This message is being sent on behalf of Interim City Manager Shasa Curl

Hon. Mayor and Members of the City Council:
This is the report for the week ending March 25th, 2022.
- Meeting Notes
The next Regular City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday , April 5, 2022. Enjoy the next week off!
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates
The following information is an ongoing list of resources and significant updates regarding COVID-19. Please click on the images or visit the hyperlinks below for further information.

Impact to City Services and Facilities
Health Information and Community Resources
Contra Costa County Coronavirus Updates
California Department of Public Health
- Upcoming Events
Community Budget Meetings
Members of the community, you are invited to attend the City of Richmond’s Community Budget Meeting hosted by the Finance Department. Come learn about the city’s budget process, an overview of the City’s finances, and how the American Rescue Plan impacts our city’s finances. City staff will be available for questions, and Spanish translation will be provided. You can access the meetings virtually on, Thursday, March 31st at 5:30 PM and April 11th at 7:00 PM using the following link:
Contact with any questions.

Marina Bay Beach Clean-Up & Kairos Youth Choir Spring Showcase
Join the Kairos Youth Choir to help clean up Marina Bay Beach on Sunday, March 27th at 9:00 AM. The free event combines a morning community clean-up with an afternoon live performance demo by the Kairos Youth Choir, presenting selected scenes from their upcoming spring musical!
Help protect our coast and oceans and keep Richmond clean! This is a free event and all activities are open to the public. Masks and social distancing are required for all volunteers and participants. This event is funded by a Love Your Block Mini-Grant from the City of Richmond City Manager’s Office, Economic Development and Community Services Department.
When: Sunday, March 27, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Check-in for volunteers: 9:00 AM, meet at the west end of Marina Park
Where: Marina Park, Richmond
Performance: 1:30 PM, stage at the west end of Marina Park

An Evening of Poetry and Health
An Evening of Poetry and Resource Awareness will be hosted by Richmond Poet Laureate David Flores and Richmond Teen Services Librarian Angela Cox, in observance of National Poetry Month. This in-person program will be held on Thursday, April 7th in the Council Chambers, 440 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, CA from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Supervisor John Gioia will be on hand to discuss the economic and pandemic factors that have contributed to the increased health challenges in the Black community, and the entire community. Dr. Desmond Carson will speak to attendees about maintaining physical and mental health, support programs and resources in West Contra Costa.
Spoken word artists Tj Sykes, Donte Clark and CiCi Jevae will perform spoken word that highlights the health and wellness challenges in the Black community. The public is invited to share their poetry during open mic following the guest poets. For more information, contact Angela Cox at (510) 620-5516, Richmond Public Library Teens - Home | Facebook , or our website, . Attendees are required to wear masks.

Clean Slate Day
Community members are invited to attend the Clean Slate Day event on April 8th, from
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
For further information please see the flyer below or call (510) 679-2122.

2022 Spring Egg Hunt
It’s back! Join us for our in-person Spring Egg Hunt event on Saturday, April 9, 2022. from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM at Nicholl Park. Call Recreation at (510) 620-6793 for more information.

Nystrom Village Clean-up Event—Volunteers Needed!
The City Manager’s Office- Economic Development, Richmond Love Your Block, and Public Works invite you to join the Nystrom Village Clean-up event on Saturday, April 9th at 10:00 AM. Activities will include litter pick-up, weed control, and general cleaning.
Volunteers will receive lunch, snacks, T-shirts, gloves, and masks. Tools for the event activities will be provided. Thank you for helping keep Richmond beautiful!
- Registration link:
- Date: Saturday, April 9, 2022
- Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
- Location: Meet at 250 S 13th Street (parking lot) for sign-in and instructions.
- Restrooms: Restrooms will be available at the Nystrom Community Center.
- Parking: There is free street parking on the surrounding streets.
- What to wear: Please wear clothes that you don't mind getting dirty, closed-toe shoes, and a face mask.
If you have any questions about the event or volunteering, contact CivicSpark Fellow- Sustainability Specialist Sabrina Paras, , or Love Your Block Program Manager Stephanie Ny, .
Stay updated on volunteer events by e-mail: or call 510-620-6563.
Greenway Gap Community Planning and Design Meeting
For years, it’s been a dream of many to connect the eastern and western sides of the Greenway at 23rd Street. Right now, the Greenway Trail stops at 23rd Street. To get across 23rd Street, you have to go under a dangerous overpass and walk or bike through a confusing set of city streets to continue to the other side.
The City of Richmond and a team of partners secured an Environmental Justice grant from Caltrans to plan, design and develop a concept for a bridge across 23rd Street that would close the Greenway Gap.
We invite you to attend the Greenway Gap Community Planning and Design Event on April 12, 13, and 14 from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM at Harbour-8 Park on the Richmond Greenway. Drop by any time to hop on a bike and tour the site, meet with project partners, review possible bridge designs, and let your voice be heard.
If you cannot attend the 3-Day Closing the Greenway Gap event, you can still provide feedback by calling Pogo Park at (510) 215-5500 or sending an email to
You can also provide feedback by taking the online survey .
Click here to learn more about the Project.
We hope to see you there!

