| From: Sullivan, Sharla <sharla.sullivan@ebmud.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 3, 2021 3:08 PM
To: Paul Fadelli <pfadelli@comcast.net>
Cc: Karen Pinkos <kpinkos@ci.el-cerrito.ca.us>; Pook, Andrea <andrea.pook@ebmud.com>; Favorite-Hill, Mona <mona.favorite-hill@ebmud.com>; Tom Butt <tom.butt@intres.com>
Subject: RE: TOM BUTT E-FORUM: New Information on Marin Water Pipe Line
In the spirit of keeping El Cerrito in the loop, EBMUD released a post on Nexdoor this afternoon to all Richmond residents regarding EBMUD’s position and role in the MMWD project. You can find the Nextdoor post below and link here: https://nextdoor.com/p/fz6YWtp2nyRY?utm_source=share&extras=MTMzNzE4NTE%3D How would El Cerrito constituents be best engaged on the matter? Do you have an e-forum like Mayor Butt for residents (sign me up please if you do)? If EL Cerrito residents are interested in commenting on the project, there is a link in the post below to the upcoming planning meeting where the Board will hear public comment directly.
EBMUD Role in Marin Municipal Water District Pipeline Project, Richmond.
Because of worsening drought conditions, Marin Municipal Water District (MMWD) proposed using the EBMUD water system to deliver emergency water supplies to Marin via a pipeline across the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge as part of a regional multi-agency collaboration. EBMUD is evaluating MMWD’s proposed project and shared several principles that must be met including:
- The City of Richmond and the EBMUD Board must approve the project.
- EBMUD would not sell any water to MMWD but may ‘wheel’ water through its system from sources outside of EBMUD.
- There would be no changes in water quality for EBMUD customers.
- EBMUD customers would not bear any project costs, including feasibility studies, construction, maintenance, or subsequent water delivery.
Status: EBMUD entered into a memorandum of understanding with MMWD to evaluate the feasibility of the project, with all EBMUD costs to be reimbursed by MMWD. MMWD’s proposal includes construction of a new pump station in Richmond to pump supplemental water supplies purchased by MMWD across the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge. There are several pump sites being considered. Ultimately, the pump station location selection will depend on approval by the City of Richmond which includes input from residential customers and local businesses. If the City of Richmond opposes the project, EBMUD will not move forward with it.
What’s next? At EBMUD’s November 9 Planning Committee meeting, we will discuss the project and review principles that must be met before EBMUD would support implementation of the project. You can join the meeting here: www.ebmud.com/board-meetings and provide feedback in the public comment section of the meeting to your elected Board members. EBMUD is also reaching out to the Atchison, Santa Fe, and Pt. Richmond neighborhood councils, the local business association, and the Richmond Chamber of Commerce to share information, hear concerns and answer questions.
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Sharla J. Sullivan (she/her/hers)
Community Affairs Representative
East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD)
375 11th Street Oakland, CA
(510) 287-7208
Follow us @ebmud
