Figure 1 - Contra Costa Mayors Conference business meeting – mayors’ table

Figure 2 - Contra Costa Mayors Conference audience
Last night, the City of Richmond hosted the first live meeting in nearly three years of the Contra Costa Mayors Conference, which I have had the privilege of chairing this past year. This was the traditional holiday meeting which typically focuses on fun and fellowship rather than business.
As is also traditional for host cities, it provides an opportunity show off the host city and introduce present and former elected officials and city staff.

Figure 3 - From left to right, Mayor's Conference Executive Director Gary Pokorny, Chair Tom Butt, Vice-chair Martinez Mayor Rob Schroder, and Oakley Mayor Randy Pope
After introducing my wife, Shirley, I had the pleasure of introducing former mayor Rosemary Corbin and former city councilmembers John Marquez, Vinay Pimple, Jeff Ritterman and Harpreet Sandhu. Current City Council members were conspicuously absent.
I also introduced the Mayor’s Office staff Chief of Staff Vernon Whitmore, Deputy Chief of Staff Ruben Hernandez Story, Director of Public Policy Leisa Johnson, and City staff members City Manager Shasa Curl, Liaison to City Council Trina Jackson-Lincoln, Deputy City Manager Nickie Mastay, City Clerk Pamela Christian, Chief Assistant City Attorney Shannon Moore, IT Director Sue Hartman, Human Resources Interim Director Sharrone Taylor, Community Services Interim Director LaShonda White, Community Services Deputy Director (Library) Diana Lopez, City Manager’s Office Project Manager Gabino Arredondo, Micro Computer Specialist John Hill, Employment and Training Administrative Aide Tamar Walker and LEAP Administrative Analyst Yvette Williams. Chief French and former councilmember Ben Choi were planning to attend but called in sick. KCRT staff handles the audio, and Don Gosney volunteered to take the photos shown here photos and help with audio support.

Figure 4 - Richmond Mayor’s Office staff

Figure 5 - Former City Council members Harpreet Sandhu and John Marquez and former Mayor Rosemary Corbin

Figure 6 - City Manager's Office Project manager Gabino Arredondo, former City Council member Jeff Ritterman and City Manager Shasa Curl
A short business meeting convened in the Port Office, a very nice space, and the meeting then transitioned to the Rigger’s Loft Wine Company next door. We were blessed with a cold but clear evening with the lights of San Francisco, decorated for the holidays, shining across the Bay as the last Richmond ferry passed.
The principal business of the Mayor’s Conference is to provide updates on topics of interest to mayors of Contra Costa’s 19 cities and to select dozens of representatives to regional boards and commissions. Openings were announced, and elections will be held at the January meeting for the following positions: chair and vice-chair of the Contra Costa City Selection Committee, chair and vice-chair of the Contra Costa Mayor’s Conference, board members of the Contra Costa Hazardous Materials Commission, executive board of the Association of Bay Area Government (ABAG), board members of the Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA), board members of the Contra Costa Family Justice Alliance Board. Martinez City Council member Mark Ross was reappointed to BAAAQMD.
Unfortunately, Richmond City Council members have not been interested in pursuing appointments to regional boards and commissions, and when I leave office, Richmond will no longer have a presence on BCDC, LAFCO, ABAG and the League of California Cities.
Mayors Conference meetings provide an opportunity for mayors to hear updates from federal, state and county elected officials or staff as well as our regional staff of the League of California Cities. Representatives from the staff of Assemblymember Buffy Wicks and Senator Nancy Skinner gave brief presentations. Supervisor John Gioia did not attend, but newly-elected Contra Costa County Supervisor Ken Carlson, a former city council member and mayor from Pleasant Hill and active Mayors Conference member, was present and thanked people for their support.
My final meeting as chair of the Contra Costa Mayors Conference will be on January 5, 2023, in Hercules. |