Hon. Mayor and Members of the City Council:
This is the report for the week ending November 20th, 2020.
The next City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 24th, 2020. Closed Session begins at 6:00 P.M., followed by the Regular Meeting of the City Council at 6:30 P.M. The agenda may be found by clicking this link: November 24th City Council Agenda.
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates
The following information is an ongoing list of resources and significant updates regarding COVID-19.
State Issues Limited Stay at Home Order to Slow Spread of COVID-19
Published: Nov 19, 2020
Non-essential businesses and personal gatherings are prohibited between 10:00 P.M. and 5:00 A.M. beginning Saturday, November 21 at 10:00 P.M.
SACRAMENTO – In light of an unprecedented, rapid rise in COVID-19 cases across California, Governor Gavin Newsom and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) today announced a limited Stay at Home Order requiring generally that non-essential work, movement and gatherings stop between 10:00 P.M. and 5:00 A.M. in counties in the purple tier. The order will take effect at 10:00 P.M. Saturday, November 21 and remain in effect until 5:00 A.M. December 21. This is the same as the March Stay at Home Order, but applied only between 10:00 P.M. and 5:00 A.M. and only in purple tier counties that are seeing the highest rates of positive cases and hospitalizations.
“The virus is spreading at a pace we haven’t seen since the start of this pandemic and the next several days and weeks will be critical to stop the surge. We are sounding the alarm,” said Governor Newsom. “It is crucial that we act to decrease transmission and slow hospitalizations before the death count surges. We’ve done it before and we must do it again.”
This limited Stay at Home Order is designed to reduce opportunities for disease transmission. Activities conducted during 10:00 P.M. to 5:00 A.M. are often non-essential and more likely related to social activities and gatherings that have a higher likelihood of leading to reduced inhibition and reduced likelihood for adherence to safety measures like wearing a face covering and maintaining physical distance.
“We know from our stay at home order this spring, which flattened the curve in California, that reducing the movement and mixing of individuals dramatically decreases COVID-19 spread, hospitalizations, and deaths,” said California Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly. “We may need to take more stringent actions if we are unable to flatten the curve quickly. Taking these hard, temporary actions now could help prevent future shutdowns.”
“We are asking Californians to change their personal behaviors to stop the surge. We must be strong together and make tough decisions to stay socially connected but physically distanced during this critical time. Letting our guard down could put thousands of lives in danger and cripple our health care system,” said Dr. Erica Pan, the state’s acting Public Health Officer. “It is especially important that we band together to protect those most vulnerable around us as well as essential workers who are continuing their critical work amidst this next wave of widespread community transmission across the state. Together we prevented a public health crisis in the spring and together we can do it again.”
COVID-19 case rates increased by approximately 50 percent in California during the first week of November. As a result, Governor Newsom and California’s public health officials have announced a list of measures to protect Californians and the state’s health care system, which could experience an unprecedented surge if cases continue their steep climb.
On Monday, the state pulled an emergency brake in the Blueprint for a Safer Economy putting more than 94 percent of California’s population in the most restrictive tier. The state will reassess data continuously and move more counties back into a more restrictive tier, if necessary. California is also strengthening its face covering guidance to require individuals to wear a mask whenever outside their home, with limited exceptions.
Late last week, the state issued a travel advisory, along with Oregon and Washington, urging people entering the state or returning home from travel outside the state to self-quarantine to slow the spread of the virus. The travel advisory urges against non-essential out-of-state travel, asks people to self-quarantine for 14 days after arriving from another state or country, and encourages residents to stay local.
Outdoor Dining, Curbside Retail and Special Event Permits

