Hon. Mayor and Members of the City Council:
This is the report for the week ending September 20th, 2019.
The next City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 24th. Closed Session begins at 5:30 P.M., followed by the Regular Meeting of the Richmond City Council at 6:30 P.M. The agenda may be found by clicking this link: September 24th City Council Agenda.
Come See Final Plans for Yellow Brick Road!
You are invited to visit Pogo Park's Community Outreach Tents September 16th-21st, and see the last and final plans for YELLOW BRICK ROAD®.
Dreamed by youth in 2009 as an answer to the violence that plagued their neighborhood, Yellow Brick Road is a safe, green, clean walking and biking route through the Iron Triangle that links community assets (churches, schools, parks, community center) together.
The goal of Yellow Brick Road (YBR) is to make physical changes to Iron Triangle streets that force speeding vehicles to SLOW DOWN. After 10 years of blood, sweat, and tears, partnering with some of this country's most visionary transportation and urban planners, (and securing $13 million in funding from the City of Richmond, State of California, and Caltrans), the plans are virtually complete – and the Yellow Brick Road is coming!
Specifically, Yellow Brick Road improvements are planned for:
7th Street - Pennsylvania to Ripley
8th Street - Lincoln to Ohio
Pennsylvania - 2nd to Harbour
Drop in and visit Pogo Park's Community Outreach Tents next week, anytime between 3:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M., to:
- See the final plans for Yellow Brick Road
- Meet the visionaries from the original Yellow Brick Road Team
- Meet members of Pogo Park's Community Development Team who walked every block and every street of Iron Triangle to select the YBR route – and then to plan and design it
- Talk directly to City staff and the engineers/designers who are helping, 10 years later, to turn the youth's original vision into concrete reality.
Pogo Park hopes to see you next week!
Richmond Main Street presents... Celebrate Downtown Grand Finale and “Salute to Soul 2.0” with Spirit & Soul Festival!
Downtown Richmond is set to come alive with soulful sounds from some the Bay Area’s most loved R&B, Soul, and Funk bands at the 11th annual Spirit & Soul Festival on Saturday, September 21st, from 1:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. on Macdonald Avenue (Harbour Way – 13th Street).
The Main Stage will feature show stopping performances from Pride & Joy (the Bay Area’s favorite Party Band ), Top Shelf (classic Soul and R&B), But-tah & The Buttahluv Band (renditions of Aretha Franklin), and Kylah Dawn(rising neo-soul songstress). Dynamic and diverse performances from the RPAL Music Program, El Cerrito High School Dance, Richmond High School’s Vocal Revolution, and other local youth groups are set for the 12th Street Stage.
Richmond Main Street invites everyone to come Downtown to enjoy great music, check out 40+ artisan, food, and resource vendors, youth zone, giveaways, prizes, dancing, and Spirit & Soul Beverage Pavilion, VIP Experience (tickets on sale via Eventbrite), and celebrate our 2019 Downtown Champions.
For the first time ever, Spirit & Soul Festival will also feature two Grand Marshals: Mayor Tom Butt (Main Stage) and Councilmember Ben Choi (12th Street Stage).
Admission is FREE; all ages are welcome. More event details, including band previews and vendor list available at www.richmondmainstreet.org/spirit-soul-festival.
For more information, including how to volunteer or support, call (510) 236-4049.

Badges and Boba
The Richmond Police Department is hosting a Boba and Badges event on Friday, September 27th, at 4:00 P.M. We are encouraging everyone to come out and have Boba and conversation with your local officers. See the flyer below for additional details. Hope to see you there.

The Richmond Rent Program Community Workshop is Presenting – Navigating the Eviction Process in Richmond
As part of its continuing outreach to Tenants and Landlords who would like to learn more about rental housing rules and regulations, the City of Richmond Rent Program is offering the following workshops:
Navigating the Eviction Process in Richmond (Tenant-focused Workshop)
Saturday, September 28, 2019
10:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.
City Council Chambers
440 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, CA 94804
Navigating the Eviction Process in Richmond (Landlord-focused Workshop)
Saturday, October 26, 2019
10:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.
City Council Chambers
American Red Cross – Volunteer Information Event

Richmond Fire Community Wildfire Protection Plan Project
The Richmond Fire Department received a California Fire Foundation grant to team with the Diablo Fire Safe Council to develop our Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). We welcome members of the Richmond community to attend on the date listed below. Location of the work sessions is in 440 Civic Center Plaza, Basement, Multi-Purpose Room.
- Plan Review - October 4, 2019
A Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) is a collaboratively developed plan that identifies wildland fire hazards, prioritizes ways to reduce those hazards, and recommends measures for homeowners and communities to mitigate the ignitability of structures.
Diablo Fire Safe Council will assist Richmond Fire Department to build off the adopted Contra Costa County Plan. Plan development will be during 2019, with the collaboration of our community members and agency partners.

