Hon. Mayor and Members of the City Council:
This is the report for the week ending September 24TH, 2021.
The next City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 28th, 2021. The Regular Meeting of the Richmond City Council starts at 6:30 P.M., and the agenda may be found by clicking this link: September 28th City Council Agenda. There is no Closed Session this week.
Questions about the COVID-19 vaccines? Ask an expert.
As the Delta variant is spreading rapidly in our community, getting the facts about the COVID-19 vaccines is more important than ever. Understanding that many people have questions about the vaccines, John Muir Health and Kaiser Permanente have partnered to give unbiased, straightforward information that people can trust.
The county’s two largest private healthcare providers recently launched www.GetAnswersContraCosta.org, which includes answers to common vaccine questions and issues as well as an online portal where the public can submit questions to be answered.
We encourage you to visit the website and talk to your doctor if you have questions or concerns about getting vaccinated.
COLLABORISING Clean Air Day Homeless Encampment Clean Up: Saturday, September 26, 10:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M.
California Clean Air Day is the brainchild of the Coalition for Clean Air. It was founded in 1971 and is California’s only statewide organization working exclusively on air quality issues. The Coalition for Clean Air works collaboratively with advocates, organizations, companies, legislators, and more across the state to find cooperative solutions to California’s most pressing air quality issues.
Many of California’s communities are among the most vulnerable, environmentally burdened areas in the nation. The Coalition for Clean Air is working to comprehensively regulating air toxins, energy, and other pollution sources at the local, state, and federal levels.
This year, COLLABORISING was awarded a grant from the agency to begin the clean-up at the encampment behind Target along the Richmond greenway. We are grateful for our partners at YellowSack, Target, Home Depot, and the City of Richmond.
Please take this 2-minute pledge to support Clean Air Day
http://www.cleanairday.org/pledge/individual/Collaborising (English)
https://www.cleanairday.org/es/pledge/individual/collaborising/ (Spanish)

Purple Tree Collard Event/Community Clean Up
The Richmond Grows Seed Lending Library is participating in an event that is sponsored by the City of Richmond and Urban Tilth on Sunday, September 26th at 2:00 P.M. at Unity Park located at 16th Street and Ohio Avenue. For more information about this event, please visit: https://www.facebook.com/pg/followtheplantfollowthestory/posts/
Clean Air Day And Community Bike Ride: Wednesday, October 6, 2021
California suffers from some of the worst air quality in the country. Collectively we have the power to change the world and can choose to do so in ways that help, not harm, all Californians. Join us in challenging yourself to create clean air in our community
The City of Richmond has taken the Clean Air Day Pledge. Will you join in by making small adjustments to improve our environment? Click on the following link to take the pledge and see what you can do today to improve our air:
Five Quick Tips for Not Idling:
- Make sure to check emails, texts, and social media prior to starting your car
so as not to idle.
- Turn off your engine while waiting in a drive through line. Better yet: Ditch the Drive-Thru and make your coffee in the office or only do one in-store coffee run for the whole office.
- Turn your engine off when waiting to pick up your kids at school (Or anyone, for that matter!). If it’s warm, roll down the window instead of running the air conditioner.
- Turn your engine off when waiting for curbside pickup of groceries, food, or other
- Turn off your engine while waiting in line to park\
- Bay Area Air Quality Management District
The Bay Area Air Quality Management District is soliciting input from community members in Richmond, North Richmond, and San Pablo, to learn more about local air pollution concerns. Community leaders from the area are working with the Air District to co-develop strategies to reduce harmful air pollution that impacts people where they live, work, play, and pray. They need to hear from you! Visit https://rspcerp.mysocialpinpoint.com/ and take a moment to share your stories, perspectives, and input to help inform local air pollution strategies.

