This message is being sent on behalf of City Manager Laura Snideman

Hon. Mayor and Members of the City Council:
This is the report for the week ending March 13th, 2020.
The next City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 17th. Closed Session begins at 5:00 P.M., followed by the Regular Meeting of the Richmond City Council at 6:30 P.M., and the agenda may be found by clicking this link: March 17th City Council Agenda.
- A special message from City Manager Laura Snideman regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates
What a challenging time this is, full of fear and uncertainty. Like so many agencies, the City of Richmond has declared a state of emergency related to COVID-19. This allows us to more efficiently organize and adjust our emergency planning and responses to changing circumstances, request additional resources through the entire emergency network that reaches to the federal government level, and for possible reimbursement for certain expenses by the state or federal governments.
Our top priorities are to:
1. Ensure our community’s health and safety
2. Ensure our community stays informed and guided with facts rather than fears
3. Engage with our community to promote healthy habits
We are working to ensure that the plans, policies, and protocols related to this virus will sustain the continuity of the City’s operations, services, and safety of city employees and the Richmond community. City emergency management personnel are in contact with Contra Costa Health Services (CCHS) and the Contra Costa Office of Emergency Services. We continue to follow all guidance provided by CCHS and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) to keep our community safe.
As of this writing, City facilities are currently open, but we will be practicing social distancing as much as possible and you will see some modifications in some service areas such as at public counters. City Council meetings will continue as scheduled, but we are offering additional ways to provide your input that do not require in-person attendance. All events designed for approximately 50 or more people and managed directly by the city, will be canceled through March. As this is a constantly evolving situation, we are creating a ”one-stop” page on our website for updates, and we will also distribute those updates through every means possible. Lastly, I like the reminder on the door of one of my coworkers, “Stay calm, and wash your hands.”
Gotcha bike share to launch at a location near you early Spring 2020
The City of Richmond in partnership with Gotcha is launching a bike share program this spring. We need your input to help our electric bikes find their homes at 22 city locations.
Where would you like to see bike share in Richmond? Before we get bikes on the ground, help us decide where we should place hubs by contributing to this short survey or by attending one of the events listed below.
- 3/26 Point Richmond Business Association Meeting 11:30 A.M. – 1:00 P.M. at Hotel Mac Restaurant, 10 Cottage Ave, Richmond, CA 94801
Would you like Gotcha to join your upcoming meeting or event? Please reach out to, or
For more information visit

