el Consejo Asesor de Residentes, un grupo que va ayudar a formar el sexto ciclo de la Actualización del Elemento de Vivienda (Housing Element Update) y la Ruta a la Equidad de Vivienda (Housing Equity Roadmap) de la ciudad. Este esfuerzo ayudara a guiar las pólizas y acciones de la ciudad para cumplir con las exigencias de vivienda actuales y futuras de Richmond.
La función de los miembros del Consejo Asesor de Residentes es identificar grandes problemas de vivienda en Richmond y promover soluciones y pólizas para avanzar la vivienda equitativa. Miembros del consejo atenderán 6 reuniones, de abril hasta agosto 2022. Estas reuniones ocurrirán durante la semana en la tarde o en los fines de semana. Un incentivo de $50 por reunión será ofrecido a cada participante.
Para ser considerado como miembro del consejo, por favor complete la aplicación en línea o mande una aplicación de papel Kelly por correo electrónico La aplicación debe enviarse a mas tardar el 8 de mayo 2022.
El Sexto Ciclo del Elemento de Vivienda de la Ciudad de Richmond esta en Camino. Para más información, por favor visite la pagina de internet Elemento de Vivienda, y para estar actualizado regístrese en nuestro listserv.

HOME-American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP)
Contra Costa County needs your input on homelessness needs within your community.
The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 appropriated $5 billion to assist individuals or households who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, and other vulnerable populations, by providing rental housing, rental assistance, supportive services, and non-congregate shelter, to reduce homelessness and increase housing stability. In September 2021, HUD awarded the Contra Costa County HOME Consortium (which consists of Contra Costa County and the Cities of Antioch, Concord, Pittsburg, and Walnut Creek) $12,090,215 in HOME-ARP funds.
We invite you to share your thoughts by taking a survey.
The HOME-ARP survey is designed to gather information from stakeholders, affordable housing developers, and community members about homelessness needs in Contra Costa County and HOME-ARP projects being planned. The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete and will be available until June 1st, 2022.
English Survey
La encuesta del programa HOME-ARP (en sus siglas en inglés) está diseñada para recopilar información de partes interesadas, los desarrolladores de viviendas asequibles y los miembros de la comunidad sobre las necesidades de las personas sin hogar en el Condado de Contra Costa y los proyectos de HOME-ARP que se están planificando. La encuesta tardará aproximadamente 10 minutos en completarse y estará disponible hasta el 1 de junio de 2022.
Encuesta en Español
For more information, please visit our webpage at

- Fire Department
Deputy Fire Chief Promotion
The Richmond Fire Department is pleased to announce the promotion of Battalion Chief Aaron Osorio to the rank of Deputy Fire Chief, effective on April 18th, 2022. Deputy Fire Chief Osorio has 25 years of fire service experience, 19 of which has been with the City of Richmond Fire Department. He brings with him a broad spectrum of hands-on experience as a firefighter, engineer, captain, battalion chief, training director, emergency medical services director, and acting deputy fire chief, guiding him to strategically manage the many facets and challenges of the City’s fire operations. His other accomplishments include 15-yrs of Hazmat Specialist experience, development and enforcement of the department’s operational policy, union negotiations, emergency medical services, budget administration, and leading the department through the COVID 19 pandemic. Please join us in congratulating Deputy Fire Chief Osorio on his achievement!

Fire Station Visit - Rich City Rides
Rich City Rides conducts community bike rides on Sundays which are designed to promote community, healthy habits and exercise, and develop bike recreation, transportation, and safety. This mission and that of the Richmond Fire Department are aligned. This past Sunday, cyclists visited Richmond Fire Station 64 to learn more about health, safety, and emergency response.

High Angle Rescue
Richmond Firefighters conduct high angle rescue training. When slopes and elevations make it difficult to recover and rescue accident victims, high angle rescue skills come in handy as firefighters trained in them know exactly how to efficiently, quickly, and most importantly – safely transport victims to safer ground where they can get immediate medical care that they need. This is a critical requirement, especially in locations and businesses that pose the risk of elevated rescues such as multi-story buildings, vessels, tank farms, elevated platforms, below grade vessels and cell phone towers. Training techniques include line transfers, rigging, pick-offs, anchor point selection, advantage systems, belaying, and rappelling.