As a stakeholder or agency land manager, Richmond Fire would like your help to identify areas with high fire hazards, and input on prioritizing future projects. This action plan will build off agency plans and the Contra Costa Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) to develop joint strategies for future activities and grant funding efforts.
Our working session will summarize wildfire assessments, recent projects, and future project ideas. Please bring current plans and preliminary designs for future projects or programs.
We hope you can join us to update this action plan to reduce the impact of wildfire in Richmond.
Should questions arise, please contact Fire Marshal Eric Govan via email eric_govan@ci.richmond.ca.us or call (510) 307-8038.
Help Us Welcome Our New RPD Officers
On September 14th, the Richmond Police Department gained two new recruits who graduated from the 108th Napa Valley Police Academy. Officer Garbarini and Officer Parker were standouts in the academy, receiving academic and interpersonal awards. Outstanding job, Officer Garbarini and Officer Parker! Welcome to the RPD family.
Mural Unveiling at Richmond Police Activities League (RPAL)
On September 13th, RPAL unveiled the work of RPAL Youth Ambassadors, and artist Rebeca Garcia-Gonzalez on their mural about cops and kids. They called it “Beyond Mentoring”.
The mural dedication was designed to honor fallen Officer Gus Vegas. A group of high school-aged youth led by muralist Rebecca Vasquez designed and painted this mural to highlight the need for communities of color and law enforcement to build a collaborative partnership with one another. The youth often worked on this project after school in the heat and didn’t complain about stopping until it was completed.
Join us in congratulating the young people —Jorge Montano, Nora Lozano, Maria Avalos, Quincy Plummer and Jeremiah Gaines.
Bay Area Urban Manufacturers - Manufacturing Champion
The City of Richmond is a Partner City in the Bay Area Urban Manufacturing Initiative. The goal of the initiative is to strengthen the regional connections of manufactures and help the manufacturing sectors grow regionally. Each year, Partner Cities highlight a local manufacturer as part of the Manufacturing the Dream campaign.
This year, the City of Richmond is proud to announce Lemur International, Inc. as the 2019 local manufacturing champion. Their 20-year history of consistent production of high quality and sustainably-sourced vanilla extracts and powders has helped bring the Bay Area's reputation for excellent food to life.
Rodger Rakotomalala founded the company after he emigrated from Madagascar with his family in 1978. His passion for Madagascar and orchids, the plant from which vanilla comes, led him to start a company that supplies high-grade vanilla products from raw vanilla beans, highlights Madagascar, and works closely with farmers in the region.
Rodger and his daughter Carol created a new small-batch proprietary method for extracting the vanilla from the beans. The resulting products are highly sought after, both locally and nationally by bakers, kombucha makers, supplement companies, and more. In 2010, after Rodger’s death, Carol took on a bigger role in the company, becoming the president and majority shareholder.
As a final culmination of the Manufacturing a Dream campaign, the Richmond Economic Development Commission will attend a tour of Lemur International.

Consider Voting By Mail
The Contra Costa County Elections Division is reaching out to voters who are currently registered as polling place voters. They are encouraging voters to consider the merits of requesting their ballot at home, as this may be a more convenient option for you. Part of the reason they are reaching out is that there is a new state law that took effect beginning this year that no longer requires postage for return ballot envelopes. Contra Costa County also has close to 40 ballot drop off boxes available countywide, including a dozen that will be available on a 24/7 basis. A permanent ballot drop off box will be located at Richmond City Hall - 450 Civic Center Plaza nearest the City Council Chambers parking lot.
Receiving your ballot by mail provides individuals with more flexibility than having to go to your set neighborhood polling place on just one day. It also allows individuals to vote comfortably wherever they choose and gives them more time to study the issues on increasingly-complex ballots at their leisure. There are a variety of ways to return a completed ballot envelope, including dropping it off at neighborhood polling place on Election Day.
The Contra Costa County Elections Division has made it easy to switch. Simply send an email to Ballot@vote.cccounty.us. Subject: “I want to Vote By Mail.” Please include your Name, Date of Birth, Residential Address and Mailing Address in the body of the email. You can also call the Contra Costa County Elections Division at (925) 335-7800 to make your request over the phone.
Legislative History
The City’s legislative history including minutes, resolutions, ordinances, meeting content, and other important records, dating back to 1905, are available online at: http://sireweb.ci.richmond.ca.us/sirepub/docs.aspx.
Apply for Your U.S. Passport at Richmond City Hall!
The City of Richmond City Clerk’s Office is accepting passport applications on behalf of the United States Department of State. United States citizens planning international travel may apply for their passport at 450 Civic Center Plaza, Suite 300, during the following hours by appointment only:
Monday: 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
Wednesday: 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
Friday: 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.
(Closed 12:00 P.M. to 1:00 P.M. – days of operation only)
You must call (510) 620-6786 to schedule all appointments.
Drop-in hours are also available on:
Thursday: 9:30 A.M. to 12:00 NOON
Bring all required documents and complete all forms before your appointment. Drop-ins will be seen on a first come, first serve basis.
Please recognize that the area is an operational executive office, and a quiet zone.
For application forms, information on documentation required, fees, and a wealth of other passport and international travel information, visit the only official website for passport information – travel.state.gov.
For more information about the City of Richmond Passport Acceptance Facility, please visit http://www.ci.richmond.ca.us/passports.