Richmond Art Center: Current Exhibition and Upcoming Events
Over and Under – March 17 – May 29, 2020
Reception: Saturday, March 28, 5:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M.
55TH Annual WCCUSD Student Art Show – March 24 – April 21, 2020
Reception: Tuesday, April 14, 5:00 P.M. – 6:30 P.M., Award Presentation: 5:45 P.M.
Dewey Crumpler: Crossings – March 31 – May 30, 2020
Reception: Saturday, March 28, 5:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M.
Summer Art Camp - June 10 - August 14, Registration opens April 4, 10% Early Bird Discount before May 1
Open House: Saturday, April 4!
Visit and register at Open House for an additional 5% off Summer Art Camp!
If you would like to pre-register and reserve your space, please fill out the Summer Art Camp Release Form. Camp staff will contact you when classes are available.
For more details, visit Summer Art Camp or call 510-620-6772.
¿Habla Español? Martes-Sábado, 10:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
Art of the African Diaspora Closing Party: Friday, March 13, 3:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M.
Join us for a closing party to celebrate the achievements of 150 artists participating in Art of the African Diaspora. Mix’n’mingle with artists, share your Open Studios experiences, and enjoy your last opportunity to view Art of the African Diaspora at the Richmond Art Center.
Ikuko Ito Pop-Up Exhibition and Reception: Japanese Artist from Richmond’s Sister City Shimada, Japan
Exhibition: March 27 – 28
Reception: Friday, March 27, 3:00 P.M. - 4:30 P.M.
See & Make Art!
Saturday, March 28, 1:30 P.M. - 3:30 P.M. – Youth Studio
Free art making activities open to the public. All ages and families welcome. All materials included.
See & Make Art! takes place every 4th Saturday of the month in our Youth Studio from 1:30 P.M. – 3:30 P.M. !
Join us for the next See & Make Art!, Saturday, March 28, 1:30 P.M. – 3:30 P.M. , as we learn to paint Picasso style self-portraits!
Youth Art Tours - Open to all K - 12 Schools
Youth Art Tours offer K-12 students opportunities to view, interpret and engage with art. Youth Art Tours run concurrent with exhibition offerings and are always unique to our exhibition content.
We are currently scheduling visits for this school year 2020.
Youth Art Tours include:
- View and discuss art in our galleries with our Teaching Artists using Visual Thinking Strategies for student of all ages.
- Visit our active studio spaces and learn about the variety of student-made art.
- Engage in art activities lead by Teaching Artists and understand personal creativity to support learners of all ages and styles.
Ready Together! Organize your Block for Disaster Preparedness Class
We can build community and resilience at the same time and have fun doing it. Join Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Richmond for a free class called Ready Together! Organize Your Block for Disaster Preparedness.
In this 4-series class you’ll learn how to support your community to be better prepared for a disaster. After an earthquake, people will come out in the street, and by taking this class, your block will have a plan of what to do next. This investment in your time will create community and can possibly save lives!
Meeting #1: Overview & Team Size
Overview of the program
Building community on your block
Deciding the size of your team, block gathering area, & area for special needs
Discussing a block map, including gas shutoffs
Meeting #2: Connecting with Neighbors
Reviewing maps
Ideas to connect with neighbors
Identifying neighbors with special needs
Getting neighbors involved
Meeting #3: Get your Team Together
Preparing for a block meeting or party
Reviewing & distributing resources for household preparedness
Creating a contacts, teams, & special needs list
Meeting #4: Incident Command Structure
Connecting to your Neighborhood CERT
Radio training
Explaining the Incident Command Structure
Reviewing resources to get your block team trained
All people who sign-up will get a packet of resources to help their block get organized. It will include steps on how to get individualized households prepared and a block emergency toilet plan. Your block will create a map of gas shut offs, know how to support community members with special needs, and have a plan of what to do after you have made sure your family is safe. We encourage people to take this course with a household member or other neighbor.
Two cohorts are forming now:
Richmond Public Library - Community Room, 325 Civic Center Plaza
2. First Tuesdays: March 3rd, April 7th, May 5th, & June 2nd from 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Richmond Public Library - Community Room, 325 Civic Center Plaza
If you are able to print out a flyer and share with others, that would help. Sharing this email with others or posting on social media is very much appreciated.
The Ready Together! class is taught in English. Bilingual community members are encouraged to take the course to help reach more of our community and, hopefully, some will go on to become trainers of this course. The block resources are available in English and Spanish. Please share with people in your community. We need your help to reach everyone.
CERT Richmond offers other classes including the CERT training at