- City Manager’s Office, Economic Development
Arts and Culture Requests for Qualifications/Proposals (RFQ/P)
COVID-19 Relief Mini-Grant
Application Release Date: August 6, 2021
Application Deadline: October 1, 2021
COVID Relief Mini Grants are designed, for Richmond, CA only artists, to stimulate creative expression, to spark dialogue, and to reinforce a sense of community. Two project types include exterior temporary art; i.e. sculpture, along with graphic design for banners and garbage receptacles. Each Mini Grant not to exceed $7,000. Total available: $50,000
West Contra Costa County Family Justice Center Art Drain Pipe
Application Release Date: August 10, 2021
Application Deadline: October 1, 2021
WCCCFJC serves families affected by domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. The exterior art drainpipe is a unique form and function creative opportunity open to artists in the nine Bay Area counties. The selected artist will; design a creative solution for an exterior drainpipe at the entrance of the building with a positive message for the end users of the facility, understand California Construction Standards and the requirements for stamped engineering drawings. The lump sum budget is not to exceed $10,000.
Please direct any questions to: winifred_day@ci.richmond.ca.us

Exhibitor Applications Open for the Craneway Craft Fair- 50th Annual KPFA Holiday Benefit
The City Manager’s Office, Economic Development, Environmental and Health Initiatives Division encourages Richmond artists, craftspeople, non-profits, makers, and fair traders to consider applying for the Craneway Craft Fair- 50th Annual KPFA Holiday Benefit. Applicants are encouraged to apply early and read the Exhibitor FAQ before applying. The application can be found at, www.cranewaycraftfair.com/artcraftapplication.
The Craneway Craft Fair - 50th Annual KPFA Holiday Benefit will be held on November 27th and 28th from 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. For event details visit, www.cranewaycraftfair.com, or follow them on Instagram.

Open Requests For Bids/Request For Proposals
Community Development |
Interim Sheltering Sites Analysis RFP |
Due: 9/27/21 |
Public Works |
Richmond Auditorium Lighting Replacement Project |
Due: 10/7/21 |
Information Technology
Website Statistics

KCRT Datanet For The Week

KCRT TV Channel 28 - New Episodes Of Current Programming
New Segment / Series Episode
- New episode of “The Jet Set”
- Multiple new episodes of the regular edition of “Sidewalks Entertainment” during the week
Recent Segments
- “NewsBytes” Segments: National Night Out 2021, Ookwe Park Celebration, Yellow Brick Road, Transit Re-Grand Opening and BOLT Bike Sharing
- “Sidewalks Entertainment” one-hour special on Jimmy McCracklin and his new exhibit at the Richmond Museum.
- A revised edition of GRIP Alternatives No-Cost Solar Workshop
- Hacienda Groundbreaking
- Diversity Flag Raising
- RPD: Stop The Hate
- Redesign Shields-Reid Park
- Hope and Healing
You may find the full schedule at http://www.ci.richmond.ca.us/3176/Schedule
- Library and Community Services
Community Services (Recreation)
Volunteer to be a Youth Soccer Coach!
The City of Richmond Recreation Division is looking for volunteer soccer coaches for our youth instructional soccer program! Our soccer program takes place at Nicholl Park, 3230 Macdonald Ave, on Saturdays from 8:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. 2 hour and 4 hour shifts are available. Apply to volunteer with us: www.tinyurl.com/RichmondVolApp

Check out all of our upcoming sports program offerings this fall!
New Tennis programs for October!
Adult Tennis: Tennis lessons for Adults/Seniors. Learn to play winning doubles and singles while having fun. Classes are offered for beginners and intermediate levels to competitive tournament levels. Wear sweat clothes and tennis shoes.
Youth Tennis: Staff will lead small groups of children in games and tennis drills that teach important hand-eye coordination, footwork and the rules of the game.
Afterschool Program
Children will receive homework assistance, participate in group games, have social interaction, and engage in sporting activities and experiments with arts & crafts. Programs are supervised by City of Richmond staff and volunteers.

Flag Football
49er Prep FLAG FOOTBALL is the largest, most recognized flag football organization in the U.S., and the only one where players wear official NFL gear. No experience necessary- entry level for all Players of all Genders

Library Updates
College and Career Video Series
Deciding life's direction after high school can be daunting. Does a student go to college, or is career development the more suited path? How do students and parents begin this discussion for these important life decisions? Teen Services Librarian Angela Cox helped develop a six-part video series to be used as tools to help guide the decision process. The series was funded by the Environmental Community Investment Agreement and the Friends of the Richmond Public Library. To view the series, click on the link College and Career Video Series.