2022 Park Rx Day
Save the Date! We are hosting Park Rx Day again this year on Saturday, April 30th, 2022, from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM. Call (510) 620-6793 for more information.

- City Manager’s Chronicles
Meetings and events of note in the past week include the following:
- Met with the City Manager’s Office and Finance staff to continue reviewing and refining the Fiscal Year 21-22 Mid-Year presentation to ensure accuracy
- Participated in a meeting with Housing Authority Director Nannette Beacham, Acting Finance Director Delmy Cuellar, Accountant Rita Martinez and consultants to discuss assistance with the Housing Authority’s outstanding financial matters
- Reviewed and discussed financial updates for the month of February 2022 with Finance and City Manager’s Office staff
- Participated in the Regular City Council meeting on Tuesday, March 22nd
- Presented at the Fairmede-Hilltop Neighborhood Council meeting and responded to questions about clean up efforts around the city, the city’s finances, attracting business opportunities and current job openings
Continued one-on-one weekly meetings with members of the City Council, community members, the Management Leadership Team, Department Heads in our one-on-one check-ins, City Attorney’s Office, and various City staff members.
- Internal Services
Information Technology
KCRT Datanet For The Week

KCRT TV Channel 28 - Current Programming
New Segment / Series Episode
New episodes of “The Jet Set,” “Eat Well Be Happy,” “Colour in Your Life,” and “Creature Features.”
- Multiple new episodes of “Sidewalks Entertainment” during the week.
Recent Segments
- “NewsBytes” Segments: Tibetan Flag Raising, Women’s Day segments, Mayor’s State of the City, Police / Fire Toy Drive, Coffee with the Chief, Transgender Flag Raising, Fire Chief Swearing-In Ceremony, Clean Air Day, National Night Out 2021, Ookwe Park Celebration, Yellow Brick Road, Transit Re-Grand Opening and BOLT Bike Sharing.
- ”Your Future, Your Choice: Life after High School,” six short presentations that cover options and resources for four-year colleges, community colleges, and the building trades (video courtesy of Library and Doug Harris).
- Revised edition of GRIP Alternatives No-Cost Solar Workshop.
You may find the full schedule at
- Library and Community Services
Employment and Training Division
Are you interested in a career in construction? Now accepting applications for the Charge Up Contra Costa – Electric Vehicle Equipment Installation and Maintenance Training Program. For more information contact Fred Lucero, Program Manager at or call (510) 621-1780 or visit the RichmondBUILD website.
Are you a youth between ages 16-24 years of age and need to complete your high school diploma? Are you interested in a college or a career in construction? If so, YouthBUILD continues to accept applications. Learn and earn $$ while participating in their intensive, hands-on training community projects, and earn valuable industry-recognized certifications
Please see the East Bay Express article- Rosie’s Redux: Union trades revive as suitable jobs for women for the expanding opportunities for women.
For more information contact Fred Lucero, Program Manager at or call (510) 621-1780 or visit the RichmondBUILD website
Paid Internship Opportunity
Learn more about your local government! YouthWORKS offers Administrative Aide position for Richmond Residents ages 18-24 as a paid internship within a City of Richmond department.
To apply click on the link
For more information contact Cinthia Hernandez at (510) 307-8019 or , or visit our City of Richmond Website:

The RichmondWORKS, America’s Job Center of California (AJCC),
Located at 330 – 25th Street, Richmond, Ca. 94804 is open for various career and job search services by appointment, walk-ins are also welcomed. Career Planners are available to provide weekly One-on-One Career Counseling sessions, every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday by appointment. Call RichmondWORKS now at (510) 307-8014 to make your appointment for job search and career counseling assistance.

