| The City changed vendors for agenda management, and the new format has been published for the January 11, 2022, City Council meeting.
It takes some getting used to.
- First of all, click on http://www.ci.richmond.ca.us/4157/City-of-Richmond-Council-Meetings.
- You will see a calendar for January 2022. Click on “5:00 PM City Council” on the date January 11, 2022.
- A menu will pop up, giving you several choices, including just the agenda (“Agenda Cover page PDF”), the entire agenda package as an HTML file (“Agenda HTML”) or the entire agenda package in a PDF file (Agenda PDF.” If you want easy access to supporting documents for each item, use the HTML version.
- In the HTML version, you can click on each item and get a menu of attachments. The previous agenda item cover sheet (Agenda Request Form) has gone away and has integrated into the Agenda Report.
- Good luck!