Richmond incorporated 116 years ago on August 7,1905, and the Factory Bar will be having their one year anniversary party on Saturday August 7.

Join me at about 3:00 pm to celebrate Richmond’s founding and the Factory Bar’s one year anniversary. We’ll have a toast for Richmond and some Richmond-themed gifts to distribute. Besides that, we’ll just be hanging out and enjoying the bar just like any other day.
The address is 12517 San Pablo Ave Richmond, CA 94805. Here’s the schedule for the Factory Bar anniversary event:
2:00 pm Doors open
3:00 pm-8:00 pm We will be doing drawing every 30 minutes to give away tee shirts, hats, hoodies, etc.
4:00 pm-7:30 pm Live Music
4:00 pm-10:00 pm SNK Food Truck
2:00 am Close |