RichmondWORKS, English Language Learner Program
The RichmondWORKS English Language Learner (ELL) Program offers Richmond and West Contra Costa County residents, who speak English as a second language, the chance to work to receive training and support required to prepare for quality jobs with sustainable wages. For more information regarding the ELL program, please contact a Program Navigator at (510) 307-8045 or email: .

YouthWORKS – Work Experience and Training Opportunities for Richmond Residents
Richmond YouthWORKS has several programs to provide Richmond youth, ages 16- 24, with job search, work experience, and training assistance. For more information, visit the YouthWORKS Homepage , Facebook , Instagram , or call (510) 412-2044.

Employment Impacted by COVID-19:
Were you impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic and lost your job? Are you receiving or exhausted your unemployment? If your answer is YES, RichmondWORKS/YouthWORKS is here to help! RichmondWORKS offers career counseling, on-job training, occupational training, work readiness, & community resources to job seekers. We have FUNDS to assist in upgrading your current skills to help you get the job, career, and wages you desire! We will pay for your State of California-approved industry training up to $5000. Support Services funding is available up to $800. For more information, please contact: Cinthia Hernandez, (510) 307-8019 or or Shi Carter, Phone: (510) 412-2041 Email:

Business Solutions
RichmondWORKS coordinates and delivers resources and assistance to local businesses. Partners include the City Manager’s Office - Economic Development, Employment & Training Division, and local educational and business organizations. RichmondWORKS is an extension of your human resources department. We can help you save time and money. For more information, please contact a business services representative at (510) 307-8014.

Employment and Training Opportunities
California Building Inspection Job Fair
Diablo Valley College is hosting the California Building Inspection Job Fair - on April 27th from 3:30 PM-5:30 PM.
Join DVC for this free virtual event to learn about career opportunities in Building Inspection Technology. California Building Officials (CALBO) will discuss the Inspection Technology program, current and future job openings, and industry trends. This is an excellent opportunity to talk with industry professionals about the benefits of pursuing a career in this industry.
Career paths include: permit techs, plans examiners, building inspectors, building officials, and code enforcement officers.
Register now or visit to learn more about California Building Officials.

Tesla Apprenticeship at Diablo Valley College
Please join Diablo Valley College to learn about career opportunities with Tesla.
Tesla is hiring for the Manufacturing Development Program (MDP) and many other entry-level opportunities. Through the MDP program, students can work full-time for Tesla while concurrently enrolled in DVC’s Industrial Automation and Robotics Certificate Program. To learn more about the benefits of working for Tesla, join as at one of our two virtual info sessions this semester.
Wednesday, April 27th, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Electrical (Inside wireman) Apprenticeship Program
The Alameda County Electrical Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee is recruiting for their electrician apprenticeship program (inside wireman). This is a rare opportunity to access a union career in the electrical trades. Starting wage: $25.32. For additional details on the application, visit the following link . Minimum Requirements to Apply: Be at least 18 years of age; High School Diploma or GED; Successfully completed one full year of High School Algebra with a passing grade of “C” or better; Must submit an Official High School Transcript. You Must Apply In-Person at Alameda County Electrical JATC; 14600 Catalina St., San Leandro, CA 94577. There are four application deadlines:4/29, 7/29, and 10/28. (Applications are only accepted between 1 PM-5 PM). If you need assistance completing the application, please feel free to contact Cinthia Hernandez at RichmondWORKS (510) 307-8019 or .