Community Budget Meetings
Members of the community are invited to attend the City of Richmond’s community budget meetings hosted by the Finance Department. This is an opportunity to receive an overview of the City’s budget process, updates on the City’s finances, and a chance to ask questions to staff. The meetings will be held in the City Council Chambers at 440 Civic Center Plaza on April 20, 2020 at 1:30 P.M. and May 14, 2020 at 6:00 P.M.
- Community Development Department
Point Molate Mixed-Use Development Project Draft Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) Available for Comment
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the State of California Public Resources Code and the “Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970” as amended to date, the City of Richmond Planning Division has prepared a Draft Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) for a proposed mixed-use development project (Modified Project) on the former Point Molate Navy Fuel Depot and Winehaven Historic District Site (Point Molate Site or Project Site).
The Modified Project makes certain changes in land use and intensities to the Point Molate Mixed-Use Tribal Destination Resort and Casino Project (Casino Project) and alternatives analyzed in the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Point Molate Mixed-Use Tribal Destination Resort and Casino Project that was certified by the City in 2011 (2011 FEIR). These changes include, but are not limited to, the elimination of the proposed casino, increasing allowable residential units and rehabilitating the buildings that contribute to the historic Winehaven District (similar to the rehabilitation in Alternative B1 of the 2011 FEIR).
The SEIR addresses the potential physical and environmental effects of the Modified Project per the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Public Resources Code [PRC] section 21000, et seq., and the CEQA Guidelines (Title 14, California Code of Regulations section 15000, et seq.). As the Lead Agency, the City will use the SEIR when considering discretionary approval of the Modified Project. Responsible Agencies, which are public agencies other than the City that have discretionary approval power over the Modified Project, also may rely on the SEIR prepared by the City when issuing approvals for the implementation of the Modified Project.
The Draft SEIR is available for review online at Point Molate Mixed-Use Project. Copies are also available for review at the following locations:
Richmond Public Libraries:
- Main Branch 325 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, CA 94804
- West Side Branch 135 Washington Avenue, Richmond, CA 94801 (Point Richmond)
City of Richmond Planning Division, City Hall, 450 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, CA, 94804 (The Planning Division public counter is open Monday through Thursday from 8:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. and Friday from 8:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. A digital copy of all documents incorporated by reference and cited in the SEIR will also be available at the City of Richmond Planning Division.)
Public Review and Comment Period
The City invites comments on the SEIR in response to the Notice of Availability. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15105(a), a minimum forty-five-day (45) public review period is required and shall commence on the date of this notice (February 21, 2020). Please mail or email your written comments on the Draft EIR no later than 5:00 P.M. on April 6, 2020 to:
Lina Velasco
Community Development Director
City of Richmond Planning Division
450 Civic Center Plaza-2nd Floor
Richmond, CA 94804
Please include in your written response the name and phone number of a contact person in your agency. In addition, comments may be provided at the Public Meeting that is noticed below.
Public Meeting
A public meeting to receive written and oral comments on the Draft SEIR will be held at 6:30 P.M. on March 19, 2020 at the Planning Commission meeting held in the Council Chambers at 440 Civic Center Plaza in Richmond, CA 94804.
Subscribe for Updates
Please sign up on Notify Me if you are interested in receiving email updates for this project.
Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Spring 2020 Training Academy Open for Registration
The Richmond Fire Department conducts CERT training classes twice a year in English and Spanish. CERT training provides participants with basic skills and knowledge to safely respond to emergencies within their neighborhoods.
The CERT training topics include disaster preparedness, fire safety, basic disaster medicine, light search and rescue techniques, team organization, disaster psychology and homeland security information. The training culminates in an all-day drill giving CERT students the opportunity to apply their newly learned skills.
Registration is now open for the Spring 2020 CERT Training Academy. To earn a training completion certificate, participants must complete all CERT modules and the CERT Drill Day. Training dates are:
- Saturday, March 14th – Sunday, March 15th
- Saturday, April 18th – Sunday, April 19th
- CERT Drill Day is Saturday, May 9, 2010 (8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.)
Class times are 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. each day unless otherwise noted.
Location: City of Richmond, 440 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, CA
To register for CERT Spring 2020 Academy:
Need more information: Call Richmond Fire, Office of Emergency Services, (510) 620-6866.

Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-21 Budget Development
This week, the Finance Department hosted the second session to train staff on entering their budgets in the MUNIS financial system. The window to enter budgets began on March 6th and closes on March 20th. Staff has been advised to maintain baseline budgets with the FY 2019-20 mid-year budget serving as the starting point for operational expenditures and the number of positions.
Open Requests For Bids/Request For Proposals
Engineering and CIP |
Concrete Repair Services FY 2020/2021 -2022/2023 |
Due:3/26/20 |
- Library and Community Services
Employment and Training
Summer Youth Employment Program 2020 Worksite Application
Are you a business or non-profit that is interested in hosting young adults this summer? Complete the online application and we’ll be in touch.
Many of our local businesses have committed to support our Richmond youth by providing meaningful work experiences and safe work environment. YouthWORKS is excited to partner with you to provide a meaningful work experience for Richmond youth this summer.
Through this experience, you will be able to provide guidance and training for youth in our community. Your participation will allow young people to develop positive work habits, attitudes and the valuable job skills necessary to enter the workforce prepared and qualified to be productive employees. Watch our partnership accomplishments by clicking
Our goal is to at least put $1,300 in gross wages in the youth’s pocket this summer. The SYEP will pay all wages, taxes, workman’s comp, and cover liability, etc. Jobs can be part time or full time, but we ask that the worksite be able to provide a full 100 hours of meaningful work.
For More Information contact Bouakhay Phongboupha 510-307-8050
Visit us at YouthWORKS -330 25th Street Richmond, CA 94804.
Thank you for working with the City of Richmond, Employment & Training Department, Office of YouthWORKS Program.