The Richmond Rent Program Community Workshop Webinar–Understanding the COVID-19 Tenant Relief Act of 2020 (AB 3088)
As part of its continuing outreach to tenants and landlords who would like to learn more about rental housing rules and regulations, the City of Richmond Rent Program is offering the following workshop webinar:
Understanding the COVID-19 Tenant Relief Act of 2020 (AB 3088)
Saturday, November 21, 2020
10:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.
Please Pre-Register: https://bit.ly/38tJX8y
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
This community workshop webinar is designed for Richmond landlords and tenants who are interested in learning more about the COVID-19 Tenant Relief Act of 2020 (AB 3088).
Topics for discussion will include:
- Purpose and Components of AB 3088
- Specific Information about the Tenant Relief Act of 2020, including:
- Tenant Relief Act of 2020 Notice of Rights
- Termination of Tenancy for Nonpayment of Rent
- Declaration of Covid-19-related Financial Distress
- Unlawful Detainers
- Contra Costa County Urgency Order Prohibiting Rent Increase and Certain Types of Evictions
Questions? Visit www.richmondrent.org to learn more about the Rent Program, or call or email the Rent Program at (510) 234-RENT (7368) or rent@ci.richmond.ca.us
Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano Drive-Thru Food Giveaway
American Red Cross Blood Drive – Donors Needed
The Contra Costa Leadership Council of The American Red Cross and the City of Richmond are sponsoring a Diversity-Community Blood Drive on Tuesday, December 1, 2020, from 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. in the Richmond Memorial Auditorium-Bermuda Room, 2533 Nevin Avenue, Richmond, CA.
Right now, there is a critical need for African American blood donors to support patients battling sickle cell disease during the coronavirus outbreak. For a limited time, the American Red Cross will test all blood, platelet, and plasma donations for COVID-19 antibodies as an additional health service to our donors.
Appointments are required. Please click on the hyperlink below to register for an appointment.
Thank you for your support.

Holiday Arts Festival Returns to Richmond Art Center
Online and in-person event featuring Bay Area arts and crafts
Richmond Art Center (RAC) invites holiday shoppers and art lovers to experience the 58th Annual Holiday Arts Festival! This beloved Richmond Art Center tradition returns in November and December 2020 with a hybrid in-person/virtual event featuring Ceramics Sale and Curbside Market and Online Arts and Crafts Hub.
We also have art kit giveaways and thank you gifts to celebrate the Holiday Arts Festival as RAC’s largest community fundraising event. Visit richmondartcenter.org/haf to view the event schedule, artist listings, and browse thank you gifts including RAC apparel, unique glass magnets and beautiful, original artwork.
When and Where
Ceramics Sale and Curbside Market
Richmond Art Center - Outside Courtyard
2540 Barrett Avenue, Richmond
Friday, Saturday, Sunday
December 4, 5 and 6
11:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.
Arts and Crafts Hub
November 9 - December 31
Press Release: https://richmondartcenter.org/press-releases/press-release-holiday-arts-festival-returns-to-richmond-art-center/
Richmond Art Center, 2540 Barrett Avenue, 510-620-6772
Media Contact: Amy Spencer, amy@richmondartcenter.org

Mayor Butt and Councilmember Willis highlighted by the Contra Costa Tobacco Prevention Coalition
The following posts were made on social media to highlight the efforts to reduce the impact of tobacco on the Richmond community. Thank you to the Coalition for their collaboration in uplifting community health!
We couldn’t have asked for a better tobacco prevention hero than @mayortombutt.
Mayor Butt provided a tremendous amount of support in passing the Tobacco Retailer License in Richmond which included a ban on electronic cigarettes and flavored tobacco products, which was the first in the county. With his support this is one of the strongest ordinances in the county!
Leave a comment or emoji below to help us celebrate this win and for more information on ordinances like this one visit: https://buff.ly/3aqL0nI

Can we see a virtual round of applause for Richmond City Councilmember Melvin Willis for his support in passing a Tobacco Retailer License Ordinance that includes a ban on electronic smoking devices?
Melvin helped lead the way to get the ordinance passed and because of this, tobacco retailers in the City of Richmond can no longer sell flavored tobacco products, including menthol, and electronic smoking devices.
Leave a comment or emoji below to celebrate and for more information on the ordinance visit: https://buff.ly/3aqL0nI

