Equipping Richmond Communities for Lasting Mobility
Rubicon’s vision is an East Bay without poverty. Its program model equips participants for long-term economic mobility through guided participation and achievement in four areas: Income, Assets, Wellness, and Community Connections. Allison Thurman will share how the Rubicon model works from the perspective of a program participant.
The Rotary Club of Richmond meets at the Richmond Country Club, 1 Markovitch Lane, Richmond. Meetings are Friday 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm unless otherwise noted (see https://richmondcarotary.org).
$20 includes lunch and speaker.
Visitors welcome. If you are not a Rotarian and would like more information or to RSVP, contact info@richmondcarotary.org.
Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change
— across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves
Jan Brown, 2019-2020 President
Rotary Club of Richmond California
mobile: 510-541-2141
Dec. 13, 2019 • Annual Holiday Auction
Jan. 25, 2020 - Annual Crab Feed
April 4, 2020 • 100th Anniversary Dinner