Transportation Services Division
Are you interested in learning more about what services the City of Richmond’s Transportation Services Division is working on for you?
Subscribe to receive updates:
Or Go To:
Get rewarded for trying a Green Commute! Get up to $50 in cash rewards!
Do you currently drive alone? Are you tired of sitting in traffic? Looking to jump start your New Year with a green commute?
The Challenge is a fun and exciting opportunity to explore alternative modes of transportation to get to/from work.
Text START to 925-905-TRIP (925-905-8747)
You will get daily texts at 10:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. asking you about your commute for the next three weeks.
Respond by texting your commute mode for three weeks. If it’s a green mode (transit, carpool, vanpool, bicycling), you’ll tally up points for cash rewards – up to $50!
Visit for full program rules
Participants must currently live or work in Contra Costa County and be 18 or over.
Recreation Services/Community Services
Estate Planning and Advanced Health Care Directives - CANCELLED
This event is cancelled until further notice.

Egg Hunt and Community Information Day - CANCELLED
This event is cancelled until further notice.
This event is cancelled until further notice.

Community Services Mini-Grants Available Now!
Our 2020-2021 CSD Mini-Grant Application Cycle is now open! Apply now for grants up to $5,000. The deadline to submit is Friday, March 13, 2020. Visit the website for more information!

Shields-Reid’s Grand Re-Opening
The Shields-Reid Early Childhood Reading held its grand opening on Friday February 28, 2020.
Several community members and children from the program were treated to a story time and snacks. Supervisor John Gioia attended the event and talked about how the collaboration between the City of Richmond, the County, and the Contra Costa libraries made it possible for the families of North Richmond to have this beautiful brand new reading room that will enrich the community for years to come.

Black History Month Celebration
On Saturday, February 29, 2020, community members gathered to celebrate the City of Richmond’s Annual Black History Month Celebration, joined by Mayor Tom Butt, Vice Mayor Nat Bates, and new City Manager Laura Snideman.
The celebration took place at the Richmond Memorial Auditorium, and was emceed by Richmond’s very own Reverend Joe Fisher. We had a full schedule of entertainment with dance, poetry, music, and spoken word.
Thank you all for joining us—it was a fabulous event!

38th Annual Senior Information and Health Faire; May 13th, 2020
The City of Richmond Community Services Department and the Richmond Commission on Aging are proud to sponsor the 38th Annual Senior Information and Health Faire. This event will be held at the Richmond Memorial Auditorium at 403 Civic Center Plaza, on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 NOON.
All businesses, agencies or individuals who are interested in senior health and wellness are cordially invited to participate in this festive day. Space will be made available for groups to display information, give demonstrations, hand out information and/or register prospective clients. All businesses, agencies or individuals interested in participating must complete the an application form and return by Friday, May 1, 2020, to Richmond Senior Center (RSC) staff.
If you have any questions, please contact RSC staff at 510-307-8087. Thank you and we look forward to another successful event with your participation.

Abatement crews continued maintenance along the Richmond Parkway, performed weed abatement responded to an after-hours call from Police Department to board up a breached property and removed illegal dumping and graffiti throughout the City from various locations.
Richmond Parkway Weed Abatement
Emergency Board-Up
Illegal Dumping
Graffitti Abatement
Facilities Maintenance
Stationary Engineers performed daily pool maintenance and Civic Center Plaza boiler inspections, replaced air filters at Fire Station #66, replaced the motor to a gate at the Corporation Yard, repaired the ladder rung in the pool at the Plunge, replaced air filters at the Corporation Yard, fixed the handicap shower at the Plunge, inspected the furnace at the Disabled Peoples Recreation Center (DPRC) and replaced filters at multiple locations.

