This summer, parts of Richmond have been plagued by mosquitoes. They are so bad where I live that we have to sleep under a mosquito net at night like in some third world country. One of my neighbors writes, “I am once again being tortured by mosquitos. The worst usually starts around 2-3 am. I am not getting much sleep. Without restful sleep I get sick easily. Is there anyone that can help? They used to go out to the [wastewater] plant and spray on a regular basis.”
For the first time in memory, mosquitoes have even made it to East Brother Island!
We know that one source has been the Wastewater Treatment Plant on Canal Boulevard. It need s to be inspected and treated on a daily basis, but that is not happening.
Jeremy Shannon of Contra Costa Mosquito and Vector Control District (, 925-771-6119), wrote:
An inspector and I visited several locations in Point Richmond earlier this week and treated any developing larvae found accordingly. These control efforts should help; however, it will take time for the current adult populations to fade. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but less rainfall and drought conditions don't necessarily translate to fewer mosquitoes. The mosquito species typically found indoors biting at night generally develop in organically rich stagnant water, which can include catch basins, sewage, septic tanks, industrial wastes, and residential sources such as neglected swimming pools, fouled ornamental ponds, and various containers. If adults continue to persist, there may be sources of which we are unaware (backyard fountains, neglected pools, containers, ponds, etc.). If you or your neighbors know of any such potential mosquito habitat, please relate this information to us.
If you have mosquitoes, here is the contact for Contra Costa Mosquito and Vector Control District:
Contra Costa Mosquito and Vector Control District
155 Mason Circle Concord, CA 94520
(925) 685-9301
To contact a District employee Click here.
For Directions Click here.
To request service for mosquitoes, skunks, rats and mice, yellowjackets or ticks CLICK HERE.
Other than the obvious sleep interruption, pain and itching of mosquito bites, we have West Nile Virus to worry about. Just last week, the Contra Costa Mosquito and Vector Control District announced that West Nile Virus may be in West County:
Practice the 4 Ds to Reduce the Risk of West Nile Virus
CONCORD, CALIFORNIA - The Contra Costa Mosquito & Vector Control District (District) reports another dead bird and one more group of mosquitoes have tested positive for West Nile virus (WNV) in Contra Costa County.
The dead bird is the first dead bird reported from San Pablo and the mosquitoes were collected from a trap in the town of Oakley.
There are now two dead birds and eight groups of mosquitoes that have tested positive for WNV so far this year in Contra Costa County.
Certain birds carry WNV. Once a mosquito bites an infected bird, the mosquito can become infected. Mosquitoes can spread the virus when they bite another bird or person.
As we enter the waning days of summer, this is the time of year when WNV infections tend to peak as long as the weather stays very warm. And with a dead bird from West Contra Costa County and more mosquitoes from the eastern portion of the county testing positive for WNV this week alone, they serve as an important reminder for all Contra Costa County residents to take precautions to reduce the risk of WNV and practice the 4 Ds.
- Dump or Drain any amount of standing water in your front or backyard
- Defend yourself by wearing an EPA recommended mosquito repellent
- Report Dead Birds because they are often the first sign of WNV in a particular area
"Because the risk of WNV typically peaks this time of year, it is very important for county residents to dump out any standing water on residential properties to deny mosquitoes places to develop from egg to biting adult, protect yourself by wearing repellent just before and just after sunrise and sunset when mosquitoes are present, and report dead birds because that helps the District focus on specific areas for surveillance and control efforts," said Steve Schutz, Ph.D., Scientific Program Manager.
The District recommends residents use an EPA-registered insect repellent with one of the following active ingredients to prevent mosquito bites:
- Picaridin
- Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus.
Always follow the instructions on the label when using insect repellent.
Contra Costa County residents can request the District's mosquito service for residential property by calling (925) 685-9301 or online. County residents can also report dead birds by phone at (877) WNV-BIRD (968-2473) or online.
Since 2005, 74 people in Contra Costa County have been diagnosed with West Nile virus. In 2006, two people died from the disease. For current human case information, please contact Contra Costa Health Services at 888-959-9911.
Contra Costa Mosquito & Vector Control District, an independent special district and public health agency, is located at 155 Mason Circle in Concord. Contact the District to report mosquito problems online or at (925) 685-9301.
If nothing else works, I recommend installing a mosquito net above your bed. You can order one for less than $20.00. The one shown below is from Amazon (