Help represent Richmond on the Contra Costa Mosquito and Vector Control District’s Board of Trustees!
The application process is now open to represent the City of Richmond on the Contra Costa Mosquito and Vector Control District’s Board of Trustees. The Contra Costa Mosquito and Vector Control District is a tax-funded office that provides free services to all county residents for mosquitoes, rats and mice, ground-nesting yellowjackets, ticks, and skunks. The Richmond representative on the District’s Board of Trustees will represent the city’s interests on matters related to mosquito and vector control. The first term of service will be two years and additional terms of service will be two or four years. Regular board meetings are held on the second Monday of every other month starting in January. Meetings are held at the District office, 155 Mason Circle in Concord at 7:00 P.M., and the meetings are open to the public. Trustees are not compensated for service but will be paid up to $100 per month for official business expenses. Mayor Butt has been tasked with nominating an applicant for the trustee position and that individual must then be confirmed by the Richmond City Council. Applicants must be a City of Richmond resident and at least 18 years of age. Please use this link to complete the online application. Please submit your completed application via email to CityClerkDept@ci.richmond.ca.us.
- City Manager’s Office, Economic Development
AB 1486 Surplus Lands Act Community Stakeholder Meetings
The City Manager’s Office, Economic Development Division, hosted two community stakeholder meetings on Thursday, November 19th to give an update on the AB-1486 Surplus Lands Act (SLA). The two virtual meetings had over 40 attendees many who are interested in the development of low-to-moderate income housing on public lands. Attendees gained a deeper understandings of the City of Richmond’s process for designating parcels as Surplus, Exempt Surplus and those set aside for City Use. Additionally, staff informed attendees on next steps, how to be included on California’s Department Housing and Community Development list of developers, and answered stakeholder questions.
The CA Surplus Land Act states that on or before December 31 of each year, a local agency shall make an inventory of all land held, owned, or controlled by it or any of its departments, agencies, or authorities to determine what land, if any, is in excess of its foreseeable needs. Additionally, SLA requires that the City declare specific parcels as “Surplus Lands” and must dispose of the properties by adhering to procedures set out in AB-1486.
For more information visit, https://www.ci.richmond.ca.us/2907/Real-Estate For questions contact Thomas Omolo at email Thomas_omolo@ci.richmond.ca.us or call (510) 620-5560.

Code Enforcement
After receiving complaints from neighbors in the area, the Subject Property was inspected by a Code Enforcement Officer and a Notice of Violation was sent to the owner. The property owner was able to bring the property into compliance with the Municipal code as well as improve the overall appearance of the property.
Before After
Sign-Up to Receive Emergency Notifications
The Richmond Fire Department encourages our staff and community to sign-up to receive alerts and advisories to be notified of incidents that can impact one’s daily life such as asking our community to evacuate or shelter-in-place. There are many ways notifications can be received, e.g. phone call, text, email, broadcast news.
By signing up for the following notification systems, the City of Richmond will be able to provide timely notification with actions to safely protect you and your community.
How to Sign-Up to Receive Alert and Advisory Notifications:
- Nixle (City of Richmond’s messaging platform)
- Contra Costa County Community Warning System
Social Media:
- Twitter
- Nextdoor
- Facebook
For more information, please visit: https://www.ci.richmond.ca.us/oes or call (510) 620-6866.
Transparent Richmond
Check out Transparent Richmond (www.transparentrichmond.org), the City of Richmond’s citywide open data and performance reporting system. The open data platform currently spans 11 city departments and contains over 300 datasets, visualizations, and performance measures, many of which feature monthly, weekly or daily updates.