LEAP Celebrates Adult Education and Family Literacy Week
This week is National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week (#AEFLWeek) and it’s a time to raise public awareness about the need for and value of adult education and family literacy. Its goal is to increase financial and societal support for access to basic education programs for U.S. adults with low literacy, numeracy, and digital skills. Advocates across the country use this opportunity to elevate adult education and family literacy nationwide with policymakers, the media, and the community.
One of the priority focus areas that have strengthened the library’s community services is delivering family literacy support. The Literacy for Every Adult Program (LEAP) trains and supports adult learners to achieve their individual goals, but the program is also for adult learners who have children or grandchildren from birth through school age.
LEAP will continue to focus on the pivotal role of adult education in enabling equitable access to societal resources, employment opportunity, and full participation in community life and encourages other organizations to do their part in highlighting the importance of adult education.
If interested in learning more about adult education, family literacy, enrolling in LEAP, or volunteering in a virtual setting please contact LEAP at 510-307-8084 or visit the website at https://www.ci.richmond.ca.us/788/Literacy-Program-LEAP to learn more. Also check out LEAP’s revamped Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/LEAPRICHMONDCA/.

Catch that Friday Feeling with Fare-Free Fridays in September
AC Transit is excited to welcome more riders on board as schools and workplaces are returning to in-person operations. To welcome riders back, and to thank those who have been riding with us all along, we are providing free rides every Friday in September with Fare-Free Fridays.
Fare-Free Fridays applies to all AC Transit local and Transbay lines, allowing riders to board without fare payment from 12 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. on September 3, 10, 17, and 24. Riders can expect to see fareboxes and Clipper card readers covered, Tempo ticket vending machines turned off, and mobile fare payment deactivated during this time.
Hop on board and see what you’ve been missing. Along with providing free rides, Fare-Free Fridays offers the chance to check out AC Transit’s new products and procedures, implemented to keep our community healthy and moving.
Learn more at actransit.org/farefreefridays.
Captura esa sensación de viernes con los Viernes Sin Tarifas
AC Transit está encantado de dar la bienvenida a más pasajeros a bordo a medida que las escuelas y los lugares de trabajo vuelven a funcionar en persona. Para dar la bienvenida a los pasajeros y agradecer a los que han viajado con nosotros todo el tiempo, AC Transit está ofreciendo viajes gratuitos todos los viernes de septiembre con los Viernes Sin Tarifa.
Los viernes sin tarifa se aplican a todas las rutas locales y de Transbay de AC Transit, lo que permite a los pasajeros subir a bordo sin pagar la tarifa desde las 12 a.m. hasta las 11:59 pm los días 3, 10, 17 y 24 de septiembre. Los pasajeros pueden esperar ver las cajas de tarifas y los lectores de tarjetas Clipper cubiertos, las máquinas de venta de boletos Tempo apagadas y el pago de tarifas móviles desactivado durante este tiempo.
Suba a bordo y descubra lo que se ha estado perdiendo. Además de ofrecer viajes gratuitos, los Viernes Sin Tarifa ofrecen la oportunidad de conocer los nuevos productos y procedimientos de AC Transit, implementados para mantener a nuestra comunidad sana y en movimiento.
Aprenda más en actransit.org/farefreefridays.

Abatement staff in collaboration with Contra Costa County hosted the Shields-Reid/North Richmond Neighborhood Clean-up event where assistance was provided for seniors and disabled citizens, installed a fence at the Port area to prevent illegal dumping and other illegal activities, removed debris from Nystrom Village (Housing Authority), removed illegally dumped debris and removed graffiti from various locations throughout the City.
Neighborhood Clean-Up/Seniors Assistance
Fence Installation
Nystrom Clean-Up
Illegal Dumping & Graffiti Removal
Building Maintenance
Stationary Engineers performed daily routine rounds in the Plaza buildings, routine daily inspections and chemistry tests on three swimming pools, replaced slide gate safety edges at Station 62, replaced a kitchen sink faucet , toilet and urinal at Station 63, repaired the 440 Civic Center Plaza access door for the disabled, repaired a leak on a water supply valve and installed a temporary sink at the Streets Division Office.
Utility workers assisted Housing Authority with maintenance and repairs, performed daily cleaning service to 29 City-owned buildings, did pest control for roaches at the Corp-yard, removed chairs from Housing Authority and delivered to Council Chambers, and did pest control for ants at Fire Station #67.