- Internal Services
Human Resources
City of Richmond Job Opportunities
The Human Resources Management Department’s mission is to support our customers in accomplishing their missions by attracting and retaining a highly skilled and diversified workforce that is compensated and rewarded for its effort in an equitable, safe and responsible work environment.
To view our most current job listings please visit our Current Job Opportunities
Information Technology
KCRT Spotlight Video of The Week

Spotlight video of Terminal One
Website Statistics

KCRT Datanet For The Week

KCRT TV Channel 28 - New Episodes Of Current Programming
New Segments:
- NewsBytes: City Manager Swearing In Ceremony
- NewsBytes: Highlights of the Richmond Poetry event (piece provided by and edited by Doug Harris)
New Segment / Series Episode:
- New episodes of “The Jet Set” and “Creature Features”
- Multiple new episodes of “Sidewalks Entertainment” during the week
Recent Segments:
- “NewsBytes” Segments: Tibetan Flag Raising, Women’s Day segments, Mayor’s State of the City, Police / Fire Toy Drive, Coffee with the Chief, Transgender Flag Raising, Fire Chief Swearing-In Ceremony, Clean Air Day, National Night Out 2021, Ookwe Park Celebration, Yellow Brick Road, Transit Re-Grand Opening and BOLT Bike Sharing
- ”Your Future, Your Choice: Life after High School,” six short presentations that cover options and resources for four-year colleges, community colleges, and the building trades (video courtesy of Library and Doug Harris).
- Revised edition of GRIP Alternatives No-Cost Solar Workshop
You may find the full schedule at
- Library and Community Services
Community Services
Mahjong and Bridge for Seniors
Do you enjoy playing Mahjong or Bridge? We are looking for groups or individuals who want to play at the Richmond Annex Senior Center (located at 5801 Huntington Ave., Richmond, CA 94804). Currently, we have Bridge on Mondays from 12:30 PM to 3:00 PM. Beginning Mahjong is on Thursdays from 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM and Advanced Mahjong on Tuesdays from 11:15 AM to 3:00 PM. Please come by or call us for more information at (510) 620-6812.

Line Dancing Classes
Come join our new line dancing class at the Richmond Senior Center (located at 2525 Macdonald Ave., Richmond, CA 94804) on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM. Class is $2.00 per class. For more information call (510) 307-8087

MLK Turf and Field Temporary Closure: End of April 2022
The entire field and track is currently still closed and tentatively set to re-open towards the end of April 2022. Thank you for your continued patience while improvements are being made!
For more information, contact Recreation at (510) 620-6793.

Love Your Block In-Kind Sponsorship Program: Supplies for Volunteer Events
The Love Your Block In-Kind Sponsorship Program is now accepting requests for sponsorship! The sponsorship program aims to make supplies for volunteer clean-up and beautification projects available to residents and groups that want to make a difference in Richmond. There is a total of $15,000 available for FY2021-2022. Sponsorships are limited to $1,000 of supplies only.
Examples of supplies that can be sponsored include trash bags, gardening and landscaping supplies, painting supplies, personal protective equipment, and drinks, snacks, and refreshments for volunteers.
Check out the program guidelines, application, and more at, and contact Love Your Block staff at (510) 620-6563 or if you have any questions!
The Love Your Block In-Kind Sponsorship Program is funded by a partnership between Community Services and City Manager’s Office, Economic Development.

Middle School Basketball League
The Basketball Middle School League provides exciting recreational and competitive tournament play for youth. Registration is open at or visit us in-person at our registration office! Questions? Call (510) 620-6793.

After-School Instructional Youth Basketball
Learning the fundamentals of the game and developing basic basketball skills in a non-competitive FUN environment is what it's all about! Staff will lead small groups of children in basketball drills that will teach important hand-eye coordination, foot work and the game rules.
Note: COVID-19 protocols will be maintained. Participants will need to wear a mask at all times while in the building. Registration is open at or visit us in-person at our registration office! Questions? Call (510) 620-6793

Tiny Heroes Training Camps
Begin your training at our Tiny Heroes Training Center! This program is for ages beginning as infant through 5 years and is going on now! Sign up today at or call (510) 620-6793 for more information.