Transparent Richmond aims to accomplish the following:
- Improve the collective understanding of all city services.
- Automate performance data to help track and meet budget and service goals.
- Leverage evidence-based analysis to develop innovative solutions that improve the quality of city services.
The city plans to add more datasets and visualizations over time and invites the community to propose additional information for the site. To nominate new data and visualizations, visit https://www.transparentrichmond.org/nominate.
Social Media Statistics for this Week

KCRT Datanet for the Week
KCRT TV Channel 28 – New Episodes of Current Programming
Current recent specials are “RPD Virtual Halloween ,” “Virtual National Night Out,” “National Electric Drive Week”; “Chat with Chief French,” ”NAACP Policing Forum,” the GRID Alternatives’ and City of Richmond’s “No-Cost Solar Workshop,” John Gioia’s video on two Census-related pieces, and the City’s Mask Videos.
New episodes of series programming are “The Jet Set,” ”Creature Features,” and “Sidewalks Entertainment.”
You may find the full schedule at http://www.ci.richmond.ca.us/3176/Schedule

- Library and Community Services
Community Services (Recreation)
Virtual Turkey Coloring Contest
- Download any turkey coloring sheet or use the coloring page provided or draw your own turkey! We encourage you to write in things that you are thankful for on the coloring page as well! Find a coloring page on our website link as well!
- Place your turkey art on your window, door or any spot where it is visible. Snap a pic!
- Share your picture with us on our Facebook or Instagram (@richmondcsd), using #RichmondVirtualThanksgiving by Monday, November 23, 2020, at 11:59 P.M. Please tag us in your photo and also DM us your post if your profile is private.
The contest begins today and ends Thursday, November 23, 2020, at 11:59 P.M. Ten people (10) will be randomly selected to win Thanksgiving treats! Winners will be announced on our social media accounts on Tuesday, November 24, 2020, by 5:00 P.M. One submission per social media account per day.

Join us for Pickleball!

In-person and Virtual Zumba at Community Services Department (Recreation)
The Community Services Department started an in-person and virtual Zumba program simultaneously on Saturday, October 10. The Zumba program is held as follows:
Saturdays, 9:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M.
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6:30 P.M. to 7:30 P.M.
Cost: $5 per person per class*
*In-person or virtual, online prepaid participants ONLY
In-person class held at: 3230 Macdonald Avenue
Register and pay online at: https://apm.activecommunities.com/richmond
All County and City COVID-19 guidelines are followed during this program: proper face mask covering, 6 feet social distancing, hand washing, temperature checks, among others. Please see below a link to our first Zumba class: https://youtu.be/1LkMozN1_nA

Virtual Sports Programs
Join us for our first ever virtual sports programs! Find a spot outdoors, and you’ll be able to master all the skills you need in soccer, tennis, or basketball! For more information, contact the Recreation staff listed in the flyer.

Virtual After-School Camps - ACHIEVE and ELEVATE
After-school camps are happening now! You can still join us! We’ll have lots of fun and games with your favorite recreation staff and fellow campers. Register online at tinyurl.com/richmondrecreation.
New Adopt-a-Senior Program to Serve Residents Over 55
After all of the interest and support we received from residents in May, Richmond Love Your Block is excited to present: Adopt-A-Senior! We are connecting community volunteers and seniors in Richmond and North Richmond.
If you are over 55 and would like to receive FREE maintenance services for your property, go to tinyurl.com/SeniorAdoptionRequest to be adopted! Services may include: cleaning up debris and litter; removing weeds and tall grass; trimming and pruning plant; painting; and more. Eligibility requirements apply.
If you would like to BE a volunteer and adopt a senior to help them maintain their property go to tinyurl.com/AdoptaSeniorVolunteer. (The Adopt-A-Senior program does not provide any home repairs or other services that take place inside of the home.)
Help us spread the word so we can connect as many seniors and volunteers as possible!

Senior Centers on Zoom
Visit tinyurl.com/seniorsdprclaunchpad for more information!

