Residents, employees, employers, and other stakeholders are encouraged to serve! Your participation plays a significant role in involving the community in local government – offering varying viewpoints and advise to city council, shaping and influencing public policy processes, and making decisions on projects, plans, and programs.
Apply/More Info: www.ci.richmond.ca.us/3696/Boards-Commissions-and-Committees
Questions: 510-620-6502 or Dominique_Green@ci.richmond.ca.us

Personnel Board: Attend monthly meetings, provide oversight and direction for city personnel, conduct hearings on employee grievances, review proposed changes, and advise the city manager.

Contra Costa Mosquito & Vector Control District Board: CCMVCD is a tax-funded office that provides free services to all county residents for mosquitoes, rats, mice, ground-nesting yellowjackets, ticks, and skunks.