Spring Break with Recreation
On April 4th through April 8th, the Community Services Recreation Division hosted a City-Wide Spring Break camp for the youth at the Richmond Rec Complex, hosting a total of 70 youth! The campers were treated to fun game, arts & crafts activities, plus a pizza and ice cream day.
Each day had its own spirt theme: Monday was Favorite Color day, Tuesday was Mismatch day, Wednesday was backwards day, Thursday was Sports day, and Friday we ended with Crazy Pajama day!
If you would like to sign up your youth for our next available camp, you won’t have to wait long! We will be offering Achieve Summer Camps at Booker T. Anderson Community Center, Shields-Reid Community Center, Nevin Community Center, and Parchester Village Community Center. For our Elevate Summer Camps, we will be hosting those at the Richmond Recreation Complex and May Valley Community Center. Registration starts May 2nd, 2022 at We hope to see you join us this summer! Call (510) 620-6793 for more information!

Spring Egg Hunt
On Saturday, April 9th, more than 150 children and parents showed up for the CSD Recreation Division's annual Spring Egg Hunt! This was first in-person Egg Hunt event in more than two years.
Staff from the Recreation Department hid more than 3,000 eggs and gave away 12 Easter Baskets to the lucky finders of the Golden Eggs! The Richmond Fire Department also gave away fire hats and helped with the egg-hiding. All in attendance left with smiles on their faces and baskets full of goodies. It was a beautiful day in Nicholl Park.

Employment and Training
Richmond YouthBUILD Success Story: Bryant Garcia
Get excited! Bryant Garcia recently completed his high school diploma with John Muir Charter at Richmond YouthBUILD and was placed as a Stocker/Scrapper with Daley’s Dry Wall. He also made membership into the Dry Wall/Lathers 68L. He will proudly accept his diploma at his graduation in June! Well done Mr. Garcia!

Are you interested in a career in construction? Now Accepting Applications for the Charge Up Contra Costa – Electric Vehicle Equipment Installation and Maintenance Training Program. Please see the East Bay Express article- Rosie’s Redux: Union trades revive as suitable jobs for women for the expanding opportunities for women.

Are you a youth between ages 16 and 24 and need to complete your High School Diploma? Are you interested in a college or a Career in Construction? Learn and earn $$ while participating in their intensive, hands-on training community projects, and earn valuable industry-recognized certifications. If so, YouthBUILD continues to accept applications.
For more information, contact Fred Lucero, Program Manager, at, or call (510) 621-1780; visit the RichmondBUILD website

Paid Internship Opportunity
Learn more about your local government. YouthWORKS offers an administrative aide position for Richmond residents ages 18-24 a paid internship with the City of Richmond department.
To apply, click on the link
For more information, contact Cinthia Hernandez (510) 307-8019 or
Or visit our City of Richmond website:

The RichmondWORKS, America's Job Center of California (AJCC), is located at 330 – 25th Street, Richmond, Ca. 94804 is open for various career and job search services by appointment; walk-ins are also welcomed. In addition, career planners are available to provide weekly one-on-one career counseling sessions every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday by appointment. Call RichmondWORKS now at (510) 307-8014 to make your appointment for job search and career counseling assistance.

RichmondWORKS, English Language Learner Program
The RichmondWORKS English Language Learner (ELL) Program offers Richmond and West Contra Costa County residents who speak English as a second language the chance to work to receive training and support required to prepare for quality jobs with sustainable wages. For more information regarding the ELL program, please contact a Program Navigator at (510) 307-8045 or Email:

Richmond YouthWORKS
YouthWORKS work experience and training opportunities for richmond residents.
Richmond YouthWORKS has several programs to provide Richmond youth, ages 16- 24, with job search, work experience, and training assistance. For more information, visit the YouthWORKS Homepage, Facebook, Instagram, or call (510) 412-2044.

Employment Impacted by COVID-19
Were you impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic and lost your job? Are you receiving or exhausted your unemployment? If your answer is YES, RichmondWORKS/ YouthWORKS is here to help! RichmondWORKS offers career counseling, on-job training, occupational training, work readiness, & community resources to job seekers. We have FUNDS to assist in upgrading your current skills to help you get the job, career, and wages you desire! We will pay for your State of California-approved industry training up to $5000. Support Services funding is available for up to $800. For more information, please contact: Cinthia Hernandez, (510) 307-8019 or or Shi Carter, Phone: (510) 412-2041/ Email:

Business Solutions
RichmondWORKS coordinates and delivers resources and assistance to local businesses. Partners include the City of Richmond Office of Economic Development, Employment & Training Department, and local educational and business organizations. RichmondWORKS is an extension of your human resources department. We can help you save time and money. For more information, please contact a business services representative at (510) 307-8014.

