Saturday, January 26 is the most important election you've (probably) never heard of -- it’s your chance to have a say in the direction of California's Democratic Party. On January 26th Democrats from across #AD15 will cast their votes for who will represent our district as delegates to the California Democratic Party.
I want the state Democratic Party to reflect OUR values, which is why I’m asking you and other politically engaged people I know to come to Emeryville on Saturday the 26th to vote for the Union of Progressive Leaders slate to be our delegates. I’m joining with State Senator Nancy Skinner and Assemblymember Buffy Wicks to support these 14 exceptional people to serve as the delegates for our district:

Can you commit to joining us to vote for your delegates in Emeryville on the morning of Saturday, January 26th?
These local leaders represent eight unions and make up a diverse coalition of activists, social workers, parents, and elected officials who are leading the charge to reform criminal justice, fully fund schools, protect our environment, and empower working-class families, women, and communities of color.
Where: Emeryville Center for Community Life Gym. 1100 47th St. Emeryville, CA. The gym is located at the corner of San Pablo & 47th St.
When: Saturday, January 26th. Voting begins at 10:30am and ends at 12:30pm (you must be in line by 12:30pm to vote)
P.S. Here’s some additional important info:
Voters must live in AD 15. If you need help getting to and from the venue, email Maky Peters at and she will can help you find transportation.
If you are neither registered to vote, nor registered as a Democrat, you can easily register for both on the day of the election beginning at 10:30am. There is no need to stay the entire time. Once you get your ballot, you can fill it out immediately, and turn it in at the ballot box. |