Special One-Day Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Event
On Saturday, September 14th, in partnership with the City of Richmond, RecycleMore, West County Resource Recovery, and Republic Services, a special one-day household hazardous waste collection event was held for West Contra Costa County residents. 379 residents attended the free event to properly dispose of paints, mattresses, aerosols, electronic waste (e-waste), batteries, and oil to keep our communities clean and safe. In addition, staff from the California Product Stewardship Council was onsite to exchange empty propane canisters with refillable ones as part of the Refuel Your Fun campaign.
The total weight of waste collected at the event is approximately 45,075 lbs (22.5 tons).
Couldn't attend the event? For more information about how to dispose of Household Hazardous Waste visit, www.ci.richmond.ca.us/1720/Hazardous-Waste.
Should the City of Richmond Ban the use of Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers?
The Richmond City Council is considering a potential ban on gas-powered leaf blowers. City staff is soliciting community feedback to understand the opportunities and challenges.
To give feedback on whether or not the City of Richmond should ban the use of gas-powered leaf blowers:
1. Submit a survey response by September 27th:
https://forms.gle/uJ2RXXig7q81k31aA (English)
https://forms.gle/oqhoXhNJE3jU6QWNA (Spanish)
For more information, please call the City Manager's Office at (510) 620-6512 or visit www.richmondenvironment.org

Transportation Services Division Updates
Are you interested in learning more about what services the City of Richmond’s Transportation Services Division is working on for you?
Subscribe to receive updates: http://www.ci.richmond.ca.us/list.aspx?ListID=374
Or Go To: http://www.ci.richmond.ca.us/2876/Transportation
City of Richmond and Gotcha Mobility announce Richmond’s First Bike Share Program
With support from Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) funds, the City of Richmond’s Transportation Division and Gotcha Mobility will launch the first public bike share system in Richmond. Bike share is a service that provides bicycles for short term-use for a fee. Richmond residents and visitors will have access to 250 electric assist bikes at 25 stations within the city, available for 24/7 use.
Launching later this year, the bike share system in Richmond will provide a seamless addition to the local and regional transportation network connecting residents, businesses, visitors to jobs, services, and the community. Bike share will enhance public access to destinations; expand mobility options for low income residents, especially with the provision of subsidized memberships for income-eligible residents; improve public health through increased physical activity and reduced greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants; and support community growth through safer, more vibrant streets.
Gotcha Mobility is a mobility-as-a-service (MaaS) company offering sustainable mico-transit products –100% electric ride share, bike share, electric scooters, and trikes. Gotcha helps communities lead happier, more productive lives through alternative forms of transportation and is committed to being the City of Richmond’s mobility partner. Gotcha invests in communities by having local operations that include local staff. Below are full time positions with benefits which are currently open:
To learn more about Gotcha visit https://ridegotcha.com/
For questions, please contact Misha Kaur at (510) 620-6797.

Richmond Ferry to Bridge to Greenway Complete Streets Plan Community Survey
Transportation Services needs your feedback to provide valuable local and regional
connections for people walking and bicycling to the new Richmond Ferry Terminal, the upcoming Richmond-San Rafael Bridge multi-use path, and the Richmond Greenway. The survey is available online or via text. Simply text the word “active” to (510) 900-5861 to participate.