8-Week Yoga Class
We are starting an 8-week yoga class, free of charge on the Senior Launchpad.
This course will be an introduction to Mindfulness and its role in helping us to navigate the ups and downs of everyday life. For many of us, meditation is not easy. Our bodies are active, which makes it difficult to sit still and focus inwards. Therefore, a good complement to a meditation practice is yoga asanas. Yoga asanas are exercises designed to increase circulation throughout the body, lengthen and strengthen the muscles resulting in flexibility, and calm the nervous system. This enables the body to relax in a meditative practice and allows for a mindful state of awareness in everyday life.
This course is offered FREE on Zoom and each class will consist of 30 minutes of lecture and 60 minutes of gentle yoga asanas. This class is ideal for beginners, anyone new to yoga and anyone just interested. Please visit tinyurl.com/SeniorsDPRCLaunchPad to register and get link to zoom class.
Participants must complete a COR Activity Registration Form. For more information contact the Richmond Annex Sr. Center at 510 620-6812.
Day/Time: Wednesdays 9:00 A.M. to 10:30 A.M. – Class start date: 10/28/2020
Week 1 – Introduction to Mindfulness and Yoga
Week 2 – 5 Points of Yoga
Week 3 – Mindfulness and Compassion
Week 4 – Mindfulness and Emotions (Triggers)
Week 5 – Mindfulness and the Body
Week 6 – Mindfulness and Neuroscience
Week 7 – Mindfulness and Communication
Week 8 – Review and Creating a Practice

Library Updates
Library Services
While the return to the Purple tier delays the Library’s phased reopening plans, we continue to progress toward our next service, the opening of a small computer lab. Until we are able to reopen for this service, we continue to offer many other services:
- Request books, magazines, DVDs, or printouts!
- Pick up available at Main, Bayview, and West Side!
- Not sure what to read next? We can help with that, too!
- Get help with a job search or advance your skills!

- Homework help for K-12 students!

- Adult/Teen Craft Kits-to-Go!
- Call 510-620-6559 to request.

- Storytimes and STEAM for Children!
Happy Dia de los Muertos!
At the library, we paid tribute to our ancestors and our fellow library staff whom have passed away by making a big window display ofrenda. We included many children’s books about Dia de los Muertos, photos of those we have lost and loved, artwork and skeleton figures, big bright paper flowers and personal objects connected to our friends. It has been bittersweet to see the faces of old friends and family honored in this way. They may be gone but will not be forgotten.

Tableside Service Update
The Richmond Public Library began its Tableside Service on June 15th in an effort to make library materials available to the community while our buildings themselves remain closed. Since this service has been available, the Richmond Public Library has had 1,582 successful appointments, getting thousands of books, magazines, DVDs, craft kits, and more into the hands of our community.
Remember: our Tableside Service is available by appointment 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, at the Main Library and 1:00 P.M. to 4:30 P.M., Tuesdays and Thursdays, at the Bayview and West Side branches. Call us at 510-620-6561 for more information or visit us online at http://richmondlibrary.org.
Below are representations of our running total of appointments and the weekly totals for the first 22 weeks with a 4-week running average.
Tableside Service Statistics