- Are you interested in dental assistant training, paid externship, and career? JVS, in partnership with the California Dental Association (CDA) and Dental Perfections is offering a certificate program to train highly motivated candidates and aims at providing the abilities necessary to gain entry-level employment in the dentistry field. The International Rescue Committee (IRC) clients have had a great experience and success with JVS training and highly recommend it. IRC will help refugees, asylees, survivors of interpersonal violence (SIVs), Afghan parolees and trafficking victims and derivatives of these cases with the application process and prepare them for the interviews. Please email Anna Kors on , call/text (510) 463-1073.
You can find more information here:
- West Contra Costa Adult Education is offering a variety of classes and FREE career training opportunities. For a list of classes offered at WCC Adult Ed please visit:
- State of California offers a wide variety of careers and jobs. For a list of job opportunities visit CalCareers
- Tax Preparation Assistance Lao Family Community Development has started its free tax program for low-income families. Please be aware that to utilize their services your income must be below $57,000 and you must go to Lao Family at 1865 Rumrill Blvd, San Pablo, CA 94806 to pick up the tax forms when all forms are completed, they can return all forms on Fridays and Saturdays ONLY. For more information call (510) 215-1220.
- Urban Tilth is excited to announce new job opportunities. They are currently three available positions (1) Part-Time approx. 20/hr. per week- CSA Coordinator with a starting wage of $18/hr., (2) Full-time- 2021 North Richmond Farm Community Engagement Coordinator with a wage scale of $20/hr.-$25/hr. based on experience with benefits after 60 days probationary period and (3) Part-Time approx. 20/hr. per week- Farm Stand and Added Value Products Coordinator. **Low income, people of color, women, LBGTQ, Richmond/San Pablo, and West Contra Costa County residents are encouraged to apply. ** How to Apply: Send resume, cover letter, and a current copy of Driver’s Licenses and 2022 DMV Driving Record and references via mail or email to: Urban Tilth 323 Brookside Dr. Richmond, CA 94801 or . Please note you will need to include in your subject heading the name of the position you are applying for. For more information, please call (510) 232-0911 or visit Urban Tilth – Grow your own. Richmond CA
Equal opportunity employer/programs; Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Do-It-Yourself Car Maintenance and Repair
Are you a DIYer who likes to work on cars? If yes, then the Richmond Public Library has something for you. AllData is a printable full-text automotive diagnostic and repair information database covering the years 1966 to 2022. AllData is available at the Main Library only. For more information, please contact the Main Library Reference Desk at (510) 620-6561.

Richmond Public Library Zooms into Preschools
Richmond Public Library offers live bilingual story times to local preschools via Zoom. Children’s Services Librarians Sheila Dickinson and Deborah Bonet bring the joy of reading to preschool classrooms, sharing books, songs, fingerplays and dance in both English and Spanish. The interactive story times take place every Tuesday at 10:30 A.M. Attendance is by invitation only. If you would like your preschool or preschool classroom to join us, please call the Children’s Room at (510) 620-6557 or email for more information.

Riding electric pedal assist bikes are fun! Now is a great time to experience Richmond’s bikeshare program while exploring the city, running errands, or going to work. We have just added three new bike hubs at San Pablo and Clinton, Burg Park, and near the Richmond Bridge (see flyer). There is still time to take advantage of promo code 511CC to receive five free bike unlocks to start your adventure.
The bikeshare program is provided as an environmentally friendly travel option for Richmond residents, businesses, and visitors. Please help us maintain this beneficial service by reporting any in progress vandalism or theft of these community bikes to the Richmond Police Department (510) 233 -1214 or 911.
For more information go to: Bike Share | Richmond, CA - Official Website or call (510) 621-1718.

Richmond’s First on Demand Electric Shuttle is Named
Last year the Richmond Transportation Division posted a survey to help name the new electric on demand shuttle service. Many thanks to everyone who participated in the survey. Various name suggestions were received for consideration before reaching the final selection of Richmond MOVES.
Richmond Moves will launch in conjunction with the City of Richmond Drive Electric Earth Day event on April 20th, 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM at 450 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, CA 94804. During your lunch break, come learn about electric vehicle and electric bike ownership, financial Incentives, and charging equipment. It will also be an opportunity to receive assistance registering for and learning more about all the Richmond Transportation multimodal e-mobility programs and services.
More information will be provided in the coming weeks. If you are interested in hosting an informational table or showcasing an electric vehicle or an electric bike, please contact Denée Evans at: or call (510) 621-1718.
Richmond Moves is part of California Climate Investments (CCI), a statewide initiative that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health and the environment —particularly in disadvantaged communities. Website:

- Public Works
Abatement Division
Abatement crews abated weeds and debris from the Richmond Parkway, cleared debris from City lots and alleyways, dismantled a recreational vehicle (RV), abated debris from Rydin Road, removed illegally dumped debris and graffiti from various locations throughout the City.
Richmond Parkway Maintenance
City Lot/Alleyway Abatement
RV Dismantling
Illegal Dumping & Graffiti Removal
Building Maintenance
Stationary engineers performed daily pool maintenance and Civic Center Plaza boiler inspections, cleared the sewer line at Pogo Park, repaired the water heater recirculating pump at 440 Civic Center Plaza, investigated piping at the Rail Building and cleared the sewer line at the Auditorium.