RAPID (R-Transit with Lyft) Workshop
The City of Richmond’s R-Transit program provides safe and reliable transportation to persons with disabilities and seniors (age 55 and older).
Service area: Program registrants can travel to any destination between the cities of Richmond, El Sobrante, San Pablo, North Richmond, Kensington, and Pinole. The cost of a one-way trip booked in advance is $4.00, and same-day reservations are $5.00 one way.
To qualify for R-Transit, applicants must meet two eligibility requirements:
1. Residency: applicant must be a resident of any of the following cities: Richmond, Kensington, El Sobrante, unincorporated communities of East Richmond Heights, Hasford Heights, Rollingwood, or North Richmond.
2. Age/disability: applicant is age 55 or older OR between the ages of 18-54 and has a disability.
Fill out an application: online at www.rtransit.com , print the application here, or call (510) 307-8026 to request an application by mail.
RAPID: R-Transit with Lyft offers R-Transit clients a subsidy to use Lyft in the service area.
The R-Transit program’s newest addition, RAPID, offers R-Transit clients a subsidy to use Lyft (24/7) for on demand trips in the R-Transit service area. RAPID also offers a subsidy to travel to and from the Contra Costa Regional Medical Center and Veterans hospital in Martinez, CA. R-Transit clients pay the first $3.00 of each one way trip in the service area, and the subsidy will cover the next $17.00 of the trip. If the total cost of the trip exceeds $20.00, the client is responsible for the overage.
To use the RAPID service, you must first complete an application for R-Transit service; have a smart phone, credit/debit card, and a registration and waiver of liability form on file.
R-Transit will host RAPID workshops the 3rd Monday of each month for the remainder of 2019. Workshops will be held at the Richmond Senior Center located at 2525 Macdonald Avenue, Richmond from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 NOON. The workshops will provide in depth information about the new service and one-on-one assistance with downloading the Lyft mobile application, setting up an account, and requesting rides.
Pass2Class 2019 Application Now Open! Free Student Transit Pass!
511 Contra Costa is happy to announce that Pass2Class is back again for the 2019/20 school year. Students in West Contra Costa, grades 1 – 12, can receive either one 31-day AC Transit pass or WestCAT pass (while supplies last, limit three students per household), as a way to encourage them to take transit to school rather than a car. From August 1st through October 6th, parents/guardians can review the full rules and guidelines and fill out the application online.
Funding provided by Bay Area Air Quality Management District and Contra Costa Transportation Authority.
WCCUSD HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS WHO QUALIFY FOR FREE AND REDUCED LUNCH should not apply to Pass2Class. Pass2Class only offers one month free for any student, grades 1-12.
However, WCCUSD High school students who qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch can also receive bus passes all year long through the school district. More information is available at the Pass2Class website.

Residential Permit Parking Available
The Neighborhood Permit Parking (NPP) program was created in Richmond to reduce traffic in residential areas, to protect those areas from the environmental impacts of commuting, and to allow parking access to properties. Non-permit holders may continue to park daily on a time restricted basis within the NPP areas.
If you live in an area that has already opted into the program, you are eligible to obtain a permit online: https://richmond.getapermit.net or in person by appointment through Transportation Services. Residents living within any of the highlighted areas on the Permit Parking Map must first submit a signed petition to “Opt In” to participate in the program.
For more information and to download forms, please go to: http://www.ci.richmond.ca.us/3329/Parking-Management-Services, call Transportation Services at (510) 621-1718, or email: RichmondParking@ci.richmond.ca.

Free Green Waste Kitchen Pail

Richmond residents that subscribe to compost services may pick-up a free kitchen pail at the West Contra Costa Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Facility or Richmond City Hall.
West Contra Costa County Household
Hazardous Waste (HHW) Facility
101 Pittsburg Avenue
Richmond, CA 94801
Wednesday through Saturday
9:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. (Closed Noon - 12:30 P.M.)
For more information about this and additional solid waste programs available to Richmond residents, please visit: www.richmondenvironment.org
Recycling Tip of the Month

This week, I had the opportunity to attend the National Drive Electric Week event in Civic Center Plaza, and showcase my 1961 Baby Blue Electric Volkswagen Beetle! Mayor Butt and I took an opportunity for a photo-op, and it was quite a successful event! Here is a link to a YouTube video about my Beetle, and here is a sneak peak of the Drive Electric Week event. Drive electric!
- Engineering & Capital Improvement Department (ECIP)
Engineering Projects
Lighting has been completed for the new Hilltop District Gateway Sign #1 located at Hilltop Drive and Blume Drive. Below are photos of the sign lit at night.
Hilltop District Gateway Sign #1
Streets Division
Paving crews completed the paving of Chesley Avenue and Market Avenue, performed a base repair in front of 3004 Keith Drive, prepped and paved on East Scenic Avenue from Buena Vista Avenue to Terrace Avenue, prepped on Oregon Street from East Richmond Avenue to South Garrard Boulevard, and prepped on South 8th Street from Hoffman Boulevard to the north end of the street.