California Building Inspection Job Fair
Diablo Valley College is hosting the California Building Inspection Job Fair on April 27th from 3:30-5:30 PM.
Join DVC for this free virtual event to learn about career opportunities in Building Inspection Technology. California Building Officials (CALBO) will discuss the Inspection Technology program, current and future job openings, and industry trends. In addition, this is an excellent opportunity to talk with industry professionals about the benefits of pursuing a career in this industry.
Career paths include: permit techs, plans examiners, building inspectors, building officials, code enforcement officers
Register now | Visit to learn more about California Building Officials.

TESLA Apprenticeship At Diablo Valley College
Please join Diablo Valley College to learn about career opportunities with Tesla.
Tesla is hiring for the Manufacturing Development Program (MDP) and many other entry-level opportunities. Students can work full-time for Tesla through the MDP program while concurrently enrolled in DVC's Industrial Automation and Robotics Certificate Program. To learn more about the benefits of working for Tesla, join us at one of our two virtual info sessions this semester.
Wednesday, April 27th, 6:00 PM- 7:00 PM

Electrical (Inside wireman) Apprenticeship Program
The Alameda County Electrical Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee is recruiting for their electrician apprenticeship program (inside wireman). This is a rare opportunity to access a union career in the electrical trades. Starting wage: $25.32. For additional details on the application, visit the following link: Minimum requirements to apply: be at least 18 years of age; high school diploma or GED; successfully completed one full year of high school algebra with a passing grade of "C" or better; must submit an official high school transcript. you must apply in-person at Alameda County Electrical JATC; 14600 Catalina St., San Leandro, CA 94577. There are four application deadlines: 4/29, 7/29, and 10/28. (Applications are only accepted between 1:00 PM-5:00 PM). If you need assistance completing the application, don't hesitate to contact Cinthia Hernandez at RichmondWORKS (510) 307-8019 or

- West Contra Costa Adult Education offers a variety of classes and FREE career training opportunities. For a list of the courses provided at WCC Adult Ed, please visit:
- The State of California offers a wide variety of careers and jobs. For a list of job opportunities, visit CalCareers
- Tax Preparation Assistance Lao Family Community Development has started its free tax program for low-income families. Please be aware that to utilize their services, your income must be below $57,000, and you must go to Lao Family at 1865 Rumrill Blvd, San Pablo, CA 94806 to pick up the tax forms; when all forms are completed, they can return all forms on Fridays and Saturdays ONLY. For more information, call (510) 215-1220.
Equal opportunity employer/programs; Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Expanding Library Hours
On Monday, April 18th, the Richmond Public Library will expand hours at the Main Library to Monday through Wednesday from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM, and Thursday and Friday from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
The Bayview and West Side Branch Libraries will add an additional half-hour on service days; both locations will be open on Tuesday and Thursday from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM. For more information on Library Services, visit us at

Poetry Month Program
Thirty people celebrated Poetry Month and Health Awareness on Thursday evening, April 7th, with guest poets Donte Clark, Tj Sykes, and CiCi Jevae at a program hosted by Richmond Poet Laureate David Flores and Richmond Public Library Teen Librarian Angela Cox. Supervisor John Gioia and Dr. Desmond Carter of LifeLong Medical Care were featured speakers, addressing the health challenges and disparities of people of color. A short recap of the evening is available on YouTube: An Evening of Richmond Poetry and Health Awareness
California State Parks Passes at your Library!
In partnership with the California State Library and the First Partner’s Office, California State Parks are providing free vehicle day-use entry to over 200 participating state parks to library-card holders. We have now received our first batch of parks passes!
Come to the Main Library to check out a hang tag parking pass. If you don’t have a library card yet, you can get one when you come in. For more information, call the Main Reference Desk at (510) 620-6561 or the Children’s Room at (510) 620-6557.

Richmond Public Library is going to Point Pinole!
Join us for a family ramble at Point Pinole Regional Park in Richmond. On Thursday, April 28th from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM., Richmond Public Library Children’s Services librarians and an East Bay Regional Park naturalist will meet you at the Atlas Road Staging area for a naturalist led nature walk, followed by story time and naturalist led activities. This program is ideal for families with children from infant through elementary school. We also have rambles planned for May 26th at Miller Knox Regional Park, and June 23rd at Alvarado Regional Park. All programs are one hour and begin at 11:00 AM. For more information, directions to the park or to register, please call the Children’s Room at (510) 620-6557 or telephone librarian Deborah Bonet at (510) 620-6521. You can also email Registration is not required but is appreciated. Hope to see you there!

