Based on an application from the Mayor’s Office, the City of Richmond has rejoined the Oakland Airport-Community Noise Management Forum. There has been quite a bit of interest lately about a proposal by the FAA to change the WNDSR approach procedure, which, according to the most recent information available is proposed to be shifted to the west over the more densely populated part of Richmond.
At some point, hopefully soon, the FAA will begin the formal process required under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for an environmental review of its proposed action to modify the WNDSR approach procedure. Depending on the level of review the FAA determines to undertake, there will be an opportunity for community outreach and coordination. What this might entail is entirely up to the FAA based on its own rules and regulations.
Neither the Oakland Airport, nor the Oakland Airport-Community Noise Management Forum, have any authority over aircraft while in flight. This is entirely under the control of the FAA, as are any issues stemming from NextGen implementation or modification. The Forum has been tasked with being the go-between for the FAA and the community.
We are, however, also coordinating with the Office of Representative Mark DeSaulnier on this issue. Congressman DeSaulnier sits on the House Aviation Committee.
The Noise Forum was created to address community concerns and make recommendations to the Port of Oakland’s executive director on noise-related issues at Oakland International Airport . Last October, the City of Richmond was reinstated after several years without representation. Our return came as city officials and residents are advocating against a flight path change proposed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) that would move an existing flight path over the heart of Richmond. We are represented by one elected official (myself) and one resident (vacant) – so apply today to serve our community!
Questions: 510-620-6502 or
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Meanwhile, anyone can attend the Oakland Airport Community Noise Management Forum: Virtual Meeting on April 21, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. Item 4.C.1 will discuss a flight path proposed by the
Federal Aviation Administration that would impact Richmond and other East Bay communities, so join in and make your voice heard! (
Zoom Meeting ID: 956 2639 0978
Call In: +1 669 900 9128
Submit Comments (250-300 words):
More Info: 510-563-3349 or