Assembled cabinet and delivered to Senior Center
Via Verdi Slope Stabilization Project
Construction of the Via Verdi Slope Stabilization project continued this week. The work includes construction of a culvert in San Pablo Creek, earthwork, utility work, reconstruction of the damaged portion of Via Verdi Drive, and removal of the temporary detour road. Until the new road repairs are complete, safe access for traveling in both directions along Via Verdi Drive will be maintained at all times. Activity for the next week will include placing rebar and constructing formwork for the Stage 2 Culvert deck and headwall. The project is scheduled to complete in February 2022. Construction questions can be directed to the Construction Manager, Ben Kellman of mack5, at bkellman@mack5.com or (510) 595-4725.

Yellow Brick Road Pedestrian & Bicycle Improvements Project
Last week Ghilotti Bros, Inc. (GBI) continued demolition of curb ramps, sidewalk and curb & gutter along 8th Street near Lincoln and Lucas Avenues. GBI also continued to place concrete curbs, ADA ramps and sidewalk along 8th Street near Lincoln Avenue. They continued installation of storm drain manholes and pipe near Lucas Ave. They continue to demo concrete curbs, sidewalk and existing ramps at the north end of the project. GBI’s electrical subcontractor, JB Electric, is continuing to install conduit for future street lighting from Ohio Ave to Bissell Ave. JB Electric has also laid out the locations of traffic signal poles and cabinets at Macdonald and Barrett Avenues. Attached are photos of ongoing work.
Storm drain structure, Lucas Ave Conduit install, 8th Street
Richmond Wellness Trail
Construction of the Richmond Wellness Trail Phase 1 is progressing! The General Contractor finished the excavation, formwork and rebar, and concrete to build the curb walls for the raingarden and stormwater planters along Marina Way South between Cutting Blvd. and Maine Ave., and is finishing the brace walls for these two blocks (see picture below). The General Contractor has started excavation for the rain gardens and stormwater planters along Marina Way South between Maine Ave. and Florida Ave (see picture below). The raingardens and stormwater planters will separate the two-way bike lane from the parking lane and traffic lanes, and filter and clean stormwater. The landscape subcontractor is finishing the irrigation sleeves across intersections, and will start on pipes in the upcoming month. For more information or questions, please contact Trudy Garber, The Trust for Public Land, at trudy.garber@tpl.org

Excavation between Maine Ave. and Florida Ave.