Recirculating Pump Installation
Utility Workers assisted the Housing Authority with maintenance, pressure washed the Transit Station, sanitized and disinfected various locations including all common areas and maintained 27 City owned buildings.

Transit Center
Via Verdi Road Project work includes construction of a culvert in San Pablo Creek, earthwork, utility work, reconstruction of the damaged portion of Via Verdi Drive and removal of the temporary detour road.
Via Verdi Road is open! Activity for the next week will include grading, installing fencing, and planting north of Via Verdi. The temporary road restoration has begun. The project is scheduled to complete in April 2022.
Construction questions can be directed to Construction Manager Tony Fuentes of mack5, at or (510) 595-4725.

Parks and Landscaping
General fund crews removed litter and debris from all parks, weed abated Ells Pathway, performed maintenance at the Bayview Library, abated weeds from Cypress Street, mowed Booker T. Anderson Park, abated at the Swim Center, removed debris from Point Molate and Point Richmond, weed abated at multiple parks, cleaned along the McDonald Avenue underpass, repaired irrigation at Solano Park, performed maintenance on the Nicholl Park ballfields, abated the Richmond Parkway bike path, installed new basketball nets at two parks and removed graffiti from the Greenway.

Macdonald Avenue Underpass
Tree crews cut, trimmed or removed trees on 35th Street, 42nd Street, South 55th Street, Cutting Boulevard, Washington Avenue. Staff also ground the stump and removed grinding from Cutting Boulevard.

JoAnn Drive
Marina Districtcrews removed debris from parks, replaced dog waste bags, manually removed weeds from the medians on Marina Bay Parkway, performed irrigation repairs and adjustments along the Marina Bay Trail, completed pruning shrubs on the Bay Trail, cut and edged the lawn at Big Green Park, mowed the lawn at Shimada Park, removed weeds in cracks in multiple locations and continued weed abatement and maintenance of the Sand Beach at Marina Bay Park.

Hilltop District crews performed maintenance and debris removal throughout the district, weed abatement of the medians on Blume Drive, abated the right of ways on Blume Drive and began weed abatement at Hilltop Lake.

Blume Drive Medians
Pavement Maintenance
Street crews grinded and paved Hartnett Avenue from Carlson Boulevard to Bayview Avenue and worked from the outstanding pothole list.
Hartnett Avenue
Street Sweeping crews swept the following neighborhood council areas on the third Monday and fourth Tuesday through Friday: North Richmond, Iron Triangle, North Belding Woods, Metro Richmore Village, Pullman, Cortez/Stege, Park Plaza, Laurel Park, City Center, Richmond Annex, Parkview, Panhandle Annex and Eastshore.
Signs and Lines crews fabricated 12 new signs, installed 8 new signs, installed 160’ of red curb paint, 4 “Stop” messages, installed 2 new disabled parking zones, install approach lines for 4 speed humps on 32nd Street and removed 4 stop messages and signs.
Chevron Installation Stop Sign Installation
Water Resource Recovery
Wastewater Treatment Plant – Fats, Oils, & Grease (FOG)
Please! Do not put grease down the drain! Heavy grease has been reported at Richmond's sewer treatment plant. Grease clogs pipes and can be detrimental to the function of the plant.
For more information about Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG), please call (510) 620-6594.

Planta de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales – Aceites y Grasas (FOG)
¡POR FAVOR! ¡NO PONGA GRASA POR EL DRENAJE! Se ha reportado grasa pesada en la planta de tratamiento de alcantarillado de Richmond. La grasa obstruye las tuberías y puede ser perjudicial para la función de la planta.
Para obtener más información sobre aceites y grasas (FOG), llame al (510) 620-6594.

Sewer Lateral Grant Program
The City of Richmond’s Water Resource Recovery Division administers the Sewer Lateral Grant Program. The program reimburses eligible homeowners in the Richmond Municipal Sewer District (RMSD No. 1) for some of the cost to replace their sewer lateral.
The program is open and accepting applications for the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 for sewer lateral work completed between 7/1/2021-6/30/2022.
For more information about the Sewer Lateral Grant Program, please visit or call (510) 620-6594.