Paving Work on Chesley Avenue
Street sweeping staff performed commercial and residential sweeping services for the third Monday through Friday in the North Richmond, Iron Triangle, North Belding Woods, Atchison Village, South Belding Woods, Santa Fe, Coronado, Marina Bay, and Point Richmond neighborhood areas.
Traffic Signs and Lines
Traffic Signs and Lines staff installed eight new signs and poles, fabricated nine signs, painted 351’ of curbs and zoning, and placed pavement markers such as stop bars, stop messages, and crosswalks throughout the City.

Pavement Marking Installation
New Sign Installation

New Sign and Pole Installation
Open Requests For Bids/Request For Proposals
Department |
Project |
Date Due |
Police Department |
Security Services -Civic Center RFP |
9/24/19 |
RichmondWORKS/ Employment and Training |
Contracting/Vendor Pay Agent |
9/30/19 |
Finance |
Uniform and Miscellaneous Rental Services |
10/4/19 |
Planning and Building Regulations |
On-call Civil Engineering, Land Surveying, and Civil & Land Development Plan Check and Inspection |
10/9/19 |
City Attorney |
CASp Access Inspections Accessible Richmond Small Business Initiative |
10/15/19 |
Police Department |
Automated License Plate Reader System |
10/17/19 |
Fire Rescue at the 500 block of Ohio Avenue
The Richmond Fire Department (RFD) responded to the 500 block of W. Ohio Avenue on Friday, September 13, 2019, for a construction worker suffering a medical emergency on the roof of a large commercial warehouse. The incident commander called for a rescue rope and stokes basket operation to safely remove the patient from the roof.
All Richmond firefighters are certified in low/high angle rope rescue operations and emergency medical care, which allowed for the safe removal and precise medical treatment for the patient.

September is National Preparedness Month
The Richmond Fire Department’s third installment of the Be Prepared, Not Scared program offers “Teach Youth to Prepare for Disasters”.
Week 3: September 15th – 21st: Teach Youth to Prepare for Disasters
Disasters happen everywhere, and every member of the family can prepare.
Preparedness for the future starts today.
Whether you’re a kid or teen yourself, a parent or loved one, or work with youth, Ready Kids has tools and information to help before, during and after disasters.
Learn more by clicking on https://www.ready.gov/kids and find more information about:
- Helping children cope when disaster strikes
- Know the facts and prepare for disasters in your area
- Recursos disponibles en español
Need more information? Contact the Richmond Fire Department, Office of Emergency Services at (510) 620-6866.

PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) and Fire Season
We are amid fire season through November 2019. To prevent wildland fires, such as 2018’s Camp Fire in Butte County and the 2017 Northern California Wine Country Fires, Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) is educating the public on the potential for Public Safety Power Shutoffs.
What is a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS)? As part of PG&E’s Community Wildfire Safety Program, PSPS are precautionary measures to help reduce the risk of wildfires. If gusty winds and dry conditions, combined with heightened fire risk, threaten the electric system service our community, it may be necessary for PG&E to turn off electricity in the interest of public safety. For more information about PG&E’s Public Safety Power Shutoff program, visit PG&E Webpage Public Safety Power Shutoffs.
Criteria for determining a public safety power shutoff:

When the above criteria are met, PG&E will provide notification to customers of a power shutoff:
- Forty-eight (48) hours before the shut-off.
- Twenty-four (24) hours before the shut-off
- One-hour (1) hour before a power shutoff.
The reason for multiple notifications is because of changing conditions that affect the location of a power shutoff event.
How do you prepare for a PSPS? California energy companies created a website our community can visit to learn how to prepare for power shutoffs, visit: PrepareforPowerDown website in which information is available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean.
Preparedness steps include:
- Update your contact information with PG&E (pge.com/mywildfirealerts or call 1-866-743-6589)
- Plan for any medical needs
- Keep a hard copy of emergency phone numbers on hand
- Know how to open your garage door manually
- Build or restock your emergency kit
- Ensure any backup generators are ready to operate
- Designate an emergency meeting location
- Consider staying with a friend or relative during an outage.
Website Statistics for the week of September 20, 2019



