| Posted on: March 10, 2020
Update on COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus)

For the latest updates, go to www.cchealth.org/coronavirus. Follow Contra Costa Health Services on Twitter @CoCoHealth or CCHS Facebook page.
March 10, 2020 - Contra Costa County issues emergency proclamation to respond to COVID-19. Read press release (PDF).
Contra Costa County Issues Emergency Proclamation (Martinez, CA)–The Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors adopted a resolution at its Board meeting on March 10, 2020 for a proclamation of a state of emergency in the County of Contra Costa to deal with the potential spread of novel corona virus or COVID-19.The proclamation states that “this Board found that due to the introduction of coronavirus disease2019(COVID-19), conditions of disaster or extreme peril to the safety of persons and property did exist in the County of Contra Costa commencing on or about March 3, 2020, and therefore the Board proclaimed the existence of a local emergency throughout this county.
These conditions, by reason of their magnitude, are or are likely to be beyond the control of the services, personnel, equipment, and facilities of this County, and will require the combined forces of a mutual aid region or regions to combat. ”The proclamation states that “this Board requests the Governor of the State of California to proclaim the County of Contra Costa to be in a state of emergency. ”Board Chair, Supervisor Candace Andersen, said, “The new coronavirus orCOVID-19 presents our community with a challenge. While I urge you to be prepared, it is certainly not a time to panic. Following our health officials’ guidelines will help prevent the spread of disease. The County and Contra Costa Health Services will continue to offer guidance and resources.
Meanwhile, there is much each and everyone one of us can do to keep our families and communities well. It will take all of us working together. ”The Supervisors emphasized that “everyone plays an important role” as they unanimously voted for a county emergency proclamation that will allow our health department to mobilize county resources, accelerate emergency planning, streamline staffing, coordinate agencies across the county, allow for future reimbursement by the state and federal governments, and raise awareness about how everyone can prepare in the event that COVID-19 begins to spread in our community.
“The County and its health department will continue to work with multiple agencies and jurisdictions to keep residents informed during this local emergency,” said County Administrator David J. Twa. “We will continue to take appropriate steps to protect the safety and well-being of our employees and t he public. We encourage everyone to stay prepared. ”Visit cchealth.org/corona virus for County Health officials’ latest guidance for the community and resources. For the latest updates, follow Contra Costa Health Services(CCHS) on Twitter @CoCoHealth and on CCHS Facebook. Information is also available at www.contracosta.ca.gov.
March 10, 2020 – Contra Costa Health Services has expanded their March 6 guidance. These public health recommendations are intended to slow the spread of COVID-19 by reducing the number of people who become infected, especially those at most risk for severe illness. See the health department’s COVID-19 Interim Guidance for Social Distancing (PDF).
March 6, 2020 - Contra Costa Health Services (CCHS) today released new community guidelines for reducing the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and protecting members of the community most at risk of serious illness. CCHS is recommending that people who are higher risk from COVID-19, including adults over 50 and people with certain underlying medical conditions, should avoid mass gatherings, such as parades, sporting events or concerts.
March 5, 2020 - Read Contra Costa County Statement (PDF).
CCHS says now is the time for individuals and families, neighborhoods, community organizations, businesses, schools and all sectors to take steps to be prepared.
Here are some ideas to help get prepared and prevent spread of disease now:
- Businesses and community organizations should review their continuity of operations plans and consider how they will operate if a significant number of employees are unable to work.
- Businesses and schools should review their sick leave policies and actively encourage employees and students/staff to stay home if they are sick. Do not require a doctor’s note on return to work/school as healthcare facilities may be severely impacted.
- Medical facilities and health providers should review their surge plans in case they are called upon to handle more patients than usual at one time.
- Stock up on the essentials in case of shortages and if you need to stay home.
- Make sure your earthquake kit is up to date and ready to go – it is full of vital supplies you can use for any emergency.
- If you can, obtain a two-month supply for your medications or consider using a mail order pharmacy.
- Think about how to care for loved ones at home if they or you get sick, including how to prevent other family members from becoming infected.
- Wash your hands! Frequent handwashing is easy, under your control and has no significant downsides.
- Don’t touch your face, eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
- Stay home from school or work when you are sick.
- Cough into the crook of your arm or into a tissue.
- Use a barrier, such as a paper towel or tissue, to touch commonly touched surfaces, such as bathroom door handles and elevator buttons.
- Bump elbows or bow instead of shaking hands.
- Regularly clean frequently touched surfaces.
- Get vaccinated against the flu if you haven’t already.
Watch videos to see doctors show the best way to wash your hands and stay healthy. See CCHS videos in English and Spanish.
See entire CCHS Letter from March 2, 2020 (PDF).
See CCHS Letter from March 2, 2020 in Spanish (PDF).
Go to www.cchealth.org/coronavirus to get information and resources about novel (new) coronavirus or COVID-19.
Follow Contra Costa Health Services on Twitter @CoCoHealth or CCHS Facebook page for the latest updates. Follow the County @CCCounty. (You do not need a Twitter account to see postings.)
You can call 2-1-1 to speak to someone or text HOPE to 20121 for information.