High Priority Critical Improvements Projects
Background: The City of Richmond and Veolia Water (Veolia) are implementing High Priority Critical Improvements Projects at the City's Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), which is managed and operated by Veolia. The purpose of the projects is to replace aging and unreliable infrastructure, improve treatment operating efficiency, comply with future discharge regulations, and improve the functionality of the existing WWTP. The improvements were identified through previous planning efforts, including the 2010 WWTP Master Plan and the 2016 WWTP Facility Plan, to construct the following elements of the WWTP Critical Improvements Projects: (1) New screening and grit removal facilities; (2) Aeration upgrades; and (3) Demolition of existing facilities and site clearing in preparation for future WWTP Facilities. The projects are expected to take approximately 2 ½ years to complete.
Update: Shimmick continued working on the Pista Grit structure, erecting the wall forms, installing the reinforcing steel and construction joints. They also started working on the new storm drain piping and manhole for the yard. Shimmick continued working on the construction of electrical duct banks to power the future equipment; and they continued working on the Aeration Basins (AB) installing forms for the new slide gates.
Pista Grit: Shimmick continues working on the installation of the rebar, the wall forms and the construction joints of the Pista Grit structure.
Pista Grit: Shimmick continued working on the rebar, wall forms and construction joints. The water stop (pictured above, L) is installed inside the concrete to prevent leakage.

Pista Grit: RMA (Rebar inspector) is conducting specialty inspection to guarantee the rebar is correctly installed.

Yard piping: Shimmick is in the process of installing new manhole 8 and the new storm drain piping at the Plant.

Electrical duct banks: Shimmick is cutting the asphalt, digging the trench, installing the rebar cage and the electrical conduits to connect to the other duct banks.
Aeration Basins: Shimmick continued working on the installation of the new slide gate.

First Street Relief Sewer Project
Background: The First Street Relief Sewer and Pipeline Rehabilitation Project is the final of four design projects from the comprehensive 2016 Collection System Design Project, which also included the construction of the Cutting/Carlson and Hoffman Project (originally two projects), and the Macdonald and Virginia Wet Weather Improvement Project. The Project consists of approximately 3,743 lineal feet of open cut replacement of existing 6-inch sewer, approximately 1,696 lineal feet of open cut replacement of existing 8-inch sewer, approximately 631 lineal feet of open cut replacement of existing 10-inch sewer, and approximately 125 lineal feet of open cut replacement of existing 18-in sewer. This project began in July 2021 and is expected to be completed well ahead of the Baykeeper due date of July 2023.
Update: To date, D’Arcy & Harty Construction has completed replacement of the entire 6,195 total lineal feet of sewer main line piping included in the project scope. Pipe replacement work was completed in December 2021. Currently, the Contractor is completing filming of the last few segments of NASSCO compliant CCTV video documenting all newly replaced pipes prior to scheduling final street restoration. The first set of post CCTV videos was provided in January 2022. Review by V.W. Housen and Associates team started in February 2022. Currently, post CCTV video production and review continue.
High Priority Sewer Line Replacement Project
Background: The High Priority Sewer Line Replacement Project replaces eight pipelines with a combined length of around 2,700 lineal feet. Scope of work includes reconnection of existing laterals at mains, connection to existing manholes and hardscape and pavement restorations.
Update: To date, D’Arcy & Harty Construction has completed sewer main replacement installations at Potrero and 41st, 12277 San Pablo Ave, 1903 Garvin Avenue, 311 - 341 E Richmond, Dimm Street (right of way in street) between Barrett & Humboldt and 1460 Rifle Range Road. On March 16, 2022, Right of Entry/Easement Access Authorization letters were finalized by the City Manager’s Office for the next (2) sewer mainline replacement segments located at 550 Key Blvd and 415 Dimm Street. Investigational pre-CCTV is scheduled for the week of March 28th. Sewer mainline replacement will be accomplished via the “Pipe Bursting” method after Access Points (Manholes and/or Cleanouts) and all Lateral connections have been identified.
2021 Grade 5 RAA Line Replacement Project
Background: The 2021 Grade 5 RAA (Risk Assessment Analysis) Replacement Project replaces seven sewer pipelines with an approximate combined length of 760 lineal feet. The work includes replacement of deteriorated sewer pipe segments within the collection system using pipe bursting or open cut methods. This project was competitively bid to be performed on a "design-build" basis: the Contractor is responsible for engaging the services of an engineering firm to issue design drawings for lines with utility conflicts and other constructability issues and prepare final, as-built drawings.
Update: W.R. Forde has completed installations at 21st Street and Potrero; Rheem and 23rd Street; 4925 Macdonald (“Planet Fitness”); Virginia and 22nd Streets, 1600 Chancellor and AC Transit at 21st Street between Bissell and Carlson. Currently they are replacing 278 lineal feet of failed 6” clay sewer main with New 8” High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipe via the “Pipe Bursting” method in the vicinity of 403 McLaughlin.
W R Forde crews prepare to reconnect the existing lateral line to the new Main.