- Infrastructure Maintenance and Operations (DIMO)
Abatement crews abated weeds from various city-owned and private locations, installed a fence to prevent illegal parking/dumping on a vacant lot, and removed trash and graffiti from various locations.
Weed Abatement/Lot Clean-Up

Fence Installation
Illegal Dumping & Graffiti Removal
Code Enforcement
A collaborative effort was made by Code Enforcement, Richmond Police, Parking Enforcement, Abatement, Animal Control and local tow companies to bring two neighboring, chronically blighted properties into compliance. After weekly inspections and very little cooperation from the residents/owner to abate the violations, three warrants were obtained to abate the properties of their large accumulation of trash, illegal occupancy, and multiple inoperable vehicles. The end result was the removal of 11 truckloads of trash, two dogs, five inoperable vehicles, the recovery of a stolen U-Haul, and the securing of one of the properties.
Before After
Before After
Multiple Agencies Participating
Facilities Maintenance
Stationary engineers performed daily rounds in all Civic Center Plaza buildings, performed routine inspections and chemistry tests on three swimming pools, replaced the kitchen faucet at Fire Station 64, re-programmed the database on the building automation system, hung new fixtures at the Senior Center, installed a new ADA lift at the Richmond Swim Center, replaced a sink and kitchen faucet at the city-owned facility that houses the Men and Women of Valor organization, re-keyed rooms at Nevin Housing Authority, and installed shelving in the mechanical room at the Senior Center.

Replacing a Sink at Fire Station 64
Utility workers completed janitorial service to 20 city-owned buildings, conducted pest control at Fire Station 63, unclogged a toilet at the Plunge, and taped down rugs at the Employment & Training building.

Removing Debris at BART
Parks and Landscaping
General fund crews moved bleachers from Atchison Park to Booker T. Anderson Park, weeded and trimmed Nevin Park, Joanne Pathway, Martin Luther King Park, State Court Park, and traffic islands on 37th Street & Wall and Yuba Avenue & McBryde Avenue, repaired irrigation systems at Parchester Park, Lucas Park, South Side Park, and Cutting Boulevard right-of-ways, conducted pest control at North Richmond Ballfield and Hilltop Park, prepared LaMoine Park for a party on September 14th, weed-whipped Civic Center Plaza, repaired the fence at Harbor 8 and Cutting Meadow, and spiked and dragged baseball fields at Booker T. Anderson Park.
Weeding & Trimming
The tree trimming crew completed work at the following sites: 8th Street & Ripley Avenue, 811 Ripley Avenue, 1405 Burbeck Avenue, 1006 23rd Street, 2301 McBryde Avenue, 3033 Tulare Avenue, and 1611 Merced Street.

Tree Trimming at 2301 McBryde Avenue
Hilltop District crews mowed the turf and weeded at Country Club Vista Park and Bay Vista Park, abated weeds at Vista Del Mar Park and Hilltop Lake, trimmed trees at Hilltop Lake, started the revamping project on Hilltop Drive, and abated homeless encampments on San Pablo Avenue & Richmond Parkway and Richmond Parkway & Giant Road.
Marina District crews mowed lawns on all parks, hand-pulled weeds and trimmed shrubs on Esplanade Drive, continued irrigation repairs on the Bay Trail, removed dead or declining shrubs and abated weeds on the Bay Trail, and diagnosed irrigation issues at Marina Bay Park.

Hand-pulling weeds
- Library and Cultural Services Department
American Girl Doll Celebration at the Richmond Main Library

Richmond’s young library patrons are the beneficiaries of Piedmont California Girl Scout Troop #31765 2019 silver service project. Richmond Public Library received a donation of eight historical American Girl Dolls™ replete with storage cases, changes of clothes, books and journals. The project concluded on Saturday September 14, 2019, with a celebration and launch party held in the Library’s Whittlesey Room and hosted by the Scouts. Twenty-seven Richmond Library members enjoyed crafts and refreshments. Young patrons also learned that each doll represents an era of American history and that the books included with the dolls provide a glimpse into those time periods. Families may borrow a doll for two weeks. All of the dolls were claimed for the initial check out. Richmond Public Library is seeking additional American Girl™ doll donations, especially a boy doll, and modern dolls that represent our ethnically and culturally diverse community. We also welcome contributions to the repair and maintenance fund. Please contact Deborah Bonet, Librarian, (510) 620-6521, with questions.
Contra Costa County Census 2020 - Grant Funding Available for Outreach
Contra Costa County is excited to announce the release of the Contra Costa County Census 2020 Outreach and Assistance Grants Request for Proposal (RFP). We urge you to consider applying for a grant to support your work and to share the Census Outreach & Assistance Grants RFP with all tax-exempt organizations, schools, and public agencies who are working on Census 2020 outreach and awareness.
The County seeks to fund grantees that are committed to ensuring a complete count of County residents with an emphasis on Hard to Count populations. Grant amounts in phase one of the RFP released on September 3rd will range between $2,000 to $20,000 to support Census outreach and education in Contra Costa County.