Repairing Gate Motor
Utility Workers installed hand sanitizing dispensers at the Dispatch Center, adjusted clocks, raised the Tibetan flag to commemorate the 61st anniversary of the national uprising against China, set up meeting rooms and serviced 29 City owned facilities.

Clock Adjustment
Parks and Landscaping
General fund crews removed graffiti from Hilltop Green Park, weeded medians along Macdonald Avenue, performed maintenance on the ball fields at Nicholl Park, repaired the backstop at Seawright field, removed debris from Mira Vista Park and abated a homeless encampment at Booker T. Anderson Park.

Home Plate Installation

Median Maintenance
Tree crews cut or trimmed trees at/on: Lowell Avenue, 29th Street, Solano Avenue and trees around City Hall. Staff also power washed areas around City Hall and attended Bucket Truck/Aerial Lift training.

Marina District crews continued with hand pulling weeds on the Bay Trail, removed debris from all lawn areas, trimmed weeds along fencing in various areas, edging throughout, trimming at Barbara J. Vincent Park, continued irrigation inspections, removed graffiti throughout, mowed all lawns and removed weeds on the Marina Bay Trail and parking lots.
Barbara J Vincent Park Maintenance and hand pulling weeds
Hilltop District crewscontinued general maintenance around the business area, continued weed abatement on the Richmond Parkway medians, continued with maintenance around Hilltop Lake, performed weed abatement on Blume Drive, irrigation repairs in multiple areas and weed abatement on Hilltop Drive.

Hilltop Drive Maintenance
Pavement Maintenance
Paving crews completed installation of the speed humps on Peninsula Drive, started installation of speed bumps along Esmond Avenue, cleaned the Corporation Yard and worked from the outstanding pothole list.

Corporation Yard Clean-Up
Speed Hump Installation
Street Sweeping crews swept the following Neighborhood Council districts on the second Monday through Friday in; May Valley, Vista View, Clinton Hill I – IV and East Richmond.
Traffic Signs and Lines staff fabricated 11 signs, installed five signs, repaired two damaged signs, reset one pole, installed a pole, removed a sign and painted white street markings.

Pavement Markings Marina Bay Parkway
Sign Installation
Water Resource Recovery Department
Macdonald & Virginia Wet Weather Improvement Projects
The contractor is continuing to excavate to replace defective pipes.
Local Richmond contractor is installing sewer main and manhole and connecting laterals on 26th Street of the Macdonald and Virginia Project.
Cogen Phase 1 Project
The subcontractor is performing exploratory bores for soils analysis to determine suitability for construction.
Richmond contractor and geotech subcontractor is drilling exploratory bores at the preferred Cogen project site.

Richmond contractor and geotech subcontractor is examining the characteristics of the soils
Sewer Lateral Grant Program
The City of Richmond’s Water Resource Recovery Department administers the Sewer Lateral Grant Program. The program reimburses eligible homeowners in the Richmond Municipal Sewer District (RMSD No. 1) for some of the cost to replace their sewer lateral.
The program is open and accepting applications for the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year.
For more information about the Sewer Lateral Grant Program, please visit or call 510-620-6594.
Rent Program 2020 Community Workshop Calendar
Community education is a core component of the services provided by the Richmond Rent Program. In 2020, the Rent Program will continue to host monthly Community Workshops on Saturday mornings to educate tenants, landlords, and other community members on the requirements of the Fair Rent, Just Cause for Eviction, and Homeowner Protection Ordinance.
Dates and topics for all 2020 Community Workshops are listed in the table below.
Rent Program 2020 Community Workshop Calendar
City Council Chambers
440 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, CA 94804
10:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.
Space is limited – RSVP today:

Career Coffee Chats – Mentor a Richmond Promise Scholar!
Richmond Promise invites you to become a part of our new career-exploration program, Career Coffee Chats! This program provides Richmond Promise Scholars and alumni access to professionals in their perspective fields to conduct informational interviews in order to gain industry knowledge, build a professional network, and discover potential internship and employment opportunities. In order to formally launch the program in December, our goal is to recruit at least 30 professionals who are interested in becoming available for informational interviews. There is no long-term commitment and individuals choose their own availability.
The application can be found at
Feel free to share company-wide and with your networks!
For questions, email

Last week to apply for the Richmond Promise Scholarship!
If you are interested in applying or learning more about the 2019-20 Richmond Promise Scholarship, please visit our home website at or click on the following link to begin your application --->
The Richmond Promise Scholarship is a $1,500 college scholarship, renewable for up to 4 years, with an additional 2 years available for students who want to petition for extra funding. Students may attend a 2-year or 4-year college, and/or pursue a Career Technical Education Certificate at any not-for-profit institution in the United States.
To be eligible for the Richmond Promise Scholarship, you must:
- Be a resident of the City of Richmond or North Richmond (i.e. have a Richmond home address)
- Have graduated from an eligible high school within the West Contra Costa Unified School District boundary area or received your GED/high school equivalency this academic year or the year prior
- Have attended an eligible high school at least 9th-12th grade consecutively
- Complete the FAFSA/Dream Act by the March 2 Cal Grant deadline (unless not AB 540 eligible)
- Submit a Richmond Promise Scholarship application by the application deadline
*Our 2019-2020 Richmond Promise Scholarship will be open from December 1st, 2019 – March 16th, 2020!
Contact us at 510-230-0422 or at if you have any questions!

Richmond Promise Needs Volunteers!
Want to help support us award our Class of 2020 Richmond Promise Scholars? Volunteer with us to review scholarship applications! Fill out interest form by March 20:

Thank you for keeping up with the activities in the City of Richmond. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.
Thank You!
Laura Snideman
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512
You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting:
See below for options to connect with the City of Richmond.
Connecting with the City of Richmond
Using the City of Richmond Mobile Application:
The City of Richmond mobile app provides Richmond’s community members with one-stop access to City services and information via mobile devices. The app allows quick and real-time reporting of neighborhood-related issues; viewing the City’s events calendar; finding addresses and phone numbers of local businesses, city departments and council members. The City of Richmond’s mobile phone app is available on the Apple App store and Google Play store.
We welcome your comments at

To contact us by phone:
The City’s website ( provides a department and staff directory at
If you’re not sure which department you need to contact, we encourage you to phone the City Manager’s office at (510) 620-6512.
Using the CORConnect Application on the City’s Website:
You can use the CORConnect button on the City’s website ( to report any comments, questions or concerns regarding the work being done by City staff. The CORConnect issues go directly to the responsible department, and the city manager reviews reported issues on a regular basis to determine if City staff members are responding appropriately. If you do not feel that you have received a satisfactory response, please contact the City Manager’s Office at (510) 620-6512.
To access CORConnect select the CORConnect button on the homepage of the City website.

Alternatively, you can select the COR Connect button on any other webpage on the left hand side of the page.

On the next screen under Report an Issue select Report Issue/Concern to create a report or Search Issue/Concerns to look up a previously reported issue. You can also look up previously submitted issues to check on the current status if you provided you name, phone number or email when you submitted it.

On the page, you can also look up information on a parcel, see permits issued and look up business license information. If you have a current business license you can pay to renew it online with a credit card.
The recommended browsers are: Microsoft Edge, or Microsoft Internet Explorer version 11 using the compatibility mode. It can be found in the upper right corner of Internet Explorer: click on the "gear" icon and select Compatibility View Settings, then add the site to the list and click "Close".
The City of Richmond is looking forward to feedback from the community on CORConnect. We welcome your comments at
Irene Perdomo
Executive Assistant to the City Manager
City Manager’s Office
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, CA 94804
Direct: 510-621-1264
Main: 510-620-6512 |