The COVID-19 vaccine effort is the largest mass vaccination effort in U.S. history. Success will largely depend on strong collaboration between federal, state, and local governments.
Contra Costa Health Services' (CCHS) vaccination plan is under way, starting with those at the highest risk of getting COVID-19 or getting seriously sick from the virus. All vaccines are free. This includes healthcare workers and residents of most congregate care residences.
The county is following the state guidelines for vaccination priorities, a tiered system, with extensive local input.
Our vaccination program is expanding quickly. Expect updates weekly, if not daily.
The best source of current vaccination data is the COVID-19 vaccination website.
It is regularly updated. I encourage everyone to check it out, and keep an eye on it for new information.
This week, the county started making vaccines available to all residents age 65 or over. This followed an announcement from Governor Newsom (on Wednesday, January 13) that the state was expanding vaccine distribution to this group.
The county vaccination program is currently open to all residents, but the goal is for people with private or other insurance such as Kaiser to get their vaccinations through their provider. They are ramping up their vaccination programs as well. Contact your provider for details.
Here is some information on the county's program:
- Any county resident 65 or over can make an appointment now, online on the vaccine webpage.
- Starting next Tuesday, you can also call the county's new toll-free COVID-19 vaccine appointment line at 833-829-2626 or 833-VAX-COCO
Vaccines are only available by appointment and slots fill up fast. When you make an appointment, you get a call back for confirmation.
County Health Services is building vaccination capacity as quickly as it can.
The county expects that vaccines will become available in coming weeks for county residents who are essential workers, such as educators, grocery store workers and public transit workers.
Right now, the county is vaccinating everyone in Phase 1 A and has started Phase 1 B.
(County Vaccination Phases)
Phase 1 A
- Healthcare workers
(tiers 1, 2, 3)
- Employees & residents of long-term care facilities (Largely conducted by Walgreens and CVS pharmacies in partnership with the federal government.)
Phase 1 B
- People ages 75 and over
- People 65 - 74
- Frontline essential workers
- Congregate settings with outbreak risk
The vaccination plan changes often, based on vaccine availability, health care capacity, and partnerships with other care providers and pharmacies.
Check the website to stay on top of the plan. If you are in any of the groups currently eligible for a vaccine, please don't hesitate and make your appointment! The more people who get vaccinated, the closer we get to ending this pandemic.
In the meantime, please stay home, physically distance 6 feet or more, and wear a mask when outside! Prevention measures are still crucial to protecting ourselves and our loved ones.
Información para vacunas en Español
Los residentes de Contra Costa de 65 años de edad y mayores ahora son elegibles para la vacuna contra el COVID-19.
En respuesta a los nuevos lineamientos del estado, los Servicios de Salud de Contra Costa (CCHS) y otros proveedores de servicios de salud en el condado ahora están ofreciendo vacunas seguras, eficaces y gratuitas contra el COVID-19 a todos los residentes de 65 años de edad y mayores.
Haga clic aqui para solicitar una cita con los CCHS.
A partir del próximo martes un nuevo número para Centro de llamadas de vacunas 833-829-2626 o 833-VAX-COCO
La elegibilidad para la vacuna se está incrementando rápidamente en California y el Condado de Contra Costa trabaja de manera coordinada con el estado para desarrollar una mayor capacidad a fin de satisfacer los miles de solicitudes de vacunación nuevas. Si usted prefiere programar su cita por teléfono, tal vez desee esperar hasta que nuestro nuevo centro de llamadas esté disponible la semana entrante - consulte esta página web para obtener información actualizada.
Las citas para recibir la vacuna no se asignan por orden de llegada. Contra Costa sigue los lineamientos estatales y federales para priorizar las vacunas. Esto significa que alguien en un grupo de mayor riesgo, especialmente si tiene 75 años o más, podría recibir una cita antes que una persona más joven, incluso si solicita su cita después.
Haga clic aqui para información sobre las fases de distribución de la vacuna.
Es importante saber que, aunque cualquier residente del condado de 65 años de edad o mayor es elegible para recibir la vacuna, las citas pueden demorar varias semanas para algunas personas. Los CCHS están trabajando con diversas organizaciones, incluyendo otros proveedores de salud en el condado, para aumentar la capacidad a fin de que todos puedan recibir la vacuna de una manera más rápida. Responderemos rápidamente a su solicitud y le enviaremos un email con más información.
Haga clic en el botón Vacuna para obtener la información en español.
Si usted tiene alguna duda sobre la vacuna contra el COVID-19, llame al 1-844-729-8410 todos los días de 8 a.m. a 5 p.m. Este centro de llamadas no puede ayudarle a programar una cita para recibir la vacuna.