Finished concrete for the rain gardens and stormwater planters
Parks and Landscaping
General Fund crews raked leaves and trimmed ivy plants at Huntington Park; removed old irrigation system and installed new irrigation system at Kennedy Swimming Center; cleaned up big pile of garbage bags at Boorman park; repaired sprinkler heads at Abraham Braxton Park; mowed turf at JFK and BTA parks; raked leaves at BTA park back side area; installed new park rules sign at Burg Park; weed whipped Cutting Circle and the traffic island on 37th & Wall; repaired irrigation at Hilltop Green & Nicholl Parks; picked up trash on the Greenway; abated weeds at Atchison and Shields Reid Park; cleaned up pine needles on Cottage Street; abated litter between 6th and 8th on the Greenway; and performed weed abatement at MLK Park.
Irrigation repair at the New park rules sign, Burg Park
Richmond Swim Center
Marina District crews continued weed abatement on inner Marina from the T lot toward Vincent Park; started removing dead Echiums and trimming roses along trail; picked up trash from all parking lots; replaced supplement doggy waste bags on Marina and trail; continued turning water manually to lawns due to non-operating irrigation controllers; edged lawns at inner Marina from big green to the T lot; raked pine needles and hauled away from Marina Bay trail; removed graffiti throughout the Marina Bay community; continued with the weed abatement on Marina Way; installed new recycle and trash bins throughout all parks in the Marina; removed all declined plants from Bayside Drive, east end of median; and mowed all lawns on the Marina Bay community.
Hilltop District crews continued weed abatement at Hilltop Lake Park; removed trees on Richmond Parkway; and repaired irrigation at Country Club Vista Park and Hilltop Lake.
Lawn maintenance in Marina Weeding Hilltop Lake Park
Street Maintenance
Paving crews grinded, prepped, and paved Nevin Avenue from 32nd Street to 37th Street. Nevin Ave is a proposed Bicycle Boulevard in the Bicycle Master Plan.
Signs and Lines crews fabricated 37 new signs; installed 23 new signs & repaired four signs; installed 110 linear feet of various colors of traffic paint; installed 32 thermoplastic SHARK TEETH yield markings; installed or extended 13 poles; computer generated and plotted signs using 37 blanks of various sizes, black film, yellow high intensity film/paper and white high intensity film/paper.
New ADA sign install Detail 40 dashed stripe install PED XING install
STOP pavement marking – speed hump pavement markings – blue curb & ADA sign
Street Sweepers swept in North Richmond, Iron Triangle, and North Belding Woods on the 3rd Monday and Tuesday; in Metro Richmore Village, Pullman, Cortez/Stege, Park Plaza, Laurel Park, and City Center on the 4th Wednesday; and in Richmond Annex, Parkview, Panhandle Annex, and Eastshore on the 4th Thursday and Friday.
Water Resource Recovery Division
Wastewater Treatment Plant – Fats, Oils, & Grease (FOG)
Please! Do not put grease down the drain! Heavy grease has been reported at Richmond's sewer treatment plant. Grease clogs pipes and can be detrimental to the function of the plant.
For more information about Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG), please call 510-620-6594.

Planta de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales – Aceites y Grasas (FOG)
¡Por favor! ¡No ponga grasa por el drenaje! Se ha reportado grasa pesada en la planta de tratamiento de alcantarillado de Richmond. La grasa obstruye las tuberías y puede ser perjudicial para la función de la planta.
Para obtener más información sobre aceites y grasas (FOG), llame al 510-620-6594.

Sewer Lateral Grant Program
The City of Richmond’s Water Resource Recovery Division administers the Sewer Lateral Grant Program. The program reimburses eligible homeowners in the Richmond Municipal Sewer District (RMSD No. 1) for some of the cost to replace their sewer lateral.
The program is open and accepting applications for the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 for sewer lateral work completed between 7/1/2021-6/30/2022.
For more information about the Sewer Lateral Grant Program, please visit www.ci.richmond.ca.us/2130/Sewer-Lateral-Grant-Program or call 510-620-6594.

High Priority Critical Improvements Projects
The City of Richmond and Veolia Water (Veolia) are implementing High Priority Critical Improvements Projects at the City's Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), which is managed and operated by Veolia. The purpose of the projects is to replace aging and unreliable infrastructure, improve treatment operating efficiency, comply with future discharge regulations and improve the functionality of the existing WWTP. The improvements were identified through previous planning efforts, including the 2010 WWTP Master Plan and the 2016 WWTP Facility Plan, to construct the following elements of the WWTP Critical Improvements Projects: (1) New screening and grit removal facilities; (2) Aeration upgrades; and (3) Demolition of existing facilities and site clearing in preparation for future WWTP Facilities. The projects are expected to take approximately 2 ½ years to complete.
Shimmick reached a milestone last week by completing the first segment of the bypass operation, which is now operational as of September 17, 2021.

Shimmick completed the first segment bypass operation to circumvent the old grit facility prior to that building’s demolition during planned project construction.
MPS and Shimmick working on connecting the 30”, 20” and 16” pipes for final bypass prep.
Shimmick installing half of the 16” PVC storm drain pipe segment between manhole 11 and manhole 8.
Questa getting a soil sample from beneath the old grit facility.
Shimmick removing a valve and installing a blind flange to isolate return activated sludge (RAS) from aeration basin #4.

Shimmick rerouting the sump drainage pipe to manhole A.

