Join me at this year’s Mayor’s Community Fund Special Event at Historic Winehaven for an extraordinary journey into California history with a unique Richmond twist! As a donor, you and your guests will be treated to an exclusive reception at a truly unparalleled location.

We will sample fine Bay Area wines at what was once the world’s largest winery and be regaled by Frances Dinkelspiel, great-great granddaughter of Isaias Hellman, award winning journalist, and author of “Towers of Gold: How One Jewish Immigrant Named Isaias Hellman Created California” and “Tangled Vines: Greed, Murder, Obsession, and an Arsonist in the Vineyards of California.” Learn how, through the California Wine Association, Hellman controlled the California wine industry when Winehaven was built and almost single-handedly brought California into modernity.
My goal this year is to raise $50,000 to provide ground-level support to our youth, parents, and volunteers who are committed to serving their community. With your contribution, the fund will remain available to dozens of Richmond sports teams and grassroots community organizations. Your tax-deductible donation will be directed to the Mayor’s Community Fund at the Richmond Community Foundation.
Gift Levels:
$5,000 donation – 10 guests
$2,500 donation – 5 guests
$1,000 donation – 2 guests
$500 donation – 1 guest
To make your donation, visit our website ( or contact Stacey Street at or 510-234-1200.
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For more information, call my office at (510) 620-6503.
Mayor’s Office Homepage:
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