The grant funding was approved by the Board of Supervisors based on the recommendation of the County’s Census 2020 Complete Count Steering Committee to invest in and support Census 2020 outreach and education efforts. The Complete Count Steering Committee was appointed by the Board of Supervisors to help ensure a fair and complete 2020 Census count.
“Contra Costa County is proud to support organizations that will mobilize our communities to ensure a complete count of all residents,” said Board Chair, Supervisor John Gioia. “A fair and accurate count is important to ensure that Contra Costa County gets its fair share of federal funding for vital services and infrastructure.”
Census data collected every 10 years is the source of important information for communities, businesses, and governments. Many households will begin receiving communications from the U.S. Census Bureau in March 2020. This Census count determines how many representatives each state has in Congress and how over $675 billion in federal funds are distributed to tribal, state and local governments each year to support education, infrastructure, and social services that are vital to our communities.
A George Washington University study estimates that for every person not counted, California and its local governments lose an estimated $2,000 a year per individual. Forty-two percent of Contra Costa County’s funding comes from federal and state resources.
To help support local organizations and agencies that are working to engage and promote the participation of all Contra Costa County residents, particularly in hard to count communities, the County released Phase 1 of the RFP for Census 2020 Outreach and Assistance Grants. Grant applications must be submitted by 5:00 P.M. on Monday, September 30, 2019, via email to Barbara.Riveira@cao.cccounty.us.
For more information about Contra Costa County’s Request for Proposals and its Census 2020 work and resources, visit www.contracosta.ca.gov/census2020. Questions about the RFP can be directed to Barbara Riveira, Office of the County Administrator, at (925) 335-1018.

North & East Neighborhood Community Picnic
The Annual North and East Neighborhood community picnic was in full effect on Saturday, September 13th. The Richmond Police Department’s Crime Prevention Team was there visiting with the neighbors, listening, providing crime prevention info, and enjoying the festivities—including sack races. The day featured info booths, including crime prevention, entertainment, and a kids’ zone. Great job by all the organizers putting it together!

Crime Prevention Banquet
On Saturday, October 19th, from 6:00 P.M. to 8:30 P.M., the Richmond Police Department’s Crime Prevention team will host a banquet to recognize members in the community.
We are currently looking for nominations! This nomination process is unique because the community has an opportunity to submit a nominee for the awards.
Please submit your online nomination form by following this link: https://ww04.elbowspace.com/secure/20150720135523393034
Online nomination mobile-friendly form link: https://ww04.elbowspace.com/secure/m20150720135523393034
If you'd like to fill out the paper form, please e-mail Mandy Swirsding mswirsding@richmondpd.net. The deadline is October 2, 2019 --- 5:00 P.M.
Awards will be presented in the following categories:
• Volunteer of the Year
• Police Officer of the Year (Individual officers only, no groups, please)
• Neighborhood Watch Group of the Year
• Business Watch Group of the Year

Become a Richmond Promise Mentor!
Interested in supporting a Richmond student through college? Richmond Promise is expanding its mentorship program and seeking individuals who can support our Scholars in their academic, personal, and career success.
Building on the success of our 2018-19 mentor pilot program, we aim to match mentors and mentees for the 2020-21 academic year. This goal is dependent on mentee/mentor interest and mutual fit.
The time commitment for mentors is approximately one hour per month starting in August 2019 with a minimum of a one-year commitment. If the mentee is based outside of the Bay Area, the interaction will be virtual.
If you're interested, please complete the mentor interest form at bit.ly/RichMentor20
For questions, email bquarles@richmondpromise.org

Support the Richmond Promise at Promisenet 2019!
Here at the Richmond Promise, we are thrilled to be hosting the PromiseNet 2019 national conference in partnership with Contra Costa Community College District and UC Berkeley Division of Equity and Inclusion.
The two-day conference, Bridges to Opportunity, held November 4th & 5th at UC Berkeley, will build on more than a decade of PromiseNet convenings and bring together hundreds of mission-aligned education and civic leaders, policy makers, practitioners, philanthropists, and researchers from across the country. Since the first PromiseNet was held in Kalamazoo in 2008 these gatherings have sparked ideas, energy and action to strengthen and build the Promise movement.
We anticipate 400-500 attendees, including regional Promise initiatives such as Berkeley, Oakland, San Francisco, Stockton, and Richmond that collectively support thousands of Bay Area students through post-secondary degrees and into the workforce each year.
We hope to have strong Richmond and West County representation. Listen to this message from our Scholars, and confirm your spot and RSVP Today!