Fused 8” black HDPE sewer main line replacement pipe. This final section was 140 LF. The pipe is attached to a bursting head and is “pulled” into the same alignment following “bursting” the existing 6” clay pipe.

Despite difficult access and tight working conditions, W.R. Forde crews progress on schedule restoring lateral service line connections to homes and businesses along the newly replaced 8” sewer mainline.
Marina Bay Parkway Force Main Extension Project
Background: The Marina Bay Parkway Force Main Extension Project extends the existing Marina Bay Parkway force main to a new manhole at the intersection of Pierson Avenue and Marina Bay Parkway and installs a new gravity sewer pipeline from the Pierson/Jetty Drive intersection, across Marina Bay Parkway. This piping reconfiguration will eliminate sanitary sewer overflows that occur from depressed manholes located at the intersection of Marina Bay Parkway and Pierson Avenue. Richmond-based, local contractor W.R. Forde Associates was the lowest, responsive bidder at $357,200.00.
Update: The project work was initially completed in December 2021. The Contractor returned recently to install a bolt down manhole frame and cover on the new manhole at the termination of the Force Main. The material for the manhole frame and cover were a long-lead item and were installed in March 2022. Additional scope to alleviate future SSO’s by adding 991 LF of 8” gravity sewer main and three (3) new manholes with bolt down covers along 27th Street is being formalized.
Sodium Bisulfite (SBS) Facility Improvements Project
Background: The City of Richmond (COR) and West County Agency (WCA) entered into a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) on July 27, 2020, to share the design and construction costs associated with the new Sodium Bisulfite Facility construction and system upgrade. During the design of the new SBS Facility, WCA and the COR agreed to upgrade the SHS mechanical, electrical, plumbing, instrumentation, and SCADA system, as well. Myers & Sons Construction, LLC is the Contractor. The SBS Facility Improvements Project includes the following major elements:
- New sodium bisulfite and sodium hypochlorite chemical metering and instrumentation systems to replace the existing chemical metering and instrumentation systems.
- Sodium bisulfite and sodium hypochlorite improvements include civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and SCADA system and facility improvements.
- Demolition of existing facilities for project improvements.
Update: Myers & Sons completed the wall and cap structure that will protect Richmond’s effluent line by preparing the subgrade, installing the void form material, placing the rebar and forms, and then finally pouring the concrete (see photos below).
Myers & Sons is excavating and preparing the subgrade per the geotech’s recommendations. Questa’s technician (R, top) is performing compaction testing. Below the void form material to prepare for the wall and cap structure is installed.
Myers & Sons is working on the rebar and forms for the future wall and cap structure that will protect the existing effluent line at the end of the treatment process.

Myers & Sons is placing the concrete to complete the wall and cap structure.
SCADA Upgrade Project
The SCADA project (an acronym for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) will standardize, replace, and configure the existing SCADA Network communication, the majority of which is outdated, failing and has exceeded its useful life. An upgraded SCADA system is crucial to allow for Veolia Staff at the City of Richmond’s Wastewater Treatment Plant to monitor and control processes locally and at remote locations, including remote telemetry of the City’s lift stations.
Update: The contractor is Calcon Systems, Inc. The project is approximately 98% complete, and the contractor is installing roughly 300+/- field instrumentation tags throughout the WWTP facilities which correspond to SCADA system program identification labels (see photos below).

Calcon Systems has installed approximately 85% of the 300 +/- field instrumentation tags throughout the WWTP facilities which correspond to the SCADA system program identification labels.
Thank you for keeping up with the activities in the City of Richmond. Feel free to contact the City Manager’s Office if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.
Thank You!
Shasa Curl
Interim City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512
You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting:
Irene Lozano
Executive Assistant to the City Manager
City Manager’s Office
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, CA 94804
Direct: 510-621-1264
Main: 510-620-6512 |