Shimmick completing the scaffolding for the Aeration Basin #4.
First Street Relief Sewer Project
The First Street Relief Sewer and Pipeline Rehabilitation Project is the final of four design projects from the comprehensive 2016 Collection System Design Project, which also included the construction of the Cutting/Carlson and Hoffman Project (originally two projects), and the Macdonald and Virginia Wet Weather Improvement Project. The Project consists of approximately 3,743 lineal feet of open cut replacement of existing 6-inch sewer, approximately 1,696 lineal feet of open cut replacement of existing 8-inch sewer, approximately 631 lineal feet of open cut replacement of existing 10-inch sewer, and approximately 125 lineal feet of open cut replacement of existing 18-in sewer. This project began in July 2021 and is expected to be completed in July 2022, which is ahead of the Baykeeper due date of July 2023.
D’Arcy & Harty Construction continued doing full line replacement on 1st Street from Florida to Ohio (12” PVC pipe) and South of Ohio (18” VCP - Vitreous Clay Pipe).

D’Arcy & Harty installing 12” PVC pipe with green pipe wrap. Force Majeure material shortages led to blue pipe being utilized instead of the traditional green pipe. The pipe is wrapped to enable identification if the line is ever dug up in the future. Other than color, the properties of blue PVC pipe and green PVC pipe are identical.

D’Arcy & Harty encountered pipe encased with concrete at 101 Ohio. Concrete encasement was utilized historically to protect sewer pipes from heavy loads imposed by machinery going back and forth to the shipyards and is prevalent in this area.

Due to Force Majeure conditions and unavailability of large diameter PVC pipe, VCP (vitreous clay pipe) is being utilized for 18” pipe replacement at Ohio and 1st Street.
You’re Invited: Spooky Sips Virtual Wine Tasting
October 29th, raise your glass to the Scholars and coalitions proving there is so much pride, purpose, and promise running through our Richmond community at the Richmond Promise Spooky Sips virtual wine tasting!
One Spooky Sips ticket takes you across California’s wine regions via exclusive access to the cutest, individualized array of 8 mini bottles (mailed to the coziness of your very own home!), and a guided tasting - courtesy of our lovely hosts “In Good Taste” wines - all for a great cause!
All profits from the event go towards our Scholarship fund and services. Reserve tickets for yourself and all your favorite friends today at https://tinyurl.com/RPSpookySips !

First look at Richmond Promise Annual Update: the 2020-21 Resiliency Report
It is with great excitement that we present to you a first look at the Richmond Promise’s 2020-2021 Resiliency Report - an annual update on the story of our impact, effort, and growth alongside the Scholars that ground and drive our work.
From welcoming our SIXTH cohort of 400+ new Scholars, celebrating the hundreds of hours our Near-Peer College Scholar team dedicated to 1-on-1 meetings with high school seniors, the launch of our Resiliency Fund and the growth of crucial college coaching/success partnerships, we could not be more proud of work and milestones that continue to bring our community together.
Join us in celebrating the Promise of a connected, inspired, and thriving Richmond!
Access the full report at https://tinyurl.com/ResiliencyReport

As a result of the Richmond Youth Council School Supply Drive, we received enough supplies to donate 15 backpacks filled with supplies for students at LoVonya DeJean Middle who are in the Families in Transition Program, 8 bundles of supplies to youth in the Recreation Complex Afterschool Program and 42 COR Tote Bags for youth in the Shields-Reid Afterschool Program. We are thankful to our employees that donated supplies, the City Manager’s Office that donated 30 COR tote bags, the Shimada Commission that donated soft lunch bags and water bottles and the Safe Return Project that blessed us with an enormous amount of supplies and backpacks that allowed us to extend our donations by 50%.
Thank you for keeping up with the activities in the City of Richmond. Feel free to contact the City Manager’s Office if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.
Thank You!
Laura Snideman
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512
You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting: www.ci.richmond.ca.us/list.aspx
Irene Lozano
Executive Assistant to the City Manager
City Manager’s Office
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, CA 94804
Email: Irene_Lozano@ci.richmond.ca.us
Direct: 510-621-1264
Main: 510-620-6512