Richmond’s First on Demand Electric Shuttle is Named
Last year the Richmond Transportation Division posted a survey to help name the new electric on demand shuttle service. Many thanks to everyone who participated in the survey. Various name suggestions were received for consideration before reaching the final selection of Richmond MOVES.
Richmond Moves will launch in conjunction with the City of Richmond Drive Electric Earth Day event on April 20th, 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM at 450 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, CA 94804. During your lunch break, come learn about electric vehicle and electric bike ownership, financial Incentives, and charging equipment. It will also be an opportunity to receive assistance registering for and learning more about all the Richmond Transportation multimodal e-mobility programs and services.
More information will be provided in the coming weeks. If you are interested in hosting an informational table or showcasing an electric vehicle or an electric bike, please contact Denée Evans at: or call (510) 621-1718.
Richmond Moves is part of California Climate Investments (CCI), a statewide initiative that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health and the environment —particularly in disadvantaged communities. Website:

Charge Up Contra Costa
Charge Up Contra Costa offers a new $500 E-Bike Rebate incentive to encourage residents of Contra Costa’s Equity Priority Communities to replace local car trips with non-polluting bike trips. Low-income residents of Antioch, Bay Point, Concord, Pittsburg, Richmond, and San Pablo are eligible. Please help us share this exciting opportunity in your community. Sample blurbs for pasting in newsletters and/or social media are below:
- $500 E-Bike Rebates from Charge Up Contra Costa make it easy to go electric. E-bikes are fun, easy to ride, and take you where you need to go - with zero trips to the gas station. If you have a low household income and live in Contra Costa County, visit to learn more.
- Tired of paying $5 a gallon? E-Bike instead! Income qualified Contra Costa residents can get a $500 Cash Rebate for buying a new E-Bike. Save money and have fun: it’s a win-win. Visit Charge Up Contra Costa to learn more.
- E-Bikes just got a lot more affordable with a $500 cash rebate available for income qualified Contra Costa residents. Learn more at Charge Up Contra Costa.
- Visit our table at the Richmond Drive Electric Earth Day Event, on Wednesday, April 20th, at 450 Civic Center Plaza, from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM
¡Compra una bicicleta eléctrica nueva y aplica para un reembolso en efectivo de $500! Puede disfrutar del aire libre y evitar el tráfico. Ayuda a eliminar los gases de efecto invernadero. Ahorra dinero al no conducir. Términos y condiciones:
About: Charge Up Contra Costa is a Contra Costa Transportation Authority grant to boost personal electric mobility in the county’s Equity Priority Communities. Initiatives include EV charging rebates for multi-family housing, EV carshare, E-Bike rebates, and EV workforce development.
Kirsten Riker | 511 Contra Costa| | Cell: 925-393-4807

- Public Works
Abatement Division
Abatement crews, in collaboration with Richmond Republic Services, Caltrans, and Sims Metal, hosted the Coronado Neighborhood Dumpster Day, staff assisted several seniors/disabled citizens with moving items that were to be disposed of, partnered with Caltrans, Safe Organized Spaces (SOS), Richmond Police and Highway Patrol to abate encampments from the Harbour Way/I-580 area, abated tons of debris from burnt encampments, abated Miraflores property on a private property warrant in conjunction with Code Enforcement, removed illegally dumped debris and graffiti from various locations throughout the City.
Coronado Dumpster Day
Harbour Way/580 Encampment Abatement
Private Property Abatement
Burnt Encampment Abatement
Illegal Dumping & Graffiti Removal
Building Maintenance
Stationary Engineers performed daily pool maintenance and Civic Center Plaza boiler inspections, replaced rusted bolts on handrails at the Kennedy Swim Center pool, replaced the fan belt on the #2 air handler unit at Employment and Training, replaced toilet valve at the Police Department, replaced the condenser fan motor at Employment and Training ice maker and installed a new urinal in the Employment and Training building.

Urinal Installation
Utility Workers assisted the Housing Authority with maintenance, cleaned and shampooed carpet in the Westside Library branch, installed window blinds in the daycare area of the Recreation Complex, waxed floor in the Armory Room of the Richmond Police Department, changed bulbs at the Plunge, sanitized and disinfected various locations including all common areas and cleaned/maintained 27 City-owned buildings.

