The Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors is seeking two individuals with sound knowledge and experience in the field of public and private finance, to serve on the Treasury Oversight Committee (Committee), one for the Board of Supervisor Appointee seat and the other for the Board of Supervisor Appointee Alternate seat representing the County Board of Supervisors.
The Committee meets at 3:00 p.m. on the third Tuesday of the month following each quarter at 625 Court St, Room B001, Martinez, CA 94553. Each meeting lasts approximately one hour. The Committee’s duties include reviewing and monitoring the County Treasurer’s annual investment policy, and ensuring an annual audit is conducted to determine the County Treasurer is in compliance with Government Code §§27130-27137.
More information about the Treasury Oversight Committee can be obtained by calling Russell Watts at (925) 975-2888 or visiting the Treasurer-Tax Collector’s website at |