Literacy for Every Adult Program (LEAP) Resources
The Literacy for Every Adult Program (LEAP) is gearing up for the surge in COVID-19 cases and we are working hard to make our services available to the community. We are not sure how long we will be closed to the public, but we are working with students to make sure they have the necessary resources for success.
LEAP has rolled out a Chromebook lending program. Students are eligible to checkout a laptop after completing the required minimum study hours either via Zoom or by phone with their program instructor. Additionally, LEAP has continued its partnership with Fresh Approach, the Mobile Farmers’ Market, and we are continuing to supply students with “Leap Bucks” that they can cash in for fresh vegetables and fruit from Local California Farms. Students are given Leap Bucks based on their classroom and homework participation.
If you, or anyone you know is interested in enrolling in our virtual program and reaping from the LEAP benefits please give us a call at 510-307-8084 to set up an appointment, or visit our website at https://www.ci.richmond.ca.us/788/Literacy-Program-LEAP. Also, please checkout LEAP’s revamped Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/LEAPRICHMONDCA.
Water Resource Recovery Division
Wastewater Treatment Plant – Fats, Oils, & Grease (FOG)
PLEASE! DO NOT PUT GREASE DOWN THE DRAIN! Heavy grease has been reported at Richmond's sewer treatment plant. Grease clogs pipes and can be detrimental to the function of the plant.
For more information about Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG), please call 510-620-6594.
Planta de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales – Aceites y Grasas (FOG)
¡POR FAVOR! ¡NO PONGA GRASA POR EL DRENAJE! Se ha reportado grasa pesada en la planta de tratamiento de alcantarillado de Richmond. La grasa obstruye las tuberías y puede ser perjudicial para la función de la planta.
Para obtener más información sobre aceites y grasas (FOG), llame al 510-620-6594.
Sewer Lateral Grant Program
The City of Richmond’s Water Resource Recovery Department administers the Sewer Lateral Grant Program. The program reimburses eligible homeowners in the Richmond Municipal Sewer District (RMSD No. 1) for some of the cost to replace their sewer lateral.
The program is open and accepting applications for the 2020-2021 Fiscal Year for sewer lateral work completed between 7/1/2020-6/30/2021.
For more information about the Sewer Lateral Grant Program, please visit www.ci.richmond.ca.us/2130/Sewer-Lateral-Grant-Program or call 510-620-6594.
Macdonald & Virginia Wet Weather Improvement Projects
Local contractor is continuing work on this project. See pictures and descriptions below.
Local contractor is restoring pavement on 31st Street.

Local contractor is paving on 32nd Street.
Thank you for keeping up with the activities in the City of Richmond. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.
Thank You!
Laura Snideman
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512
You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting: www.ci.richmond.ca.us/list.aspx
See below for options to connect with the City of Richmond.
Connecting with the City of Richmond

Using the City of Richmond Mobile Application:
The City of Richmond mobile app provides Richmond’s community members with one-stop access to City services and information via mobile devices. The app allows quick and real-time reporting of neighborhood-related issues; viewing the City’s events calendar; finding addresses and phone numbers of local businesses, city departments and council members. The City of Richmond’s mobile phone app is available on the Apple App store and Google Play store.

We welcome your comments at webservices@ci.richmond.ca.us

To contact us by phone:
The City’s website (http://www.ci.richmond.ca.us/) provides a department and staff directory at http://www.ci.richmond.ca.us/Directory.aspx.
If you’re not sure which department you need to contact, we encourage you to phone the City Manager’s office at (510) 620-6512.
Using the CORConnect Application on the City’s Website:
You can use the CORConnect button on the City’s website (http://www.ci.richmond.ca.us/) to report any comments, questions or concerns regarding the work being done by City staff. The CORConnect issues go directly to the responsible department, and the city manager reviews reported issues on a regular basis to determine if City staff members are responding appropriately. If you do not feel that you have received a satisfactory response, please contact the City Manager’s Office at (510) 620-6512.
To access CORConnect select the CORConnect button on the homepage of the City website.

Alternatively, you can select the COR Connect button on any other webpage on the left hand side of the page.

On the next screen under Report an Issue select Report Issue/Concern to create a report or Search Issue/Concerns to look up a previously reported issue. You can also look up previously submitted issues to check on the current status if you provided you name, phone number or email when you submitted it.

On the page, you can also look up information on a parcel, see permits issued and look up business license information. If you have a current business license you can pay to renew it online with a credit card.
The recommended browsers are: Microsoft Edge, or Microsoft Internet Explorer version 11 using the compatibility mode. It can be found in the upper right corner of Internet Explorer: click on the "gear" icon and select Compatibility View Settings, then add the site to the list and click "Close".
The City of Richmond is looking forward to feedback from the community on CORConnect. We welcome your comments at webservices@ci.richmond.ca.us
Irene Perdomo
Executive Assistant to the City Manager
City Manager’s Office
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, CA 94804
Email: Irene_Perdomo@ci.richmond.ca.us
Direct: 510-621-1264
Main: 510-620-6512 |