Re-Lamping at the Plunge
Cutting Boulevard Restriping Project - Over the next couple of weeks WR Forde Associates, Inc., alongside their striping subcontractor, will be restriping Cutting Boulevard from South Garrard Boulevard to Hoffman Boulevard. This project will provide a new bicycle lane for the location listed.
Along with the striping the bikeway project will also be installing an asphalt berm along the corridor as a buffer between the bikeway and the vehicle lanes. They will be coordinating the traffic control efforts to minimize impact to the roadway while their striping operations are in progress.
Via Verdi Slope Stabilization Project – This project is nearing completion. The work here included construction of a culvert in San Pablo Creek, earthwork, utility work, reconstruction of the damaged portion of Via Verdi Drive and removal of the temporary detour road.
Next week permanent erosion control measures will be installed and the site will be cleaned. The project is scheduled to be completed by the end of the month. Construction questions can be directed to the Construction Manager, Tony Fuentes of mack5, at or (510) 595-4725.

Yellow Brick Road Pedestrian & Bicycle Improvement Project - Ghilotti Bros, Inc. (GBI) continued to prepare for the upcoming paving by lowering utilities, patch paving at conforms, and laying out paving limits. Their electrical subcontractor continued to install traffic signal modifications at 5th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, pull wire for the new streetlights along 8th Street, and perform the horizontal boring to install conduits along 8th Street from Nevin to Barrett Avenues.
This week GBI has started the new paving at Chanslor Avenue and 8th Street, Bissell Avenue and 8th Street, Macdonald Avenue and 8th Street, and weather permitting, will move to Barrett Avenue and 8th Street. The new paving will take approximately 3-4 weeks to complete.
Grinding and Paving
Parks and Landscaping
General fund crews removed litter and debris from the Greenway, weed abated at 37th Street and Cutting Circle, attached the wind screen to a fence at May Valley Community Center, weed abated on May Road right of ways, removed graffiti at Hilltop Park, assisted tree crew with e-calls, weed abated Valley View Road, performed maintenance on Amend Road, prepared Nicholl Park for activities, mowed the lawn at Braxton Park, repaired irrigation valve on Crescent Park, performed maintenance on Carlson Boulevard medians from South 51st Street to Bayview Avenue, mowed lawns at Booker T. Anderson Park, maintenance at the Nunn Pathway and Sound Wall, weed abated various pathways, installed cover panels on trash cans at Booker T. Anderson Park and abated along 47th Street.
Cutting Boulevard Maintenance

Nunn Soundwall
Tree Crews trimmed trees at Booker T. Anderson Park and responded to emergency calls on 20th Street and Macdonald Avenue.

Emergency Call
Marina Districtcrews removed debris from parks and parking lots, replaced dog waste bags, manually removed weeds from the medians at Regatta Boulevard, abated weeds with a string trimmer on the Bay Trail and near the tennis courts, removed weeds from cracks at Lucretia Edwards Park, edged lawns at Marina Bay Park, and mowed lawns throughout the district.

Bay Trail Maintenance
Hilltop District crews performed maintenance and debris removal throughout the area, abated weeds on the Richmond Parkway between Hilltop Drive and Giant Road off ramp, continued weed abatement at Country Club Vista Park, replaced bollards at Hilltop Lake Park and continued irrigation repair on Richmond Parkway.

Richmond Parkway Maintenance
Pavement Maintenance
Paving crews continued with installation of speed humps along Hartnett Avenue, removed k-rail from Goodrick Avenue, completed base repairs on Carlston Avenue and worked from the outstanding pothole list.
Carlston Avenue Base Repair

K-Rail Removal
Street Sweeping crews swept in the following neighborhood council areas on the second Monday through Thursday and the third Friday: May Valley, Vista View, Clinton Hill I – IV, Richmond Heights, Santa Fe, Coronado, Marina Bay and Point Richmond as weather permitted.
Signs and Lines crews fabricated 33 new signs, installed 10 new signs, installed 10 new poles, painted 100” of red curb paint, placed three new “Stop” messages, reinstalled pedestrian guardrail, removed four thermoplastic arrows, painted two new blue parking zones, placed approach lines and chevrons for speed humps and installed high visibility crosswalks in two locations.

Pedestrian Guardrail Install

Crosswalk Installation
Thank you for keeping up with the activities in the City of Richmond. Feel free to contact the City Manager’s Office if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.
Thank You!
Shasa Curl
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512
You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting:
Irene Lozano
Executive Assistant to the City Manager
City Manager’s Office
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, CA 94804
Direct: 510-621-1264
Main: 510-620-6512