Cutting/Carlson & Hoffman Wet Weather Improvement Projects
Project work continues and is forecasted to finish in September 2019. Sewer work has completed at an easement located in private property near Hoffman Boulevard and Marina Way South.

Pouring concrete in the forms for the sidewalk, curb and gutter restoration.

Restoration of driveway slab to access the sewer line running through the easement.
Expose Two Discharge Pipes and Temporary 8” Sludge Pipe Line Installation

Removal of steel plates over the pipe tunnel on the north side of the Sludge Control Building.

Proposed point of connection for the temporary 8” sludge pipeline, within the pipe tunnel on the north side of the sludge control building.

Proposed points of connection for the temporary 8” sludge pipeline on the south side of Digester #3.
Environmental Compliance Group
On September 4, 2019, the City of Richmond Water Resource Recovery and Engineering Department responded to an EBMUD water main break on the 2500 block of Macdonald Avenue. The main break resulted in a sink hole and sent several thousands of gallons of water down the City’s streets spanning three blocks.

The sink hole and water main lines have since been repaired and the City’s street has been restored.

Sewer Lateral Grant Program
The City of Richmond’s Water Resource Recovery Department administers the Sewer Lateral Grant Program. The program reimburses eligible homeowners in the Richmond Municipal Sewer District (RMSD No. 1) for some of the cost to replace their sewer lateral.
The program is open and accepting applications for the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year.
For more information about the Sewer Lateral Grant Program, please visit www.ci.richmond.ca.us/2130/Sewer-Lateral-Grant-Program or call (510) 620-6594.
Thank you for keeping up with the activities in the City of Richmond. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.
Thank You!
Steven Falk
Interim City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512
You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting: www.ci.richmond.ca.us/list.aspx
See below for options to connect with the City of Richmond.
Connecting with the City of Richmond
Using the City of Richmond Mobile Application:
The City of Richmond mobile app provides Richmond’s community members with one-stop access to City services and information via mobile devices. The app allows quick and real-time reporting of neighborhood-related issues; viewing the City’s events calendar; finding addresses and phone numbers of local businesses, city departments and council members. The City of Richmond’s mobile phone app is available on the Apple App store and Google Play store.
We welcome your comments at webservices@ci.richmond.ca.us

To contact us by phone:
The City’s website (http://www.ci.richmond.ca.us/) provides a department and staff directory at http://www.ci.richmond.ca.us/Directory.aspx.
If you’re not sure which department you need to contact, we encourage you to phone the City Manager’s office at (510) 620-6512.
Using the CORConnect Application on the City’s Website:
You can use the CORConnect button on the City’s website (http://www.ci.richmond.ca.us/) to report any comments, questions or concerns regarding the work being done by City staff. The CORConnect issues go directly to the responsible department, and the city manager reviews reported issues on a regular basis to determine if City staff members are responding appropriately. If you do not feel that you have received a satisfactory response, please contact the City Manager’s Office at (510) 620-6512.
To access CORConnect select the CORConnect button on the homepage of the City website.

Alternatively, you can select the COR Connect button on any other webpage on the left hand side of the page.

On the next screen under Report an Issue select Report Issue/Concern to create a report or Search Issue/Concerns to look up a previously reported issue. You can also look up previously submitted issues to check on the current status if you provided you name, phone number or email when you submitted it.

On the page, you can also look up information on a parcel, see permits issued and look up business license information. If you have a current business license you can pay to renew it online with a credit card.
The recommended browsers are: Microsoft Edge, or Microsoft Internet Explorer version 11 using the compatibility mode. It can be found in the upper
right corner of Internet Explorer: click on the "gear" icon and select Compatibility View Settings, then add the site to the list and click "Close".
The City of Richmond is looking forward to feedback from the community on CORConnect. We welcome your comments at webservices@ci.richmond.ca.us
Irene Perdomo
Executive Assistant to the City Manager
City Manager’s Office
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, CA 94804
Email: Irene_Perdomo@ci.richmond.ca.us
Direct: 510-621-1264
Main: 510-620-6512 |